Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Naphthalene Purification Gray Color

are a disgrace. _.

just a little post to talk the matter over to worldwide :

ARE A misfortune!

no nothing serious ... I just disgraced spent a lot of money on comic books ... I could not buy this-one-and-that ... well ... I gnawed too that there was the No. 3 and then Wish I vented with other series ... I am officially self-punching in the face ç_ç

now I try to hold out until September ... uh ... we do until the second week September. _.

my not know, if anke happen sooner or later ... because I have to deliver the credit card slip to his dad ... shit ... we should be until mid-September ° _ °

cmq , panic attacks aside, I bought a bed-finished "the thief of a thousand faces" , CLAMP is ... troooppo carinooo feat. * _ * puccioso pity that CLAMP have axes to leave it shrouded in mystery and things like that ... the manga consists of two volumes, but there are still things I want tantizzime, indeed I sapereeee! * Me depressed. _. *

now I am continuing the series of "Sakura" ... I arrived at 9, and that means that I miss ... and after only three volumes? NEXT? as I do without my love Touya?? today is not just the ninth day, so 'depressaaaaa! ç__ç

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