Thursday, August 24, 2006

Mileage Plus Calculator

Bye bye Pluto ç_ç

Prague, August 24 (AKI) - Pluto is no longer a planet. The International Astronomical Union in Prague during the Congress adopted a new definition to exclude clubs from the celestial body discovered in 1930 and lowers the number of planets in our solar system to eight.

The historic decision came after a debate that lasted several years and is not intended to exhaust itself. The new definition recognizes as planets, as distinguished from asteroids, comets and moons, all objects with sufficient mass to have become a spherical shape thanks to the shaping of their gravity and orbiting a star and not to another planet (Charon orbit around the sun and Pluto, which is superficially considered a moon, as the center of gravity with the planet is not in it but along the axis connecting the two bodies). Dozens of celestial bodies could meet the required criteria such as UB313 was discovered in 2003.

The community of astronomers, composed of 19 researchers and chaired by Owen Gingerich (but not twenty men are a bit 'too few to decide something so important ?°_°) Has therefore decided that from today will be allowed eight planets in our solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune. The need to introduce a formal definition of planet was revealed several years ago after the discovery of a group of asteroids beyond the orbit of Pluto, smaller and less massive that the other planets in our solar system, so he applied for the position to fall under the so-called Kuiper Belt where the elements are similar.

However, since its discovery in the thirties of last century, Pluto has always been different. (eh poor pluto, not his fault ç_ç) Size and mass less than the eight others, and much more elliptical orbit. For this two years ago after a provocative exhibition at the Museum of Natural Sciences in New York, which was separated from the others, the International Astronomical Union had established a committee to clarify the nature of Pluto, through the formalization of a definition of planet. The committee has also proposed the establishment of plutonium, a subcategory of planets follow their orbits around the sun in over 200 years (ie, external to Neptune) and have highly elliptical orbits, properties considered''interesting from a scientific as they suggest sources different from those of the classical planets.''


eh anke well ... they will have their valid reasons ... But I am left to poop ° _ ° before deceive me with "caronte traghettaore-the-hell-" and then I downgraded the king of hell ... fuck. _.
Porino, not her fault if she was little and a little '* weird *... was a guy outside the lines ... well, from their sockets. _. xò puccioso was not it? that tiny blue dot at the end of the solar system ... sisi ... uh ... right there where the sun does not beat ^ ^;
Porino makes me almost worth ç_ç

talking about something else ...

this evening we saw "The Brothers Grimm and the beautiful witch" ... the film itself was not a pearl, laugh xò ... you could probably be done better but it's all part of the "style" of the film xò ...^^
xò I loved in a strategic manner fangirl Heath Ledger (as today about him ... ^ ^) is too clumsy-Puccio *____________*
want an avatar of the heath cuffiettaaaaa * O *
mmmh I would say is that we rolled with laughter while watching ... then we have cried out in a shocking scene where a poor white kitten so Teneriello was a horrible end ... and my father hath been pissed as hell and came into our room that looked like the Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow ... osp ° _ °

uhm. .. I want to play is coming to the sims2 and doing the "skin" of 30STM ... uff ... I'm falling back into the tunnel ... I know that if I open again the game will be the end for my poor brain cells ... but I Tirta I claim claim ... slash ... help ... I'm going crazy. _.


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