Thursday, August 31, 2006

Peeing Often And Headache

[Manga] Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle vol 1.1

I just finished reading the first chapter of TRC! **
tomorrow's second xk are now too tired to continue reading _-_
cmq, I really like the manga ** despite being a bit 'messed up (and scanlations a bit' ugly but oh well. _.)
to be honest are not very used to the * new * TRC Sakura ... this seems to me ... I do not know ... ... boh strange, maybe I just have to make us a little 'habit ^ ^;
instead Touya and Yukito are always so pucci ... and finally here are the beginning ... "Touya * Call * after all we're childhood friends, Yuki ... " aaaaaw! ragazzooo love this! *_________*

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cmq Wednesday I returned to comics [birthday has its aspects positiviii $ _ $] and I made new stocks:
- Magic Knight Rayearth [1,2,3 - first series]
- Rex [volume one ^ ^ ]
- Clamp Campus Detective [1,2,4 - full set]
now have a Clamp Addict, I have no hopes * __ * cmq and, finally, [and of course within budget spending limits I I was fixed. _.] I took anke
- Why I Like You, by the same author of marmelade boy ... are two volumes of which was released only on 1 ... xò I had seen the presentation on the second issue of Fullmetal Alchemist ... and I immediately fell in love the main character ... I know, they are without hope ... and I can not resist men pucciosi with glasses * _ *

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strapuccioso is not what to say ...? * _ *

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Mileage Plus Calculator

Bye bye Pluto ç_ç

Prague, August 24 (AKI) - Pluto is no longer a planet. The International Astronomical Union in Prague during the Congress adopted a new definition to exclude clubs from the celestial body discovered in 1930 and lowers the number of planets in our solar system to eight.

The historic decision came after a debate that lasted several years and is not intended to exhaust itself. The new definition recognizes as planets, as distinguished from asteroids, comets and moons, all objects with sufficient mass to have become a spherical shape thanks to the shaping of their gravity and orbiting a star and not to another planet (Charon orbit around the sun and Pluto, which is superficially considered a moon, as the center of gravity with the planet is not in it but along the axis connecting the two bodies). Dozens of celestial bodies could meet the required criteria such as UB313 was discovered in 2003.

The community of astronomers, composed of 19 researchers and chaired by Owen Gingerich (but not twenty men are a bit 'too few to decide something so important ?°_°) Has therefore decided that from today will be allowed eight planets in our solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune. The need to introduce a formal definition of planet was revealed several years ago after the discovery of a group of asteroids beyond the orbit of Pluto, smaller and less massive that the other planets in our solar system, so he applied for the position to fall under the so-called Kuiper Belt where the elements are similar.

However, since its discovery in the thirties of last century, Pluto has always been different. (eh poor pluto, not his fault ç_ç) Size and mass less than the eight others, and much more elliptical orbit. For this two years ago after a provocative exhibition at the Museum of Natural Sciences in New York, which was separated from the others, the International Astronomical Union had established a committee to clarify the nature of Pluto, through the formalization of a definition of planet. The committee has also proposed the establishment of plutonium, a subcategory of planets follow their orbits around the sun in over 200 years (ie, external to Neptune) and have highly elliptical orbits, properties considered''interesting from a scientific as they suggest sources different from those of the classical planets.''


eh anke well ... they will have their valid reasons ... But I am left to poop ° _ ° before deceive me with "caronte traghettaore-the-hell-" and then I downgraded the king of hell ... fuck. _.
Porino, not her fault if she was little and a little '* weird *... was a guy outside the lines ... well, from their sockets. _. xò puccioso was not it? that tiny blue dot at the end of the solar system ... sisi ... uh ... right there where the sun does not beat ^ ^;
Porino makes me almost worth ç_ç

talking about something else ...

this evening we saw "The Brothers Grimm and the beautiful witch" ... the film itself was not a pearl, laugh xò ... you could probably be done better but it's all part of the "style" of the film xò ...^^
xò I loved in a strategic manner fangirl Heath Ledger (as today about him ... ^ ^) is too clumsy-Puccio *____________*
want an avatar of the heath cuffiettaaaaa * O *
mmmh I would say is that we rolled with laughter while watching ... then we have cried out in a shocking scene where a poor white kitten so Teneriello was a horrible end ... and my father hath been pissed as hell and came into our room that looked like the Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow ... osp ° _ °

uhm. .. I want to play is coming to the sims2 and doing the "skin" of 30STM ... uff ... I'm falling back into the tunnel ... I know that if I open again the game will be the end for my poor brain cells ... but I Tirta I claim claim ... slash ... help ... I'm going crazy. _.

Sample Opening Prayers For Debuts

"super-guys-masked" addicted * _ *

I saw Batman Begins ...
I discovered I love Christian Bale ... his voice ... and his body * ç *
and I want to clarify that ... uh ... admiration is not due to the fact that I and my idolatry friends for months now the "statue of the god-size Batman * * only natural that the hall is the comic (now you understand xk we go there every week? XD) ... uh ... I mean, maybe it for this but ... I want Christian Bale and / or Batman or Bruce Wayne HERE !!!*___________*
immediately (of course the same goes for Brandon Routh and / or Superman ... but not Clark Kent * _ *)
the world needs heroes to keep going
criminals need to be thrown into the superhero style
women need superheroes at least have the excuse to get into trouble
frustrated housewives have bisgono of superhero ... er ... oh well you got it right?
is why I have to turn immediately, immediately, instantly Movie about these men so much * _ * pucciosi who sweat seven shirts to avoid being sgam but coming at the end of film, torn between his sense of duty and love, end up revealing their true identity to the beautiful turn (pretty sure that Superman had taken a few days off and was replaced by a certain BBB ._.). .. but since this double life could endanger the life of this mysterious beauty reluctantly taken the decision to sacrifice their feelings for the greater good: the justice (Porino, in the case of Superman ... well I would have also understood ... spend a lifetime with the * better *... kryptonite !!!)...
certain that in the long run 'sti end a bit bored' ... in fact, first, that as I watched the Man-Bat, I imagined a different version of the final scene, the type ...
Rachel: "Bruce ... during these years I thought a lot about you ... us ... everyone thought I was dead, but I ... I ... in my heart, took his hand and 'rests on the roof ... er ... on the heart-I always knew I could not have done so ... and finally ... after all this time-is-close ... but now I've missed you ... you're back ... it could be business as usual ... and it does not matter if you do later in the evening xk a criminal gang has robbed a bank o. .. "
Bruce: ".... um ... Rachel ... "
Rachel: "No let me finish ... it does not matter if every time the bad guy will try to kill me to get to you ... no matter that hordes of frustrated women chase you tearing bits of costume ... do not ... xk I care ... I love you ... I've always loved ...- mega-splash of fake eyelashes "
Bruce:" ... um ... Rachel ... "
Rachel:" Siiiii? "
Bruce:" well .. . here, you see ... over the years, these seven years ... I've got to look inside myself, to look inside my heart, e. .. "
Rachel:" siiiiiiiiiii?!? "
Bruce" Rachel I ... "Rachel
: "*________*"
Bruce:" I am gay "
Rachel:" ... doh-die-"
well ... maybe it's a bit 'drastic as the end .. . but at least it's not original? ° _ °

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Naphthalene Purification Gray Color

are a disgrace. _.

just a little post to talk the matter over to worldwide :

ARE A misfortune!

no nothing serious ... I just disgraced spent a lot of money on comic books ... I could not buy this-one-and-that ... well ... I gnawed too that there was the No. 3 and then Wish I vented with other series ... I am officially self-punching in the face ç_ç

now I try to hold out until September ... uh ... we do until the second week September. _.

my not know, if anke happen sooner or later ... because I have to deliver the credit card slip to his dad ... shit ... we should be until mid-September ° _ °

cmq , panic attacks aside, I bought a bed-finished "the thief of a thousand faces" , CLAMP is ... troooppo carinooo feat. * _ * puccioso pity that CLAMP have axes to leave it shrouded in mystery and things like that ... the manga consists of two volumes, but there are still things I want tantizzime, indeed I sapereeee! * Me depressed. _. *

now I am continuing the series of "Sakura" ... I arrived at 9, and that means that I miss ... and after only three volumes? NEXT? as I do without my love Touya?? today is not just the ninth day, so 'depressaaaaa! ç__ç

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Friday, August 18, 2006

Yeast Infectionbleeding xkelorosiamano Happy!

many wishes [info] just_chiara !!!!!!!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Cancel A Revocable Trust

[MOVIE] Superman Returns

I just saw the preview of Superman ...
leave comments on Bosworth at the end ...
I really liked the movie ... oh my God, is not very original in terms of angles and twists, I was expecting a bit 'more by Mr. Singer but oh well, in general the film is funny, moving and touching (no, I did not cry XD) ...
actors were really good, especially Brandon Routh, or quest'omino here ... strapuccioso in the role of Super Man has two eyes .. fawn is a desire to go there and scrambled to cuddle till you drop ... cmq ** er, I said ... yes, ... reads well and makes good on the screen * ç *
anke Kevin Spacey has been wonderful ... fantastic in the role of Lex Luthor **
special effects were well done but discreet, no warning and not weighed on the vision of film ...
the script was fantastic ... full of jokes and quotes two-way
XD ... and now I know what I'm writing is not from me, but when it takes it takes ...
the Bosworth surprised me ... in a positive way ... I mean ... hell, you know acting. _. or rather ... does so much trouble as before (help, I feel I'm about to vomit ç_ç) ... cmq irritates me that the less you in superman dunst in spiderman! ° _ °
and then eventually, when the credits ...

"in memory of Christopher Reeve ..."

a beautiful tribute ç__ç
I would say in conclusion, HERE trovatea figosa poster * __ *

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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Free Fluid Douglas Pouch

[MOVIE] Brokeback Mountain

just a little something before going to sleep ...
but how beautiful is this poster? I adore with all my heart ... is that yesterday I saw the Christ BBM, I will close my heart was again in the scene "would have been different, but now we've got left is Brokeback Mountain." ... .. will not know, I do not know ...
... and I'm lost again to dream of flying between those immense clouds white of Wyoming, to touch them and hug you ... that the words unspoken, the silence and the looks of two men who love each other are worth much more than a thousand beats a screenplay ...

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Heart Touching Quotes

shopping addicted. _. But

yesterday I went downtown with [info] miriel_ithilien ... I saw a cute sweater at Benetton in Sulmona and saw that I was not able to buy it there I decided to go in benetton in my town to see if there ...
know what it means to have in my hands a piece of plastic? here is what was said ... I feel the sweater immediately thrown back on the shelf a bit 'badly and there we are left the store in search of something better ...
at this point I must make a preliminary uu
ferragosto ... I hate having said that ...
course 3 / 4 of the downtown shops were closed for holidays until 19 ... natural thing, of course, just ... that sucks! ç_ç
anke after discovering that the pizzeria where * we * wanted to eat a piece of pizza was closed we went to McDonald's (thanks to a fantastic lighting sisi Cri ... I was so depressed now that I could not think of ._.)... anything before going to dinner, we entered into another clothing store (I was always skeptical of how depressed-type "but nooo come on, so this will be closed anke ... go to dinner I'm hungry ç_ç ") * that * thankfully was open (it was 7 and closed alle7.30 ... but he was open *_*)... we jumped in and we have given to the mad joy * _ * La Sista
bought a beige jacket, and I got a purple and lilac striped sweater (if I had not picked up a sweater I think that yesterday would be crazy XD **) and a fabulous scarf ... always striped with purple and blue at the ends pompom and two soft strapucciosi *_______*
know, is August 15 but I do not care if the clothes I bought were a bit 'off-season * * (I said I hate this day, no?)
Wednesday ... we must return xk * want * a t-shirt strapuccia (Always striped lilac and purple XD) Hachi-style, I want to put my ... "comply anke if you think about it if the weather continues like this I think I will agree to put the sweater and scarf rather than the t-shirt. Strunz ..! . _.

Monday, August 7, 2006

Free Kates Playground Mobile


[home of Miri]
saaalve ^ ^ but right now I'm posting from home Miriel's sister, she is running out to pack xk in the early afternoon we leave to return to my home in Perugia ...
Yesterday we went to a demonstration Tolkien, the Ring Borghi, and with some 'friends of sist we participated in the hunt tesssoro ... no comment .___. XD
there were six trials to overcome, but needless to say that we are managed to complete only 4. _.
[home of Gil]
uh ... we just arrived ^ ^ said ...
of tests we made 4 of 6 ... but random, tests for the side of good, or ours, were insanely evil bastard è_é while they were pussies and easy ... the fuck-_-
Next time, well let us see the dark side groped uu sisi

cmq, we had fun tanitizzimo the same ... our group, for hunting Tessore, called " The Royal Society of Gondor and the Two Balrog "[read: vegale the company and the two Gondova balvog uu] ...
Among the evidence that we faced There was a bastarderrima ... not crap! anagram of the initials had a lot of names of plants, herbs & co ... for about a character in LOTRO, Ioreth the "seer" of Gondor, as she called to say that we hated ... is short. Luckily we had
GPRS technology on our side (which is it? "Was written on the rules set out not to kill, not to not look up the info gooooogle ._.), anke if the chick in the end gave us only 2 points ... poor Strunz!
-_-But the ultimate test was to reconstruct the puzzle of the walls of Minas Tirith ... because the simple things we do not like that much, after putting together the pieces we realized that we were doing the opposite ... doh! ° _ ° The helper on duty this time it was Gandalf the White ... luckily he was a little nicer, but also compassionate and gave us 3 punticino ... despite our attempts at corruption. _. To our joy
sum * * at the end of the hunt, during the awards ceremony, we found that even a group of Gondor was ranked among the top 5 ... damn. _.
been destroyed emotionally, physically and above all we consoled with the Hobbit snack ... then we decided to stay in villages anke after dinner to attend a concert of Irish music ... the concert of course we have not seen, but only After dinner we had Pikk friendship with the boys in the Sackville family, or the organizers of the event ... we started talking (and complaining about the treasure hunt. _.) ... all the comics, the world, through horror movies, facing a debate on the qualities of an actor Orlando Bloom compared with those of Bosworth and concludes with:
Faramir aka Manuel: "... but what do you have against Viggo Mortensen?"
Fedi: "uh ... no no, we're just a bit 'stupid XD"
Cry "already uu"
Wedding & Cri: * shudder *
Faramir: "I knew you, but you did not answer Oo"
* this will be one of the existential questions of man. _. * *
brrrrivido NdFedi

& Cri * And finally ... here's the beauty in our new, original , motto:


Friday, August 4, 2006

Is It Normal To Be A Furry

^ ^ [QUIZZES] Dir En Grey **

Which Dir en Grey Member Are You?
Take this
"I can resolve the story now and it's not as fun as it was before because I finally reached a decision and I think some people will hate and others will love it, but it is as it should be."

"We are working to that end I always planned but a couple of characters who I thought would survive have died and one character is saved," he said, without adding details.
Asked about the idea of killing the main characters in a novel, the writer says: "I understand why an author can kill a character from the point of view of not allowing others to continue writing after his death," he Rowling said, suggests that Harry could die. Claudia Parsons
by what (not) I read sull'hpuf (xk I did not want XD) is that two characters will die of the good (and ron or hermione or ginny for me .... .. or cho **)... the last chapter has been written for a while 'so it is useless to put themselves to make impromptu qst. _. for me, if anke recently I have fond to quell'ameba scarred with glasses, would be a good ending ... to die after defeating voldecoso potty, then oh well ... I mean ... so one of my favorite characters have already killed me, enough to make anke dying moon then the system I uu

Wednesday, August 2, 2006

Kristina Aguilera Boobs

[Hp-News] JK ... Do not kill Harry Potter (._.)

dollina made a few weeks ago, before leaving ... sisi, me coming back for inspiration to finish the half blood prince ... maybe it's the right time, if anke There are more oriented to the real world of manga ... ok, so I've already read the book, I did not rush XP

and now ... this is my new obsession ... Cardcaptor Sakura is a great manga ... I devoured the first volume and I can not wait to be able to take anke Wednesday for the second (and maybe the third anke **) I love the style of CLAMP, but especially love the fact that in every manga there is always a thin layer of shounen-ai ... sisi anke Sakura in the anime ... italia1 not notice much (ehm. .. um ... I am a hopeless case, so it was natural that I saw everywhere slash **), but in the manga, especially in the final volume, everything is much clearer **