Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Why Are Black Peoples Eyes Yellow

fanfiction - Step Back - ( Chapter 58) Michael Phelps

Chapter 58

Baltimore (MD )

Apartment Michael Phelps

April 1, 2011


"Michael, are you here?"

Ryan's voice was heard just at the bottom of the stairs, muffled by the sense of guilt and fear that his friend had not forgiven him for the madness in Mexico. It had been three months since the death of Rebecca and had not yet found the courage to speak to him alone.

"Your mother made me come in and said ...." He paused. "Catherine?" exclaimed, surprised to find it in Michael's room.

"Hello, Doggie. Nice jacket, "he said, smiling through gritted teeth to hide the embarrassment. Anyway, jackets Ryan was always a plausible excuse for a sarcastic comment.

The woman sitting on the bed, wiped the tears quickly not to let him know that he wept.

Michael, kneeling in front of the cabinet, was emptying some boxes and carefully folded the women's clothes in the drawers.

Ryan did not understand.

"I'm going," said Catherine, putting on his coat and left on the mattress, clutching a letter in his hands.

"Hey, Cathy!"

The woman seemed in awe watching him.

"Thank you for ..." put eyes on the letter, 'Well, you know what. The past no longer matters, "he said interrupting his work, his hands stuffed into one of those boxes.

She nodded, relieved. As if those words had lifted a huge weight from my heart. Then he went out, leaving him alone with Ryan.

"What's going on?" He asked, hands on hips, frowning. He approached his friend to look at what he was doing. He stuck his nose in one of the many boxes cardboard were scattered 'everywhere.

"Who is this stuff?" He asked curiously.

"By Rebecca" replied the other, gelandolo.

"But ..."

"Quiet, Doggie. I'm not crazy, if that's what you're thinking. "

Ryan raised an eyebrow, thinking about what to say.

I terminated the lease of his apartment and brought all his things to me. My closet is big enough and I want to make room for his clothes. He opened a drawer with one hand and gathered her underwear in one half, to accommodate to Becky in the other.

Ryan stared at him worried. What he was doing made no sense and certainly was not the best way to overcome the past.

"I Explain why you do it? "

" You know, Doggie, "he said with equanimity," I took a long time to get there, but now I have no doubt. "

"On what? I do not understand. "

"I never should have let her return to London. I had to put it on the damn plane, tie if necessary, and force her to leave with me. This is his home. And his stuff should be here with me. "

Michael's voice sounded so strong, she got up the courage to contradict him.

"Sorry, my fault," admitted a rueful scratching his cheek with her nails.

The friend put a hand on his shoulder. "But I'm glad you are well. I could not bear to lose you too. "

Ryan swallowed hard, holding my Magone. And if it was not a twenty-five male, terribly proud, perhaps you would let go, showing a bit 'of emotion.

"And then remember that you and I have still a matter pending. Am I wrong or I need a couple of world records mixed? "

" Anytime, friend. " The challenge raised a corner of his mouth. It was nice to see who could still play, despite everything.

At one point, he noticed the corner of a suitcase by the door.

"going somewhere?"

"San Fernando".

He opened his mouth.

"Where? Would you repeat it? "

" You have understood perfectly. I go to Mexico and I will not preach. Above all, not you. "

Ryan rubbed his temples, trying to remain calm and address the issue with clarity, because if he left the instinct would speak on the floor, making it dry with a punch.

"What the fuck are you going to do in that shithole?"

He repented colorful expression, but the memories we had were not related to that country of the best.

"I need you to do me a favor. I asked Debbie to deal with Alec, but I would be much quieter if you keep an eye on him. My mother can be a tad stifling if you need. What about moving to my house for a while '? "

There was a moment of silence.

"You're asking me to live with your mother?"

Michael laughed, noting the pale skin of his forehead and slightly pearly.

'Well, if so you want to see it. "

"Oh, Mike! For the kid that's no problem, but I want to know what goes through your head! Next, Spit it out. "

swimmer closed the locker and pressed his feet to throw the empty boxes for them.

"You knew that I had written a letter?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I was drugged that first night we met and then had the nerve to hurt me."

Ryan looked at him bewildered, completely unaware of what he was saying.

"Read" she said handing him the letter that Catherine had left him on the bed.

"E 'Cathy was to give it to me this afternoon."

"What?" She said biting her lip nervously. "How the hell did you find it? And if you knew that you had not doped in Manchester, because he did not say anything? ". The sweaty palms itched uncomfortably's and had a great desire to lead hands. Or worse.

"Calm down, Doggie."

"Calm down? That bitch has fucked up the lives of Rebecca and ... "

Michael silenced him with a nod.

"It's not his fault. He was at home, in the days following my return from England. He had lost his mind, because I had left for Becky and wanted to make me pay. "

Ryan grabbed a pillow and threw it against the window with a football.

"How can you ask me to stay calm! That bitch has left us to believe they did not know the truth! Cavic and I have risked my life to discover, when she already knew everything! "growled with anger.

"Not so. Not exactly, at least. "

Ryan was confused.

"Catherine did not trust Rebecca and feared that in the letter just telling other lies. Can you blame her? Becky has always lied to me. Forever. "

"Mike, but ..."

"He decided to help only to find out if what he had told Becky it was true. Cathy wanted to seriously find evidence to frame Yusupov. And after his death, she lacked the courage to let me read. Until now. "

Ryan sat on the bed, throwing himself backward. Given that history had brought out the worst in all of them, forcing them to fight, lie and hate. She wanted back his twenties, he wanted to be able to get drunk at pool parties and to the judge to vote for the most beautiful girl in wet t-shirt.

Clear your mind and go surfing on the waves of the ocean. But most of all wanted to forget Rebecca, because she was not able to manage its memory.

He had lost a person who was very fond of.

was tired and was tired of all this rancor.

"Why are you leaving for Mexico? Come on, let it go. "

"Ryan, I wish it still tells me what happened that night. "

The boy frowned. "I did it a thousand times. I spoke with the police, and you and every damn lawyer who asked me to do it! "

" What I've said is not enough for me! I want to know how she died. "


began to get nervous. Again with the memory those moments exposed him to the emotions that he could not control. "She was shot, Mike! A nice bullet hole in the middle of the temples. That 's what you want to hear, "asked the jaw contracted.

"You were with her when she closed her eyes?"

"Michael, stop!" He exclaimed, raising his voice.


He rose from the bed and looked him straight in the eye. "No, they brought in the next room. I heard her cry, then a gunshot, and every sound has stopped, "she whispered trying to speak. "She's gone, you have to do with it a reason."

"I can not, not yet. I want to know who killed her. "

There was a pause of silence.

"One night I dreamed. It 'happened months ago, "Michael said, clearing his voice to try to regain control over their nerves. Feel that the story annihilated, every time.

"Hmm ... talk about Becky?"

"Yeah. He told me not to look for it. To let her go away. "

Ryan stood up. Seriously.

"Maybe you should listen to her," he said in one breath, embittered by that speech that he wanted to close soon.

"It 's because of what I said I want to go."

took a deep breath.

"Hell, Doggie! And 'since I know that I give you a straight. I've believed in Geneva when he pretended not to know or Washington, he shouted in his face contempt when in fact he loved me. He told me doped Manchester, pretended to have called with Cavic ... and they were all lies. And I, like an idiot, I have always believed! It 'not my fault if she's dead. "

"Do not tell. You know that's not true. "

The boy put on his sunglasses, threw his jacket over his shoulder and grabbed the suitcase.

"He asked me to let her go, but I know which is not what he wants. This time I'm not going to believe her. Now we will do things my way. "

grabbed the car keys and headed to the airport.



Airport San Fernando

April 6, 2011

12.00 am

"SeƱor Phelps? Por favor, on this side. Agent Campbell is waiting. " A young woman with strong features, the international arrivals waiting for him as planned.

Within minutes they arrived at their destination.

When Michael stepped into the room where they had an appointment, Robert knew that without him the young assistant indicated. The man was waiting for his client at the counter, draining whiskey and eating olives pepper.

Robert Campbell worked in the narcotics section of the Dallas police for over twenty years. It was he who directed the operation that had broken up the gang of Garcia, the first four months.

But what was his last case before closing with that violent and desperate world, and retire. For a while ', merely follow private cases are not too demanding: petty theft, youth fled from the house, stalking and marital infidelity. Therefore, before accepting the job offered by Phelps, he had thought long and hard.

"He had a good journey?"

Michael put his suitcase and ordered something to eat before responding.

"We come to the point. What did he find out? "

Campbell laughed annoying. "I see that does not waste time."

teeth yellowed by the smoke and the cavernous voice makes it feel a bit 'scary, but the environment was known as one of the best cops around. He put out his cigar in the bowl of olives.

"Before I ask you a question. What do you hope to achieve? "

Michael sighed, annoyed. "I hired solely for the sake of information. What we decide to make it my business. "

started to be sick of feeling to the same question.

"Do not get me wrong, Phelps. She is not the first person who has lost a loved one, but I'm not going to be the cause of his death. I left the police to stay away from situations like this. "

Michael raised an eyebrow.

"Take my advice. He returned to Baltimore and to do what he was born. As far as I know not doing badly in the pool. Let do our profession who can do it. "

"Believe me, I'm not going to let the feathers" he said, smiling cynically.

"Really? And what will you do when I find the person who shot to Harvey? "

He said nothing.

"Okay, how he wants," he said, drumming his fingers on the table. He pulled out a yellow envelope from his jacket and slipped it to him front.

The information that Michael was looking for and for which he had given so much to do before him, but his hands were shaking and he had the courage to go further.

Robert ordered more whiskey. They needed both. Then he began to recount what he had discovered during its investigation.

"How have told his friends after a few days of their arrival in the city, have been tipped off and they understood that Garcia would meet with the broker Yusupov for the exchange of goods. "

"Will Jeremy Tannon, right?"

The man nodded before drinking a sip.

"Yeah. Apparently the night of the blitz has disappeared into thin air. They're still trying, but I tell you from personal experience that we can catch the damn difficult after such a long time. " He lit another cigar. "It's probably enjoyed the protection of some big fish."

Michael listened carefully every word that came from his mouth.

"Who? Yusupov and Garcia are behind bars. I do not understand. "

"I do not know. But believe me, shit that trade was quite valuable. My team arrived in Mexico following a trail. Three players and a manager of the Dallas Cowboys were sourced directly from the PFC Garcia. The Lersik was not the only sports club to do business with those thugs. "

He gave the swimmer who refused to smoke with a wave dry. Michael well remembered the names of athletes who were openly accused after the arrest of Yusupov.

"The war against doping is lost from the start," continued comment with a cynical laugh, "For every substance is discovered, there is another freshly baked in some laboratory and ready to be put on the market. "

The boy leaned back.

As he did not want to admit it, Campbell was right.

gathered forces and opened the envelope.

"Who is it?" He asked staring with hatred of a man's face portrait on a photograph.

"It 's the person who is looking for."

Michael's breathing became heavy. Campbell felt it wheezing, despite the din of the room.

"When his friends tried to take a camera with the exchange of money between Yusupov and Garcia, have been caught and locked up inside the warehouse of an establishment of Uncle Ben's . I admit that the idea to cover their trades through the sale of baked beans was rather unique. What those guys did not know is that it was a trap. "

"A trap? What do you mean? "

"I told you," said inhaling the cigar and talking between a cough and the other, surrounded by a cloud of smelly smoke. "These rookies, no offense ..." he added a moment later, "should continue to do their job instead of playing cops and robbers. Yusupov was waiting for them. And 'he was ordered to leave Tannon those bills in the car, in plain sight. Put them on his trail to bring them there and in Mexico have fallen as the amateurs. "

While spoke, Michael continued to stare at the photo of the man, as if to impress upon the brain. Now he had a face on which to pour all his hatred and desire for revenge.

"Go ahead," he said seriously, "I want to know how she died."

"I do not know why, but Harvey decided to separate from the other two and then they shot her."

Michael shuddered with rage. "But it makes no sense! Why?

"I do not know. As I said before, we were investigating them for a while, 'but we did not know what his friends wanted to do just that night. When we spoke, there was no trace of the girl. Only after a few days we have located the car in the lake. "

Michael rubbed his forehead. That evening he had had enough. He left some notes on the table and walked to the exit.

"Thank you. His work is finished. "

"Mr. Phelps. Wait! "

The guy just turned his face in his direction.

"If he wants advice, forget it. It 's still time to go back. Whatever has made up his mind to do not bring life into his woman. "

"Thanks for the help" said pushing the door to leave.


Denver (Colorado)

April 30, 2011


"Logan are you?" a voice asked lifting her head from under the pillow.

She noticed that someone had entered the house by the creaking of the wooden floor downstairs, which by now had learned to recognize and which represented her wake-up call.

"Yes, I left early from work. Today in Central seemed all gone crazy. Tommy celebrated his fifth wedding anniversary and gave drink to the men's 103 .

came in throwing open the kitchen door with her foot. His hands were involved to sustain the spending and arm holding a six-pack of Beck's .

"Hi Ana ..." he said, when he first saw her bare legs appear in the room. "Perhaps it would be better that you would cover" suggested, dropping his eyes to the ankles.

He set the bags on the table and walked over to her placing his hands on his stomach, now in her sixth month of pregnancy. "Your child might get sick," he whispered sensually, coming up to brush lips. Then he fastened the belt of her robe, unable to avoid looking at her as she did.

"My name is not Ana ..." hissed his eyes narrowed, "And you're a bastard."



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