Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Amadeus Constanze Salieri

fanfiction - Step Back - (Chapter 51) Michael Phelps


Author : Myrtle S.

Category: Celebrities Popular (RPF) Swimming

Rating: + 16

Characters: Michael Phelps, Milorad Cavic, original characters.

Disclaimer: narrated Nothing happened really.
Status: In process of publication
Some considerations: Slowly we approach the end of the story that will be with a bang ... It should be '... there still time! This chapter will make things difficult, especially for myself. From Chapter 53, there will be major changes ... Good reading.

Chapter 51

Baltimore (MY)

LC Ray's Collage

November 10, 2010


"I suppose," said Rebecca very hesitant, "That would not help much ignore" raves, nervously puffing faster and faster on the coffee-milk, as they approached Michael . "Oh God, my head ..." he whispered, rubbing his temples, seized with a sudden dizziness, "I am afraid I exaggerated breathing."

- No, but who cares! This time I have nothing to hide! - bold thought lifting the front, determined to show courage. - Well, 'almost nothing - just after he admitted, turning his eyes to the ground. - Except for the matter of the Halloween party and the agreement I made with Bowman, and Ryan, and Cavic ... I would say are OK -.

Dragged anguish from those thoughts, the provoked a sharp stinging pain in my stomach. He snorted, lifting the side a curl of hair that tickled his nose. How many times that envisions Michael Phelps, was frightened and happy at the same time.

He tried to invent an excuse that could justify his presence there.

- Forget it, so it is useless - meditated, covering his eyes with the palm of your hand. Michael was just the front, peered upward through a slit, spreading the fingers slightly tightened. He hoped he would choose to ignore it.

Contrary to what you had imagined, The swimmer did not seem surprised, as if expecting to see her again, though not so soon. Rebecca swallowed hard and intimidating, making power, he rose slowly to his feet, waiting for a reaction, a scream, slap, or whatever it would give her an excuse to leave.

But Michael did not move.

"What now?" He whispered in a low voice, his eyes lowered.

Halloween night, Michael had defended him against Kendall and had Ryan loved the cabin. But this time was different, because no one could protect the mask from his resentment. He smiled cynically, wondering if it would never be able to stand still in front of him without trembling.

Suddenly Michael reached for his face.

Becky opened her eyes and closed them quickly, realizing what he wanted to do. Stiffened his jaw preparing to cash in on the shot, because Michael was pretty damn bad when she lost control.

During the hearing, Phelps's lawyers had been clear that he should not have set foot in Maryland. Stay away from him was the central point of their agreement. A slap was the least that could restrict the fate.

"You dirty cream," said Michael cleaning them with your thumb on the upper lip licking and tasting the finger.

"P ... cream?" Stammered, confused by lifting an eyelid.

He stroked her cheek, suspecting still wearing the mask, even though he knew that was nonsense. Yet he could not believe that the same tapping gently, this time aware of his identity.

"Yes, cream," she said again, sliding your thumb on the lower lip, forcing her to squint just the mouth and bend your head back slightly.

That game, subtly erotic, sent her to block the brain.

dropped to the ground coffee-milk that without doing it on purpose, he ended up on the white trousers of Michael. He was unimpressed with his eyes always catches up with her.

"Excuse me," whispered covered with embarrassment, dall'affabilità puzzled man.

"For the pants? It does not matter. "

"No, not at all," he said in one breath, giving free rein to the emotions that the mix for the belly. That phrase, slipped out without thinking, the lifted the mood. Once before had said sorry, but the words seemed never enough.

A voice crying in the head - Now! Do it now! Tell the whole truth! - Unsuccessfully, since he had never once listened to reason before it was late. Dying to open his zip the fleece, biting his neck and his face wet little kisses, leaving their bodies are free to respond to this natural instinctive attraction they felt for each other. Michael was missing, and not just physically.

The boy held up a corner of his mouth and raised an eyebrow. "You're a real casino, for me," he muttered, taking a deep breath and sit down on the step.

She walked in, sat down beside him. "It 's been a long time since we met, almost a year," he mumbled uncertain, with his arms folded on his stomach.

The boy looked at her without replying.

passed a couple of minutes in silence. Hovered in the background blurred the voices of many guests of the Centre who had come to watch the races.

was difficult for both to know where to begin to unravel the tangle of their misunderstandings. Rebecca felt like a lab rat trapped inside a maze, only instead of the cheese was to get Michael. But every time the wrong way and ended up lost in an impasse, more and more away from him.

"Mich ..."

The motioned to keep quiet. "Let me speak for once," he said seriously.

"Okay, I'm listening," she reassured him, intimidated by his tone severe.

Michael, her mouth half open, staring at her continued undaunted. He blinked a few times before deciding what he wanted to do.

But any indecision vanished just noticed the color of the socks he was wearing. A shade of mustard and the other lines thin blue and gold. Could be seen just below the hem of his jeans and Michael could not decide which of the two, was the worst taste. He closed his mouth and pointed a slight smile.

His smile warmed even more touched when I thought that maybe it was not wrong, but that she liked those socks seriously. Rebecca could only break his breath with a pair of stockings and then move to censure, as naturally, those thick cotton business, bought in some stock market. Trivial situations such as those made him miss him more than any other memory.

convinced him that thought in mind. He put two fingers on his lips and whistled behind a "nice ..." with a slightly sarcastic tone, fixing her ankles.

She did not understand. But the expression relaxed and peaceful tone with which he addressed, encouraged her.

"Are you free Thursday night?"

He motioned so, even if you do not understand the meaning of the question. She seemed impossible to believe that they were talking without screaming and reproaches him for the past.

"Would you like to eat something together? Or maybe we could go to the movies. "

"Cinema" asked rubbed my eyes, surprise conciliatory attitude. "You're asking me a date? You really want to go out with me? "Asked to make sure you have not misunderstood.

Michael took off his baseball cap and ran a hand through his hair. "Yeah, it would appear as such" said turning back the visor and the supporting arms for support. That image of the woman's thoughts flashed to a memory that still burns between the sides. Michael visualized without clothes, sitting on the bed. He was holding his arms and while she liked to tease him, panting with barely a whisper.

Her cheeks took fire. He did not want to think of him in that way, but what he had done the night Halloween was difficult to close the box of memories without being tempted to do it again. In fact, every night spent with Michael it was hard to forget.

"Listen, Becky" he said, forcing her to return to the real world, "Even if you deserve to be kicked for what I'm about to tell you, I want to give it a try."

"Continue" she said pressing her knees against his chest and rested his chin. He felt fragile and insecure as a girl on her first date. With the advantage it had received in advance of a goodnight kiss.

"I'll never forgive you for what you've done," said inflexible looking ahead, "And if I used the brain at this moment I would be talking on the phone with my lawyers to get you locked up somewhere. "

Rebecca hid her face in her knees and covered her ears not to hear the result. He could not blame him.

"But there I can not. God, I've tried, but I can not do, "he whispered to his mouth while keeping your hands from the head as he heard.

Becky raised her face, "To do what?" He asked timidly.

"To use your brain. Should I ask what are you doing in Baltimore, because you're in a swimming competition for children and ... "

" And? "

- Why were you on the Northern Star on Halloween night - said without giving voice to that thought. For some reason he could not understand, he decided to hide it recognized that night. Since they were reviewed on the ship, a worm that was not digging in his mind, the creeping doubt that Rebecca was not the woman who thought contemptible.

No one forced her to go to bed with him on the Northern Star, that was his choice. He wondered what had driven to do so, whereas in the past claimed to have cheated on her man, Milorad Cavic, only to carry out his insane desire for revenge. Possible that this time he really wanted?

shook his head. He was doing the same. Find rationality in her was like trying to win eight gold medals at the Olympics again in London: an impossible task.

"Maybe we got off on the wrong foot."

"What do you mean?"

"I do not know who you are. Deceive me to meet you, and I proposed to live with me when I barely knew your name. "

"The only mistake you made was to trust me. If we were not stuck in Manchester for the snow would not have had the opportunity to ... "he lowered his face, because he had the courage to look into his eyes while he was lying again, 'Well, you know what I've done, it is useless to repeat it. "

Rebecca was not able to read clearly inside. If he had decided to support Cavic, why insist that old story? As it was pointless, some blamed her for failing to Phelps when he believed he had confessed everything to the letter, more than a year earlier. He could not imagine that he had ever read.

Michael lifted her chin with two fingers and bent his face toward you. "You've done really, Becky," he asked softly.

There was a short pause.

"Do not answer. For now I will not talk about it. One step at a time, okay? "

" What you want, Mike? "

" To know, go out together as do all boys our age and then let's see what happens. "

Becky fell silent, and a lump the size of an apple went for the throat. He wanted all his life what Michael was proposing to: simple and banal, "normal " . dating a guy, have fun and maybe fall in love. Just like everyone else.

For a moment she imagined and Michael lying on the couch watching TV, on rainy afternoons. Use his shower and can arrange their things in the bathroom, sleep in his bed, even in their bed. Simple things, like fighting over the toothpaste left open or empty container of milk stored in the refrigerator.

knew that those fantasies were intended to remain so, but pampered by them was a luxury that would be granted. At least for a while '.

"And what do you want, Becky?"

smiled. "Herman, Herman I want to know ..." he said thinking about what she wanted to be part of Michael's life.

But despite her vivid imagination, the past could not be changed. And was certain that nothing would restore the look and passionate sincerity with which Michael had looked in Manchester.

"All right, Mr. Phelps," he said raising his arm to shake himself and rubbing his face in his blue sweatshirt. "So that means no sex," he added with his head resting on his chest.

"Excuse me?"

"The normal girls like to be courted. And certainly do not go to bed with a man on a first date. "

Michael frowned mulling over his forehead on the last question. It was not what he meant when he proposed leaving, but after Rebecca was not wrong, even if the women who attended him were usually on much before reaching the restaurant.



"Warning. Let us ask the public to sit in the stands, in a few minutes will start the races .

Rebecca did not answer, interrupted by the voice of the speaker announcing a rude awakening. He hated that thing, and hell would have liked to kick him, drown him or throw him from a speeding car, but not to dissolve that embrace that she was like oxygen into a vein.

"Now I must go," she said pushing him away gently and standing up. "I'm here because I really care a child who now has his first race."

"A child," he asked confused.

"His name is Alec and train with your coach," said impassively, "E 'for him that I moved to Baltimore."

ran away as soon as the words tumbled out of the mouth, without waiting for him to have time to react. Both knew how things would end up. Despite the promise made to Bowman, it was impossible to continue concealing the truth.



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