Friday, December 10, 2010

What Humidity Do Leapord Gecko Need

fanfiction - Step Back - (Chapter 54 / A)


Author: Myrtle S.

Category: Celebrities (RPF) Swimming

Rating: + 16

Characters: Michael Phelps, Milorad Cavic, Ryan Lochte, original characters.

Disclaimer: narrated Nothing happened seriously.
Status: In process of publication
Some considerations: enlarging the text font LJ me even more limited space available for the chapter and are forced to divide it into two posts. I hate doing these things, but I have to adapt! Happy reading ... Tomorrow, 55:)
Ah! Try these beans Mexican ... are great!

Chapter 54

Baltimore (MD)

Apartment Rebecca Harvey

December 23, 2010 - 12.00

"Everything okay?" Ryan asked knocking on the door. Despite being open did not seem to be plunging into the bedroom of a woman without warning, even if it was just Rebecca. Considered her as a sister, but he was still a man.

Girl rose from the bed to sit down, and blew his nose to hide his state of mind.

"Of course, everything is okay."

The friend took off running shoes, one of his latest creations of fashion, and jumped on the bed, bouncing up and down with the butt on the spring mattress. "Then why do that?"

"I called Alec."

"I understand."

"No, Doggie. You do not understand, you can not understand, "she said with nerves on edge, throwing the phone across the room is hit accidentally, the front of Ryan. "Oh my God! Are you hurt? "

Luckily Ryan had the reflexes and a handful had managed to cushion the blow. "Hey, I've done a blow dry!" Complained button with two fingers point where he had struck to assess the bump that would soon be checked. "Becky, I know you do not see more than a month, but I remind you that you agreed with Mike."

"I'm sorry. I did not want to take it with you, just keep up with every day becomes far more difficult. It hurts, it hurts to die .... "

After Phelps had given notice to leave Baltimore, through the mediation of Bowman, who had obtained Alec could continue to train at NBAC. The unanswered questions she and Michael were not to impinge upon and affect the future. At least this was agreed.

So, after endless discussions with his coach, the swimmer had agreed to let him officially as a team. For a single condition: Rebecca should stay away from all of them, including Alec.

He was fond of him, and was convinced that the woman he would suffer if he managed his life, just as had happened to all those who had loved.

To This was taken on the responsibility of dealing, at least until the end of the school. Later, the judge in the protection of minors would find an adoptive family that Alejandro could grow quiet, as he deserved.

Becky had accepted counter, because he knew that this was the best choice for everyone. For Alec, who had guaranteed a future, and that he knew to secure close to Michael, and her, he would have had the opportunity to deal with Yusupov's heart lighter.

"Christ, Becky!" Railed Ryan raised his voice, "Take my car, go home and say that Phelps is what you want to be with him and the kid! We end this story! Why are you stubborn to make his life? "

The girl smiled, thinking that Ryan was just a single type, the only one able to bring them back to the good mood with a joke, often of questionable taste , or a pinch on the cheek. "And how did you become so wise?"

"Somebody has to recite this role and, no offense, but the Serbian girl does not seem right, "whispered in his ear with a look of understanding.

"Hey you, are you hitting on my girlfriend?" Milorad asked in a joking way, peeping through the door.

"Stop talking nonsense 'said Catherine kissed her cheek. "This place is really ..."

the Milorad glared at him, making understand that he did not like rude comments about the apartment of Rebecca.

"nice ..." he said with a forced smile. "But we skip the pleasantries. We go into the kitchen, there is news that I would like to inform You, "he added with resolute tone, pushed around.

Indeed, it was the only one in that house that seemed to have a vague idea of what they were up to, even if the way she gave a little peremptory 'nerves to Ryan.

"What is this stuff?" He asked, scanning the sheets that Catherine had been spilled on the table and eating an apple with one hand.

"Purchase of Uncle Ben's," she said, mirrored in the reflection of the window to check that the lip pencil is not blurred.

Ryan snorted. "At the risk of seeming a fool, I explained what does a brand of Mexican beans with Lersik?"

"When we leave?" Rebecca asked, leaning on the table one of those cards that had just read carefully, and showed that Catherine understood what he meant.

"day after tomorrow. I've already booked three of the nine seats on the flight to San Fernando "reassured Milorad placing his hand on the side. "Catherine will remain in Baltimore and we will cover your back if something goes wrong."

Ryan passed repeatedly looked from one to another with a look bewildered. - Airplane? For Mexico? On Christmas Day? Go wrong? - You asked, scratching his chin, trying to figure out exactly where he had lost track of their reasoning.

"Hey? Hello? Can anyone bothering to explain this fucking piano? "Asked a bit 'annoyed by the fact that none of the group is worthy to consider his views and, importantly, capacitance did not understand anything of what they were confabulation.

"Doggie, purchase invoices are those of the Corporation Lersik" says Milorad.

"So what? Since buying beans is a crime? "

" Read, stupid! "Catherine said, waving one of the bills under his nose," You seem logical that a club spends 20,000 dollars per month for the baked beans? "

"Um" Ryan swallowed, simulating a concentrated expression, "Yusupov Maybe it is crazy."

"Idiot," said Catherine giving him a slap behind the head.


"Becky, where are you going?" Said Milorad seeing her get up and rush to the bathroom. "But it feels good?"

"I think so, although a couple of days ago that did not vomit. They will be baked beans! "Ryan ridiculed, struck instantly by the director of the WSJ for that line out of place.

"Okay, now I'm serious. How did you get these bills? "

" I found them in the car of Jeremy 'said Milorad, peering in the direction of the bathroom to see if Rebecca comes out.


"Jeremy Tannon. It 'came about a year ago to Lersik and a bit' of time I'm keeping an eye ".

"Why?". Ryan's expression had become serious. "There seems to exaggerate? Accusing another athlete is not bullshit. You could ruin his career. "

"I know, but I start to believe that it was him to dope your friend in Manchester. Jeremy was to hand over photographs depicting Michael and Becky. Is not it strange? Not to mention that a couple of months running on a Mercedes SLS who can not have paid his salary. "

Ryan was speechless. "If so, I swear I'll kill him."

"Calm down now. Both "Catherine shushed them, showing that, as always, the most polished of the three. "Jeremy is went to Mexico three days ago. Some friends, the newspaper, keep me informed of his movements. Suspicion is the link between Yusupov and Garcia for their illegal business, but one thing you're right, Ryan: no evidence we are at the starting point. And here you come into play. "

"Interesting. As a Wedding and Ziva "Ryan nodded with his arms crossed and a mischievous smile. "That's right, partner?".

Milorad looked up to heaven and avoid replying to encourage him not to say other nonsense.

Catherine li lasciò da soli e raggiunse Becky per controllare se aveva bisogno di aiuto. Bussò alla porta del bagno con discrezione.

“Come ti senti? Posso entrare?”

“Sì, vieni pure” disse la ragazza, inginocchiata sul pavimento con la testa piegata sopra il gabinetto. Con le mani si teneva indietro i capelli e cercava di rallentare il respiro per farsi passare la nausea.

“Sei pallida e non hai davvero look good. "

"Thank you, Cathy. It 'just what I needed to hear "the note said, forcing a smile, even if at that time wanted to drive it out to kick.

stretched out his hands to the sink and stood up with difficulty. Rinse the face with cold water for relief. The eyes, swollen from the effort, seemed to explode out of their sockets at any moment.

was observed the mirror, and although the shot, was forced to admit that Catherine was right.

grabbed a paper towel and wiped his hands.

"Perhaps it is not the case that you leave for Mexico. If you've got the flu should stay in bed. "

"No way! I have not separated from Alec to stand and watch. It will not be a cold to stop me from leaving. Tomorrow I will go the doctor and with a box of antibiotics will be back in shape. Before we close this story before .... "

He paused. She and Catherine had never been good friends since the days when he attended his father's house. And even if you showed a lot more friendly than once, did not want to confide his deepest desires.

"And before that? Go on, Rebecca. What will you do when everything is finished? "

Becky turned to her and without fear of not being up to it he said with a confident voice that he intended to do. "I will take up what is mine."

"You talk about Alec or Michael?". That question poisonous crept edge between them. "I'm sorry to disappoint you, but neither is your stuff."

"Why are you so cold with me?" He asked sincerely confused by the attitude of sullen woman. 'E' for Milorad, maybe? Among us there is nothing, nothing! "

" I know! No need to tell me it's you, just ... "

" All right, girls? "Said Milorad going to the bathroom suddenly interrupting unwittingly.

"Yes. It 's all right, "said curtly, not willing to tackle the issue more with Rebecca.



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