Friday, December 10, 2010

Semi-annual Interest Calculator

fanfiction - Step Back - (Chapter 54 / B) Michael Phelps

Baltimore (MD)

Apartment Rebecca Harvey


The hot water vapor coming from the bath was almost completely saturated the environment. Rebecca was enjoying the warmth of the warm mist, lying between the foam. Her hair, which floated on the surface, the framing face. With his mouth to blow into the water and had fun playing with soap bubbles.

Eventually his friends were gone, giving her the opportunity to enjoy that pleasant time. The feeling of nausea that tortured for several days he had decided to grant it a reprieve.

He wanted to let go and, for at least ten minutes, to pretend that everything was already done. Although he had not spoken with others, was very scared to go to San Fernando because he did not know what to expect.

His expression serene contracted Alec and thinking about what she wanted him home for Christmas. For one reason or another, that was the second year in a row that he could not spend the holidays as she had imagined.

The attacked a tingle in the belly, back to thinking previous year, the unexpected and bizarre Christmas Eve that Michael had given her in England.

"Monsieur ..." gasped and dived underwater.

Drinnn ... Drinnn ... ... Drinnn

" Who can be at this hour?" Wondered surprise, coming out of the shower and throw on the robe left on the floor. He made two laps around the waist with a belt and covered his head with the cap does not get cold.

Drinnn ... Drinnn ... ... Drinnn

"Oh heck! I'm coming! " said rushed barefoot to the entrance.

"Milo, what did you forget this time?" Michael ... "he mumbled with his mouth ajar just recognize the swimmer with his finger stuck to the bell.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you," he muttered putting himself on the defensive, shifting from foot to foot, without looking into his eyes. It was obvious that he did not feel at ease. "I want to talk to you, if you have a moment of time. It's Alec. "

"He has something happened?" Said visibly anxious.

"No, do not worry. He's fine. "

Rebecca opened the door and made him sit, with a gesture pointing to the kitchen.

was the first time he set foot in his house and was curious to see where she had lived in recent months. The swimmer looked around, searching for an explanation.

It did not take long to find one.

The mountain of gifts she had bought for Alec could not compete with the atmosphere there. The house was tastefully decorated, although the furniture that Becky was able to settle into a space so small have demonstrated a certain age.

photos of the boys at St. Mary scattered around the tent of shells that separated the kitchen from the bedroom of the child and the hot milk over the fire could not be replaced by any video game playstation .

And this certainty made him realize that he made the right choice by deciding to go to her that night.

After the first moment of embarrassment, Rebecca invited him to sit. "I do not have much to offer, but first I heated the milk is still warm," murmured uncertain, hoping not to be ridiculous in his eyes, with that offer child.

Someone like Michael was used to drinking something else.

him, to look casually slid his eyes over his body, from down. "I'll catch a cold, if you walk barefoot," he said instinctively just noticed that it was wet. 'Well, however none of my business, "he corrected himself, cursing you for using that tone protective.

Rebecca poured him a cup of milk and lifted the lid of the container of cookies, pushing it close. Michael sat quietly and tasted one.

Rebecca also grabbed a cookie from the box to disguise the awe that the situation the aroused. Keep your mouth busy it seemed the best way to avoid saying something wrong. But when he gave the first bite, a retching forced her to throw it and succeeded by a narrow margin to stay.

"Are you okay?" Michael asked noticing his strange reaction and pale.

"Yes, the smell of cinnamon makes me sick. But, never mind. Why are you here, Mike? "

" You have plans for tomorrow night? "

" Hmm? Tomorrow, "he asked in amazement.

"It 's no getting around it. Alec I miss you. He does not understand why you decided to leave it up to me and try a lot of anger. I'm afraid that if I hold still far away from him, will eventually commit some folly. So it is not perfect, but I will not make him suffer. Believe me. "

Rebecca felt a twinge in my stomach, but this time through no fault of influenza. He got up up and took the dirty cups in the sink, with his back to Michael.

He did not want to see her excited. In this she and Alejandro are as similar as two drops of water.

"I thought maybe you could go before dinner to say goodbye."

That proposal left her breathless. He had met many people in his life, but none had proved to her kind and generous like the guy sitting in his kitchen.

After all that had passed, was willing to give a damn pride and humble themselves again for the good of Alec.

"Just to be clear, I keep thinking that you are not fit to be a mother, considering the history of doping and the lies they tell. But Alec loves you, and I'm not ready to part with you so violently. Perhaps it would be better to do things gradually. So when you find a family willing to adopt it, will acclimate more quickly. What do you think? ".

Becky opened the water. Only a month before he felt able to stay close to Alec forever, but even that was a stupid daydream.

There was a selfish fool for thinking I can keep it with you. Alec had a right to a mom and a dad, like all other children. And neither she nor Michael were ready to play that role.

Catherine was right, Michael and Alec did not belong.

"Now I must go. If you want, you can also bring Milorad " added, pursing his mouth in an enigmatic smile. He tried to appear natural and that this invitation is not cost him.

"All right, Mike. We'll definitely, "she said holding back the lump in my throat and began to wash the dishes.

Michael pulled on his jacket and left.

"See you tomorrow."



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