Saturday, December 11, 2010

Updo Hairstyle For Ball

fanfiction - Step Back - (Chapter 55) Michael Phelps

"... I'll try the spirits and the lighter firmer,
who had your eyes, and your clear voice,
and your courage, made only of stars. "

Alda Merini from" You were the truth "

Chapter 55

Baltimore (MD)

Apartment Michael Phelps

December 24 2010


"What do you think," asked Michael Alec handing a dirty spoon of vanilla cream, because the taste and give him the its opinion.

was fumbled by the afternoon of cooking pots and determined to serve up the best Christmas dinner that he had never tasted home-Phelps. Several times the mother had called him, begging him to change his mind, not understanding why she insist on wanting to celebrate Christmas Eve in his apartment and, more unusually, to personally attend to preparations.

"I feel good," muttered the boy, sitting cross-legged on the table, among piles of dirty plates and shells of broken eggs. As Michael had tried to do his best, had reduced the kitchen in a field of battle and the splashes of sauce cucumbers were also anointed the face of the poor Herman, hidden behind the chair in the morning.

Alec went down with a leap from the table, drawn from images of Looney tunes that ran on TV.

The engine of a car stopped in front of the house, Michael reminded how late it was. He glanced out, pushing aside the curtain, and recognized the full clan along the driveway, her arms laden with gifts.

Hilary strutted in front of everyone and, holding hands children Whitney, enthusiastic contemplated the bright decorations that his brother had set up around the porch.

Debbie, the eldest daughter's arm, tried to be careful where you put your feet to avoid slipping on the ice that covered the road. And gave advice to men in the family Phelps on how to carry the trays of food that had insisted on wearing even though Mike had recommended against it.

"Bob, have arrived. Go to the door, please? "

The man, sitting comfortably in an armchair in front of the fireplace was engaged to respond to greetings with ' i-phone and read the latest news published on Swimnetwork .

Alec, sprawled on the floor with his head resting on a large parcel, making the scratch card Herman cuddled behind the ears, for he knew what he liked. He felt a stranger in the house and, except for his coach, did not know any of those strangers who had invaded the living room.

Although it was December 24, was terribly down in the dumps and the idea of dining with them bored him to death.

not remember much of the last time she had celebrated Christmas because his mother had died too early to remember and institutes where he had lived later, the concept of 'Christmas' corresponded to the maximum a bag of sweets. For Alec, Eve was a day like the others and did not understand why so much excitement.

After twenty minutes the bell rang again and Michael started, who was assuming the door. He had told his mother that Rebecca would have gone for a visit, imagining that no member of his family would take it well.

He rushed to open his heart in turmoil, more for fear of the reaction of his family, and for the presence of Becky in her apartment.

She greeted him with a shy smile, "Hello ..." when the boy opened the door.

When he saw her, she stopped thinking that Michael in his dreams of a teenage Santa Claus had always imagined it. She blushed, embarrassed by these thoughts Hot that he refused to associate with Dad Christmas.

"Come, come," said helping her take off her coat from her shoulders. She wore a red wool dress, high collar, the same shade as the coat, which fits in perfectly with the Christmas spirit of the evening. The dark green tights and took over the tape which had gathered hair. The curls that fell a bit rebels' everywhere, and many freckles that covered her nose, gave it an air funny and sexy at the same time, that he had always liked so much.

"Where You left the sleigh, "he asked looking at her amused. "Excuse me, joking" adjustment after a moment, trying to get back to maintain neutral and serious their relationship.

She forced herself not to work too fancy, because Becky, accompanied by her boyfriend, Alec, and then would have hailed it would be removed from the foot quickly. And everyone would have completed their Christmas, happy and content, as in any self-respecting fairy tale. These were the intentions of the swimmer.

"Wait a minute," murmured Mike rewinding the tape of his thoughts, "A About Milorad boyfriend ... Where? "

She looked at him bowing his head, stamping his foot with the snow piled on the sidewalk side. "There's just me. It 's a problem for you? ".

Michael shook his head, though he did not understand why he was not with her.

"Who is Mike? Want to introduce your friend? "Came a voice behind him.

"But ... That's your mother? "Said Becky, taking a hand over her mouth. "And there are your sisters and ... Oh, Mike! Why did not you warn me? "He mumbled with breathing fast. The fear of meeting Mrs. Phelps did at odds with the desire to review and Alejandro, for a moment, was tempted to give up.

"I thought I would have celebrated Christmas without my family? But where you have lived so far? On the moon? "

regretted those words even before they had said, remembering what that he had heard during the hearing in Washington.

"Sorry, I did not mean to offend you. I imagine that with a mother and a brother disappeared into thin air who committed suicide, there is much to celebrate. "

Rebecca's eyes widened. He did not believe he had been able to say seriously.

He turned and walked without comment, resentful, toward the driveway.

"Wait, Becca!"

At the sound of that nickname stopped. "How did you call?"

Michael caught up and caught the hem of her dress. He put a hand on his shoulder and going up and whispered to her lips tight against his back.

But seeing that Becky was not listening, it was decided to change their behavior. "I'm sorry. Come in, please. Do it for Alec, "he said tenderly, to forgive that unfortunate comment about his family.


soon made their entrance into the house, fell silent.

All had recognized and hostile way in which the guard was evident they did not like his presence. At that moment he realized what he had tried Lady Diana as she approached the altar about to marry Charles, imagining that the Queen had watched with the same coldness. But unlike Diana, as she knew, had not doped Carlo, understood and justified resentment of Debbie.

Michael pushed her gently with one hand on his back, to the couch, where he supposed to find the child glued to the TV.

"Alec, look who went to see you."

The child turned her eyes toward her only a moment, merely a cold greeting and circumstances. Without bothering to hug her.

That attitude seconded froze the heart of Rebecca, deeply wounding. Seeing her helpless, Michael intervened. "Alec, is Becca. You do not want to talk? "

"I do not like."

At that point, reached out to turn off the television. "It 's a month that you do not cry because you miss it here and now that do not want to even say hello?" Said the voice groped for hard to shake.


"Never mind, do not insist. Maybe it's better for me to go, "he said quietly holding the hand of Mike. "I do not have anything to do with you. I did not want to ruin your party "mortified murmured, taking his coat in his hands. "Merry Christmas, little" concluded resting on the couch the gift that had brought him.

When Rebecca was already under way, Alec pounced on the package, tearing the tape in a frenzy.

"My tent's shell ..." he said softly, trying to remain indifferent.

The fire took a twist when the guy then he threw that gift.

"Alec! Why not? "Said Michael worried. Bowman quickly extinguished the flames, pouring a whole bottle of mineral water. And a gray smoke and stinking infested room.

"Oh, Alec ..."

"It 's a stupid gift! Tent that I never liked this house and then I've got a door! "Shouted throwing a football in one of the many Christmas gifts placed under the tree.

The swimmer hugged him and grew close when she heard him break free because he would not be touched. "Calm down, I know what you feel. But if you do not run after hours, you will not regret for a long time. Trust me, bring it here ... "

The girl opens her mouth and rubbed his eyes wavering on the jersey of Michael to dry. "But ..." stammered hesitant and frightened like all children his age in a state larger than themselves. Then he ran out, not have it repeated two times, screaming his lungs in his throat as Becca.

Debbie looked out the window the girl holding in her arms the child and fill it with kisses, kneeling in the driveway. "Michael, dear. We must go now. "

"Go? Where? We have not yet begun to eat. "

"Like, we do not you say?" Broke Whitney who had understood the intentions of the mother. "We just passed to say hi, because ..." stopped tapping your index finger on his lower lip, looking for an excuse, "Why do we still end up buying the last gifts for tomorrow" Hilary helped her finish the sentence.

"What are you babbling! E 'Eve and we have always gone together. "

"Son, you are an adult now. We are waiting for lunch tomorrow, okay? Tonight, Alejandro needs to stand with the people he loves and who love him. "

Ten minutes later, when Rebecca returned to the house along with Alec, he found Michael sitting in the kitchen. Crouched on a stool, staring at the sad pile of food she had prepared for dinner unnecessarily.

"Where are the others gone?" Asked the little boy looked right and left, making sure that it was not a relative of Michael was hiding somewhere.

"We're just two of us," he said with a disconsolate air, watching the pie with cheese gratin in the oven. A delicious smell lingered throughout the house. "Half the stuff will be throw tomorrow. I should not overdo the dosage. "

"You mean the three of us!" Alec corrected him by pulling his sleeve because Becky approached. "Do not worry about leftovers. I assure you that she eats a lot. "

"Alec! What do you mean "said Becky livid with shame.

"Yeah, I remember" said the other, a bolus dose and a laugh.

"Stop making fun! Both. "

"Look, Mike! Now her face is the color of the dress. " Reaching the friend laughed and put his arm around the thigh. "I bet that soon the white beard grow."

Becky looked at the dress. Perhaps it was left to take a bit 'too carried away by the Christmas spirit when she chose the colors to match.

Michael's laughter increased intensity, full echoing between the walls of the kitchen. And for a brief moment forget the burden of concerns that each of them carried on his shoulders.

The swimmer loaded on a tray all the food we managed to settle down and invited the others to follow.

He sat on the carpet in front of the fireplace and laid him on the ground. "Would you like to do a picnic?"

"Jeahhh" cried Alec, grabbing the bottle of gas that he kept hidden on strawberry bottom of the fridge for special occasions. He opened a drawer, took out a bag of marshmallows and some stick to candy them on fire.

Rebecca took off her heels with the help of the fingers and peered around the while Michael, soft and elegant, sat between them.

spent the evening to taste the dishes that the swimmer had prepared, and Alec could not stop talking and laughing with his mouth full.

Almost by magic, the taciturn and grumpy child had disappeared to make way for a kid to loving and full of life.

Since that night, including Alec Christmas Eve was not a day like any other. And that would have brought with them memories forever.

1:00 pm

"Look, he is asleep."

Alec placid resting in the arms of Rebecca, who sat on the floor rocked like a baby. Michael stared at her entranced.

He did not know what to think of her. Every time I became convinced of its falsity, did something unexpected, which led him to doubt. Seeing Alec rock, with warm eyes full of love and made him fall again into uncertainty.

"Give it to me," he said taking it from her arms gently not to wake him and bring him to his room. Almost reaching the top of the stairs and before he could continue to refrain from speaking. "Do not go away, okay?"

Having tucked the child returned from her recent stroke and Herman, still in front of the fireplace.

"Here, a year is special," he said handing her a glass of wine, while with the hand free system on the carpet a couple of pillows to be comfortable.

Becky took the glass and brought it to his mouth, but suddenly stopped, laying it aside. As if a clock had started playing in my head.

"Since you do not like the wine," asked Michael noticed his hesitation. "A Geneva we drank a lot together. "

"Like, I just do not feel good at this time and I prefer not to drink."

"You still feel sick?"

"No!" Denied with a sharp yelp. "No, really. I'm better, "he added trying to modulate the tone of voice.

Now that Alec was not with them, the excitement began to mount for the back. Left alone with Michael was never a good idea, because every time that happened ended up making love. And this time it was not really the case complicating a situation that is already on the brink of madness.

"Still, Becky. I know what you think, but this time I can assure you it will not happen. "

The boy crouched before the fire and then he threw some pieces of wood to revive it. "I like it, and much, have sex with you, I would be ridiculous to deny it, but we are two children. While it is exciting happens and heard a thousand bubbles tickling the brain, but the next day is a shit, "he said seriously and a bit 'sad.

"Gentile and very direct," Becky said with a slight smile, lying down on the cushions with the elbows bent over his head. "I'm so tired, Mike," she whispered closing his eyes.

In the silence you could hear the wood crackling and the absolute peace descended upon them.

few minutes later felt that the talk, Michael went to see if she was asleep seriously.

"Becca, are you asleep?" He asked in a low voice so that it was clear that his intentions were not to wake up. She soon turned on its side in its direction.

He looked undecided. He did not want to make love, caress her while she slept but did not seem a dangerous idea. Or maybe he wanted to be convinced. So he lay down beside her and laid his head on the pillow, just in front of his face.

She felt his warm breath, slow and steady.

knew her for a year and a half and still had not managed to find meaning in all its bizarre and contradictory behavior.

It seemed incomprehensible that Cavic had the permission to spend Christmas Eve with him. Okay, Alec was the reason why she was there, but now the situation was not so friendly.

And this, Milorad had expected. In his place would never have allowed him to go alone.

Suddenly felt it move.

Her slender hand slipped over the side of Michael looking for something. He found her and dragged her between her legs.

"What are you doing?" Asked Mike with all senses alert.

"Not what you think," she whispered with her lips parted, as red as ripe cherries, and his head thrown back.

"But, Becky ..."

He dragged his hand higher. Went up from the knee down the leg, just touched with the fingertips of lace panties and a hint of disappointment in his eyes he read when he realized that the intention of this act was very different from what could seem.

"Please do not ask me anything."

Using the hand of Michael, Rebecca gently stroked her belly, with small and delicate looking. There was excitement in his eyes, but only a never-ending need to feel his love. Because they could argue and hurting each other, Becky knew that Michael felt something for her.

At first he stayed, not feeling at ease. A bill was gratify a sex instinct making, with all the risks involved in it with her, another was to get involved so deep. That stroke was an act so intimate and private that he could not understand what difference there was a full-fledged declaration of love.

And the desire to make statements had gone into him long ago. Despite died by the desire to please her, he knew that there were at least a million reasons not to trust, and the first named Milorad Cavic.

So withdrew his hand.

"I do not feel. I'm sorry. "

Rebecca rose just leaning on his elbows. Despite the beautiful night spent together, his eyes were veiled by a mysterious melancholy, Michael, as usual, could not decipher.

"You're different tonight," he muttered with hats and ruffled her cheek marked by the folds of the pillow.

"More than usual?" He joked, stroking his rough skin of the face. The serene voice contrasted with moist eyes, so he did not understand if it was about to cry or laugh.

And while that sad smile lit up his eyes, Michael grabbed her by giving life to all resistance. "Come here. Turn around, baby ... "whispered in his ear.

and cradling an arm under the breast and his back attached to the chest, put his hand under her dress to caress her belly as before.

"Explain to me why I can not hate you?"

After a while 'time Michael lost consciousness. Peaceful slept with his hand on the navel of the girl hot property.

Rebecca just turned her face towards her and looked at him for a long time in silence, careful not to wake him.
"This is the last time I disappear from your life" the whispered tenderly with her mouth glued to her cheek. "I promise".

He put his hand on Michael's still stuck on his belly, and laced his fingers in his, before closing his eyes and fell asleep, warmed by the warmth of her the body. "I love you," he declared, his voice breaking, without being afraid.

San Fernando (Mexico)
A week after
6.00 am

"Agent Campbell, we found the car."


"He was underwater for more than ten meters deep, near Lake Texcoco in the state."

"Are you sure that is what we want?"

"No doubt, we checked the license plate. This is an old '63 Mustang and is hired on Dec. 25 on behalf of Ryan Lochte.

"Okay, proceed to pull it out from there. I want to shut this damn case before dinner. "

"We have done that."

"So what? Continue. "

"In the trunk we have found the body of a woman with red hair, twenty-five years or Caucasians. From first glance I would say that is dead more than three days. "

"I understand. Do not touch anything. The Scientific will be there soon. "

The agent got out and walked unsteadily to the place of discovery. He lit a cigarette and threw a quick glance at the body lying on the ground covered by cellophane.

"Poor fellow, no one deserves to take a similar view."



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