Thursday, December 9, 2010

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Michael Phelps - Step Back - (Chapter 53) Michael Phelps


Author: Myrtle S.

Category: Celebrities (RPF) Swimming

Rating: + 16

Characters: Michael Phelps, Milorad Cavic, Ryan Lochte, original characters.

Disclaimer: narrated Nothing happened really.
Status: In process of publication
Some considerations: tonight From a chapter in the evening for four nights. Consider it an early Christmas present! Actually I do not feel like leaving things open. Although ... Now do not comment because otherwise I reveal what happens and I do not want. Good reading.

Capitolo 53


North Baltimore Aquatic Club
5700 Cottonworth Ave.
Baltimore, MD
20 dicembre 2010


“And we both lying, We both wrong but it feel right”


“Put your hands up if you single for the night "

" Mike! "

" Put your hands up if you single ... "

A shock to the shoulder, in turn, forced him to stop swimming and re-emerge on the surface. He took off his earphones from his ears to see who was looking for him. She could not bear to be disturbed during training, especially after the decision was taken because those were the only moments when he could listen to some ' Music and rest the brain.

"What?" Grumpy growled, "Ah! Is that you, Liz. "

The swimmer wrinkled her nose, annoyed by his tone acid. "Get you a secretary is the last thing I want, but you try the phone," he said annoyed, "It 's urgent."

"Say it is not there. Please! " begged her to soften showing docile.

"Yes, it is here in front of me. Him immediately step "owl Elisabeth, covering with the palm open microphone laptop. "Sorry you say? Opsss, too late. "

"Fuck" she hissed in a hollow voice, his hands resting poolside to go out and answering. "Come here!" He muttered, ripping the phone.

"Yes, Miss Parker, you are absolutely right, but ... No, I'm sorry I did not want to contradict you, just ... Yes, yes ... I understand ... I assure you that this is the last time ... Okay, I ... Good morning to you too. " Liz returned the laptop, and having twisted a towel around his neck, walked to the locker rooms at a fast pace.

"That fucking witch, daughter of ..."

"Michael! Top with the words "scolded Bowman," I remind you that you're an adult and you have to set a good example "says the man standing next to the cages of the equipment.

"I know. But I was hoping it was less complicated. For now I'm done with training. See you tomorrow, Bob. "

Baltimore (MD)

Dunkal Elementary School

Half an hour later ...

He spent ten long years to erase from memory the memories of the school and did not seem possible to be forced to put up the same things after all that time.

Muto and resigned to the inevitable sermon, listened to the sermon of the Dean of Dunkal, Miss Elaine Parker, sitting on the edge of the chair, the muscles are ready to snap out of his office as soon as she had allowed him.

hated the smell of alcohol lingered in the hallway, not to mention the plaster dust which had remained stuck to the fingers when he shook my hand, astounding that at the beginning of 2011 still use it.

"It 's all clear, Mr. Phelps?"

"What? Ah! Yes, certainly. You are right and it does not recur, "he stammered agitated, hoping that he had not missed a few sentences out of place, not having the slightest idea of what Parker had said in the last five minutes. "Now I can see Alec," he asked crossing his fingers behind his back, praying that the sermon was finished.

"Follow me. If he can convince him to open the door, he can return home. "

The woman took him in the bathroom of the boys and left him there alone.

Michael lifted a corner of the mouth guard around. The graffiti did not differ greatly from those of the past, when he attended the Dunkal. Since then, little or nothing had changed in that school, even if each object as it seemed smaller than she remembered.

He called repeatedly, "Where are you Alec?", Opening with a sharp every single door, one after another, until she found him hidden in the last bath.

"Stop behaving like a stupid and open this fucking door! Heck, I meant damn door! "he corrected himself instantly, biting his tongue. Bowman several times and his mother Debbie had explained that if he wanted to live up to the commitment made, had to learn to moderate your language. "Come on, baby. Open ... "I prayed with more subdued tone, hoping to convince him.

The door opened, and through the crack, Michael could see his dark eyes, two lumps of coal on staring at him, defiant and scared at the same time. The man put his hand on the wood, and despite the resistance of Alec, forced to enter.

When alerted by Parker, had left the training, he was forced to rebuke him seriously, but now that I had before, with the nose of snot and dirty black eyes with tears, did not felt to be tough with him.

"What happened this time?"

"Nothing," replied the voice jammed with sobs.

"Miss Parker gave me a sound scolding and I assure you it was not pleasant. Something you need to be combined. "

"Parker is a ..."

"Sssttt!" Michael said, motioning with his finger to his mouth not to continue. "I think as you, but do not tell, okay?" He added with a wink. "Come on, come out of this bath, there is a terrible smell and ..." he paused focusing the view. "And your face?" He asked concerned when he noticed a pale yellow surround the upper arch of the eye.

"Nothing," muttered for the second time, without wasting any more to add.

"All right. I see that we are not in the mood to talk this morning. " The swimmer opened the cold water and soaked his handkerchief in the stream. "Judging by the size, how were you affected had to be big one "said pulendogli the wound gently.

"But I have defended! A leaner than I was able to trim a big bite in the calf. " Michael pretended not to hear. "And if the other two I had not held firm, I would have given a lesson!" Exclaimed proudly found his voice and wanting to talk.

"Ah, do not doubt it. Only, next time try to not take them. From experience I can assure you is much better. Also, if you want some advice, never go against three boys taller than you. "

"Ah! You're hurting me, "groaned twisting his lip in a grimace of pain as soon as I touched it with his handkerchief.

"May I ask why did you quarrel?"


"Next, Alec ..."

"Do not you wish you did," he murmured, wiping her nose with the sleeve of her sweater, "You do not want me to talk about her."

Michael was silent.

picked him up and squeezed, trying to make him understand that contact with the cared for him. "Let's go home, it'll fix everything. Tomorrow will start the holidays and for a while 'we should not set foot in here. "

Alec's arms wrapped around his neck and rested her cheek on his shoulder. He was exhausted and felt bad all over, just wanted to rest.

Apartment Michael Phelps

December 23, 2010


"Alec! Come on, is almost ready, "shouted Michael because the child decides to go down in the kitchen.

"Debbie came to see me and want to speak with you."

Since he had moved from him, he spent most of the time apart, hidden in some corner of his huge apartment. He was never a particularly sociable type, and when Michael's mother or sister came to see him to make sure everything goes well, any excuse was good to avoid them.

"Mom, let him lose. Today it is not in the mood to talk. "

The woman approached the kitchen to snoop on what his son was cooking for lunch. Michael looked at her sideways as soon as he saw it add two pinches of salt to the sauce of capers. He loved her, but could not stand when he took initiatives such as those without asking permission. That was his caper sauce and did not want help.

was no longer a boy for several years, and thought to be able to prepare something edible, even without the intervention of his mother. But the thing that most all bothered him was when he tried to meddle in his private life.

"Mike, do not you think you should show more severe? Parker told me what happened at school. That child needs discipline, "advised the woman that cooks stirring the pasta into the pot.

"Mom, do not worry. I know how to treat it. "

"Oh, I doubt it. I still think that this responsibility has been a mistake. You have to think about swimming and your foundation to run. Where do you find the time to care for a child? Do you think it is too late to return it? "

" Mom! Alec is not a bundle "the exasperated pointed out putting a hand on his forehead, on the verge of losing patience.

At that moment the phone started ringing and Michael leaped, in thought, as his eighth gold, because some good soul, without knowing it, I was saved by yet another sermon Debbie Phelps. But as said, his enthusiasm faded.

"In this time can not come to the phone," he said, frowning, nervously scribbling a sheet of newspaper on the table.

"No, I do not think is possible" only stayed a moment, "Okay, wait," to yield to the request immediately.

He put the phone down and put his hands in the pockets of jeans, with a shrug. He was trying to make the right decision.

took a few steps to the window and through the glass, watched expressionless whitewashed the dock. Thick white flakes of snow fell in the early hours of the morning. Was less than twenty-four hours on Christmas Eve.

"Mom, you better go home now. I would not want stuck in traffic for the snow. "

"Mike, listen to me. That woman is not the right person for you. And then I think you made a mistake ... "

"Go, Mother," interrupted her giving her a kiss on the forehead and putting his hands fur. "I'll call you tomorrow."

The woman resigned and walked toward the exit.

Michael went upstairs in search of the boy. But this time it was hidden better than usual, because her room was empty and could not find it anywhere.

"Alec! Where are you? Alec! "

There was no answer, except the echo of his voice.

He made another attempt. "Herman! Bello, come out. "

Nothing to be done. Even the dog seems to have disappeared into thin air, sucked from the floor.

He came back to stay.

"Okay," she sighed, considering you do not have much choice. "Alec, there is Rebecca on the phone. "

He saw a shadow just over one meter high shoot out from behind the sofa with a leap and grab the phone.

"we'll deal with you later," said Michael scolding the dog, who was hiding with Alec, pretending not to hear the master's voice calling him.

"Becca! Why did not you tried before? I ...

No! You assure you, I'm not crying. Okay ...

But Miss Parker is fine .... I promise you, Becca.

Wait do not hang up! Take me home, I want to go home, I promise that I'll be good, but take me home ... I will do whatever you want, but ... "

He stood without saying anything, then reached out to Michael to return the phone. He had tears in his eyes but was too proud to burst into tears in front of him.

"He had to go," Magone said in the throat, "It was an important thing, because otherwise would have been talking to me. She loves me. Very good. "

At that moment, Michael felt the same sense of fragility that had tormented him when he was a teenager. See that child feel so bad for her, the face feel damn guilty. Although he thought it was for his own good, he who had been separated from the person he loved most.

"We think it's time for lunch. Eat something, will you? "

brought him to the table and pulled back his chair to sit him.

Herman crouched at the foot of Alec. Since they met, following him like a shadow.

"I made your favorite dish. Pasta, tuna and capers, "he said placed in front of the plate. "Taste. I found the recipe in a book of Cuban cuisine. "

He was doing everything to make him feel at home.

"I'm not hungry. And this stuff makes me sick, "muttered pushing the dish away and crossing his arms, sulking.

"Enough is enough! Mangia! And stop with vagaries.


"Eat" ordered him, determined not to give it won.

"I said no," the boy growled through clenched teeth, slamming his fist on the table, by flying in the air fork.

"If this continues, tomorrow you will not receive any gifts!" Sternly rebuked him, hoping it was the right way to convince him to change his mind. He did not know how to handle children, and all I knew about them, I had learned in the last month. Too little time to be able to tame the rebellious spirit of Alejandro.

The child looked cold to the great pine that Michael had decorated the living room near the fireplace. The top and touched the ceiling in his life he had never seen so bright decorations. Packages of various sizes, wrapped in yards of red ribbon, chenille carpet the carpet that covered almost the entire room. Above the fireplace, a red and white woolen stockings that bore his name, hung full of sweets of all kinds.

"I do not give a fuck of Christmas!" Alec cried, jumping up, dropping the chair on the floor.

"I do not want to hear you say 'fuck'! Do you understand? Fuck! I mean, I mean damn! "He corrected himself, making the big voice. He scratched his head, snorting. Try to keep your tongue was a tall order even for him, and the effort of concentration required made him a headache.

"It 's all your fault!" Alec accused him pointing the finger at. A tear moistened the cheek, Herman began to hum while rubbing on his trousers. "Why do you hate so much?"

Michael said nothing, simply collect the chair from the ground.

"I do not want to live here! Do not want to wear these hideous checkered pants to continue to buy me and I do not want your gifts! "Screamed red-faced from the effort, no longer able to hold back anger," I just want to Becca ... " she whispered with a little Voice ran to his room, followed closely by Herman.



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