Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Milena Velba In Person

fanfiction - Step Back - (Chapter 60) Michael Phelps


Author: Myrtle S.

Category: Celebrities (RPF) Swimming

Rating: + 16

Characters: Michael Phelps, Celebrities ; Original.

Status: In process of publication
Some considerations: three more chapters ... Maybe someday I'll learn to take the steps and write a chapter at a time.
I had to make a difficult choice, but it inspired me so and then, more than anything, I needed to justify something that will happen in the end. Happy reading!

Chapter 60

Denver (Colorado)

April 30, 2011

2:37 pm

"Logan, are you sleeping?"

The girl knocked up, leaning just beyond the threshold to search for mate.

"No, I'm still awake. Something wrong? "Asked to alert, instinctively bringing his hand under the pillow.

Becky wrinkled her nose, puzzled.

"I wanted to ask if I could stay here with you tonight, but now I do not know if I want to share the bed with your gun."

Logan pulled his hand from under the pillow.

"Ana, stop joking. You can find out what you want? "

The term of reproach that he tried to keep his face faded quickly swept away by a sudden yawn that forced him to twist his mouth into a funny face, giving him an air of comical than threatening. Pulling himself together

glanced at the clock on the nightstand. "It's almost three and it's time you go to bed, I do not think is good for the child stay up late. Next, row to sleep! "

Rebecca smiled.

"Thanks for the nice evening out made me feel like a normal person and can not imagine what I needed to feel this way. Thank you and this time I'm serious. "

shut the door, her eyes still smiled, and retired in his room. Despite the forced cohabitation, could not recognize the qualities of the man and be grateful for what he was doing to her.

Logan treated her harshly, she raised her voice and had a rather narrow concept of freedom that did not exceed the boundary of the garden of their home. But it was an honest man, willing to risk their lives to protect it without thinking twice.

And that she knew it.

He took off from the sun tiered, white to yellow flowers, which man had given her a few days earlier. One of the many clothes he had bought for her since she had moved to Colorado.

that did not have much taste in fashion, Becky had guessed right away. The look was enough to clothes that he was thrown on him every morning, casually choosing something clean from the drawer. But he had given so much to do to make you feel at ease that had not seemed the case of protest.

as he closed the buttons of his pajamas brooded to himself, watching his reflection in the mirror of the cabinet. Standing, moving slowly from side to side his head, trying to make sense of what he was watching.

"Logan, you're a mess!" He muttered finally, hands on hips, staring wide-eyed the funny chicken with the golden crest painted on the front of the sweatshirt, not capacitance of how he came in mind to give her a similar pair of pajamas. Even still had twelve years.

A thick stiffened the expression of the abdomen. "Ah," groaned, clenching teeth, count to five for not thinking too much.

"Do not put us too!"

He took two deep, long breaths and rubbed his belly with slight movements, waiting for some 'time to quell the pain.

"God is great ..." he said with serious eyes fixed in the mirror. "Huge," he repeated in a faint voice muffled by the squall that shut the throat.

nervously chewed her lower lip as his eyes traveled Profile of its forms, changed radically in the last six months.

was on the verge of tears, a spontaneous reaction dictated by hormones that made her think clearly.

dying to review Michael. She wanted him, she heard her voice comforted her and told her she was beautiful despite the swollen ankles and the waist like sausages from a balloon.

most advanced in the pregnancy and her mood became more unstable. He felt inadequate to do the mother and terribly insecure. There were so many things that terrified of the future that she would not would take a lifetime to list them all.

slipped under the sheets which, upon contact with skin, felt cold around him. The Mago is fastened around the vocal cords more and more, so much so that she seemed to choke.

- Now you have to stop, Becky! Try to stay calm -. He rebuked reflecting to himself, trying to send to that country as part of her that wanted to stop being strong. He hid his face under the blanket, shutting out the rest of the world.

A deep sadness pervaded in the midst of all that cold.

"Mike ..." she whispered in a shaky sigh.

closed his eyes, thinking how she would feel happy if he had been in that bed to heat it up in his arms. "Where are you, monsieur?"

He spent the first six months of pregnancy alone, in a city that was hostile, distant from the people he loved and that, despite the misunderstanding, loved .

On a suddenly a shadow of the past through our thoughts, banishing the memory of the reassuring face of Michael. He threw aside the blanket and stood up.

One, two, three steps forward and then back the same number. He continued, his hands close to his chest for at least a couple of minutes.

knew he should not do so because of the child, but that memory, which became clearer every second, was the sending out of your mind.

had to push it as soon as possible in the infernal abyss from which he escaped, where she had buried so far. The taste of beer drank in one go directly from the bottle would not have done more harm in the sense of guilt that tormented her.

Alcohol painted the bright red cheeks and her eyes became glossy as glass marbles.

"It's not my fault, Mike's not my fault ..." he muttered dejectedly, covering her face with her hands.

He crouched back between the sheets, praying to fall asleep quickly to expel any Phantom of the mind.

San Fernando (Mexico)

's Uncle Bens - Storage warehouses

December 28 2010


"But the girl?"

A man, wearing an elegant white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows and a gray jacket on her shoulder, turned around just to give it a quick glance.

"Soon it will no longer be a problem. I'm done with you. "

"But it could recognize us! I'm not going to get in trouble to satisfy his desires "he said angrily, crossing the gaze of his partner to see if he thought like him. "We could not meet alone as we always do, sir ...?"

The man silenced him with a brusque gesture, pointing to his two guests did not like being called by name. "When you arrived was unconscious. And even if he had heard our agreements, will not live that long to be able to tell. As I've said this woman is not a problem. Now go, a private helicopter is waiting for you back in the United States. "

The two individuals exchanged glances, both agreed in wanting to leave Mexico as soon as possible. They would not get their hands dirty and they were eager not to know any details of the turns of the shady people with whom they had made in business. So after making sure that the money amounted to the agreed amount, carefully closed the briefcase and headed for the exit.

Someone knocked at the door.


Yusupov and Dr. Garcia appeared in the doorway, followed by a couple of bodyguards.

"So? Have you finished? "Garcia said nervously rubbing his hands and showing hoarse voice from a layer of excitement to the ongoing talks.

"Sure. The lords were right to go. "

They left all but the man with the gray jacket and Yusupov.

"And the other two guys?"

Yusupov raised an eyebrow before answering. "They wanted to play at being heroes. Too bad for them! "

The other handed him a glass of Daniel's twice with ice.

"It's not that simple," he added finishing well settle for the shirt inside his pants. He ran a hand through his hair, admiring her reflection in a glass, pleased with himself and what he had finally managed to take.

"These are two well-known athletes and we should draw the attention of the media" continued to smooth away wrinkles sleeves. "After all, no evidence, we have destroyed their records and do not know who is really involved in this story. "

Yusupov nodded his head motioning to share the same thought. "Yeah, those two idiots who believe it is a simple trade of drugs between me and Garcia notes, stroking his beard and giggling satisfied. "Mexico was as attractive to convince a child to accept candy," he continued more and more fun, "I thought they had collected more information about us, but now that we have verified that they know nothing, we can also let them go . So not believe no one if they try to accuse me and end with the head broken like the Phelps attorneys last year. "

"Actually, if I remember correctly, the Harvey was there to save your ass" said the other raising his glass, embarrassing with his insinuation.

"Yeah, well ... anyway we will not have problems."

The unpleasant sound of his voice startled Rebecca, causing it to emit a stifled groan.

Yusupov, which until then had not spared her, she whirled attracted to that breath and walked in his direction.

The girl, lying on the couch with my cheek stuck to the sweat leather cushion, looked stunned by the tears that continued uninterrupted down. As he earned the space to her, the bruise that covered his cheek became more evident.

The man narrowed his mouth in surprise. He reached for his face, not daring to touch her.

He took off his jacket and got a unexpected sense of loyalty covered her naked back.

Becky mumbled something, but he could not understand it.

"You want to get a ride even before you do it over?" Asked the man behind him, smiling contemptuously, while collecting the clothes from the floor of Rebecca smelling the scent, "It is not bad, although I expected to be warmer. "

In the eyes of the man was hiding under an indecipherable, a light cruel madness that scary, even to a type, without hair on his stomach as the director of Lersik.

Jusopov had no desire to laugh. He backed slowly away from Rebecca.

"There is no need to kill her, if you had not brought her here. Now he knows who is involved and we have no choice. Why did you do? I do not capsicum. You can have all the women you want, why you? "

The man paid no attention to his complaints and sent a message with the Blackberry.

"I was going to make me. That's it. "

reached her, crouched down to his height and stroked her hair, as were those of a doll. "And then I am convinced that it is not sorry" he whispered, blowing on his lips, holding the neck to kiss her again.

Then contact Rebecca stiffened muscles throughout the body and by appealing to his pride he found the courage to react. As soon as he broke away from his mouth, spat between the eyes without thinking of consequences. "I'll kill you, I swear I'll make you pay ..." she whispered trying to keep a steady voice, despite the fear and the disgust she felt for herself.

But the man did not allow her to go forward, hitting her in the face with his open hand before he could finish the sentence. This was going to hit a second time when one of the guards Garcia came into the room.

"Too late, baby. I do not think they'll get the chance. "

He wiped his face with a handkerchief.

"Take her away and Notify me when you're finished."

Man Garcia grabbed her by the shoulders, forcing her to get seated. He had the strength to stand alone. The woman, her eyes staring into space and appealed to him to help her even if her lips were not moving.

He covered his chest before tying the sleeves of the jacket he had on his shoulders, without any feeling of compassion shine through.

"Come on, come on!"

Rebecca obeyed, humiliation stunned by the violence that had been forced to endure and the fear of death.

walked through the long corridor that had crossed the first time, when they had separated from her friends. Step by step, bare feet in contact with the cold floor feeling lost and everything around her became hazy.

stops suddenly in the middle of the corridor, held by the instinct of survival still breathing inside her. He felt the muzzle press in the middle of the shoulder blades.

"I do not want to die! Please, I will do what you want! "


" Becky? Did you feel it too? "

" Yes, it is his voice, "cried Cavic starting to call it out loud. "Becky! Can you hear me, Becky? "


The echo of the voices of Ryan and Milorad who called one of the rooms overlooking the hall sparked a ray of hope in his heart. He ran away, following the direction of the shouting. Impulsively scratched the wooden door that separated them from pulling punches and kicks, in a last desperate attempt to avoid his fate.

Ryan heard her cry. "Becky! What's happening? Becky, answer me! "

The man dragged her back to Garcia grabbing a wrist, but she did not want to move away from that door. To resist fell to the ground dead weight, begging him not to hurt her. He was beside himself.

him, deaf to those cries, dragged on the floor behind him, he opened a room and pushed her down the wall.

shut the door.

The noise startled the violence of that clash.

"Please, do not! I'm pregnant and ... "

A glow intense and the hissing of a gunshot to the heart beat stopped, along with the words.

fell to his knees with his hands open in front of the face.

"Hey, are you okay?"

A rough but gentle hand touched her shoulder gently, caressing her to comfort her.

The bullet was stuck inside one of the many bags of beans stacked on each other to the ceiling in that warehouse.

Becky was speechless. The fast and labored breathing.

"Answer me, I asked you if you're good."

Man of the Garcia swung his hand a few times in front of the nose to see if it was still present. The jerked his arm to shake them and regain control over the mind as quickly as possible.

Rebecca was in shock. A thin line of saliva dripping from the corner of the mouth, half open. Petrified eyes stared at the stranger who had just saved your life, while the pungent odor of dust from the fire went up through the nostrils, giving her nausea.

The voices of some people who passed through the corridor the man Garcia put on alert.

"Come on, Rebecca! Wake up! We do not have much time. "

The brusque yanked still gripping her chin.

She reacted instinctively and slapped him in the face to defend himself. Then he turned to the side and gave a stomach on the floor.

"Shit," cursed him out of patience, "I do not have time for this shit!" She insisted, raising his voice.

Becky began to tremble.

The man paused to observe it better. It was semi-naked, with her hair down and dirty with blood, and judging from the yellow bruises on his face and between the thighs, the bastard was in a lot of fun to hurt her.

He put the gun behind his jeans and pulled her sweater. He grabbed the sleeve of his shirt and, with slow and controlled movements to not frighten her, wiped the mouth. "I swear I'll take you out of here, but you have to trust me" she whispered weakly.

slips on his sweater that fell almost to his knees and tenderly licking the hair tied in a long ponytail.

"That's better, right?"

Those simple gestures to gave courage.

"Who are you?" He asked trying to talk, "Why are you helping?"

"My name is Logan and Bailey is an agent of ' FBI ".

The piercing roar of a volley of shots of gunfire interrupted their conversation, making her fall back in terror and sent back to short-circuit the nervous system.

"What's happening?" Cried frightened eyes wide open, their ears with their hands.

The threw her arms around and embrace the unknown as he was the only man in the world who had entrusted his life. An irrational instinct suggested that she blindly trust without question.

"Damn!" Cursed angrily, with one hand while stroking the back of Rebecca. "Those assholes narcotics in Dallas have spoken before of what we had anticipated. We gotta go, you feel like following me? "



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