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Michael Phelps fanfiction - Step Back - (Chapter 61) Michael Phelps

Chapter 61

"Logan! Where are you? Logan! "

Rebecca's screams alerted the staff that Bailey ran into the girl's room with his gun outstretched in his hands and eyes wide open.

"What happens? Why are you crying? "

With a shrug he opened the bathroom door to check that there was none, then cautiously approached the window and scours the driveway in front of the house.

"I do not understand. Ana, why did you call me? I think it's all right here. "

Rebecca sat up, leaning with his arms behind his back.

"Excuse me, I had a bad dream, "admitted lowering and lifting the chest quickly, wiping the sweat from his forehead an elbow.

At that point, including Logan. "Give me space." Put safety weapon, placed it on the table and lay down on the blanket beside her.

"You wanted to see again what happened in Mexico?"

Becky nodded his head and turned on her side, her back to him.

"I want to forget, but sometimes the memory of that night comes over me she can not stop it. I feel insane, Logan! "

Bailey put his hand on the side and, overcoming her resistance, pulled her towards him, embracing her from behind and snap the face in the crook of her neck.

For a while, 'said nothing, merely playing with your fingers with one of her curls.

"Of course your belly has grown incredibly," he began at once, "If you continue at this rate will not be able to slip in the shower," he said ironically, thinking naively that joke on that was the right way to make her feel better.

But of course this only served to worsen the situation.

And sobs retained only half thanks to the pride of the girl made him understand that you have the wrong tactics. But when he enlisted the FBI, no one had explained how to treat a woman, let alone a pregnant woman.

"Come on, Becky ... stop crying."

She walked with difficulty on the side affixed to his eyes.

be called by its true name, for the first time in the past four months, warmed his heart. Her face brightened with a sweet smile that thrilled a man in one piece as the agent Logan Bailey.

"Please, I want you to tell ... yet."

"What? Want to see your name Rebecca Harvey? Or maybe Mrs. Phelps? "

Becky dropped her eyes.

"What? Why this sad face? "

" I will never marry him. "

"And why not? It 's the father of your child and do not think we will pull back. Sooner or then we will seek out the bastard and when you testified against him, sending to jail all those involved, you can go home by Michael Alec and your little friend. "

From the expression melancholy knew that Rebecca was not so convinced.

"The situation is more complicated than you think."

"What's complicated? You love that man? "

" It is not so simple, "she blushed. "When I agreed to enter into the protection program had not yet said to be pregnant. I was hoping to return home within a few days but four months have passed. L ' FBI did not give me choice! In addition, he ... "he shook embarrassed by what he meant," he does not know we were together that night on the ship. "

Logan frowned his forehead. "What do you mean? I do not understand. "

"Ryan found me the job ... and I wore a mask and Michael ... was ...." Becky babbling nonsense words with the breath more and more accelerated.

"Okay, now calm down! Whatever happened between you that night, Phelps knows exactly who he had sex. You know it was you, believe me. "

Rebecca looked up.

"How can you say? No, no, you do not understand! He hated me, and maybe still hates me. E ' complicated, it is always with me all damn complicated! "

Logan said no, preferring to let her vent. Those rambling sentences, suspended in mid-left, gave her an air of helpless. But it was certain that the woman he had met in recent months was strong enough to overcome that moment of uncertainty.

"It 's not your fault," he shouted suddenly hitting him in the chest with a clenched fist. "You do not even want to call him! I hate you! And I hate the damn people you work for! "

Logan did not seem to take it. After all that had passed had the right to lose control and pull out a bit 'of that anger that smoldered inside.

"We did it just to protect your life and that of your loved ones" in a calm voice reassured her for covering it well why not take cold. "Nobody has to know that you're still alive. The narcotics intervened when he did not know that the FBI was investigating for a year. We can not trust anyone. "

He stood up, leaving her alone and went to the bathroom. Becky not lost sight of, terrified she would go away. Depended on him in everything and who admit it or not, he felt lost when he had next. It was the only man capable of making her feel safe. He had saved his life and knew the truth about what had happened in Mexico.

I saw rummaging in the medicine.

After a couple of minutes she returned with a glass of water in his hands.

He sat on the edge of the bed.

"Drink this, will help you to sleep and chase the ghosts."

aid holding him back.

"Know the truth, and you can understand that the characters are too involved in having to take any unnecessary risks. You have seen them in the face and you hear them make arrangements. "

Becky nodded. He was too tired to defend himself or clogs in another discussion.

"Now put yourself down, you need to rest. I swear that bastard will pay for all the evil that you did! But until we find out where you have to remain hidden, because it will do everything to eliminate you. I do not want anything to happen to you. "

He gave her a kiss in her hair that smelled of shampoo.

"And Michael is a real idiot if you do not want to marry you," he added softly lifting a corner of the mouth. This helped him to lie down in bed, placing the pillow and tucking the sheets.

Becky's eyes filled with tears and Logan did not take long to sense and reason, without leaving them the opportunity to bemoan, hugged her hard.

"It's not your fault. What you did was not related to you, "whispered in his ear while continuing to hold her tight," And Phelps does not love you less for it. " His voice rang clear and without hypocrisy.

"I would like to have a father like you."

Those words surprised Logan and at the same time filled him with pride. "Hey, girl! How old do you think? "

Rebecca laughed.

"Stay here with me tonight?"

"Yes, do not be afraid. Close your eyes, I'll keep at bay the shadows. "

Baltimore (MD)

Apartment Michael Phelps

May 15, 2011

Hours 4:00 am

"Muot, you end up eating your cereal."

"I'm not hungry."

"No stories, you know the rules. Milk, cereal, two bananas and a boiled egg before each race are the secret to winning. "

Alec snorted without giving him a straight. He continued to slowly turn the spoon with the puffed rice which now had become a shapeless glue stuck on the edge of the cup. And while the boy pretended to have breakfast, Michael made him the bag with the need to swim.

"Today you have a big race, the Kainton's School has an excellent swim team. It will be fun to compare yourself with those children, Bob also told me that you intend to try the mixed. You know, when I was your age ... "

" Still this old story? You already told me a thousand times! And then I do not want to go to Texas. "

Michael mumbled something, a bit 'offended by that remark.

"Point one, whether you like it or not, take part in that meeting. I've been too lenient with you in recent months. For what it costs me to admit, Bowman and my mother are right, I can not continue to give them to you all won! Second point ... "he cleared his throat to be more authoritarian," Denver is in Colorado! I wonder what I'm sending you to school to do, you're more ass than it was me! "

" Well then I'm not going to go to Colorado. In fact, I want to stop wasting time with the training! I hate swimming! It 'a stupid sport for stupid people! "

jumped up bumping unintentionally the cup of breakfast and walking quickly slipped upstairs to go and lock in your room. How did all the time arguing.

A bulldog is a bit 'heavy ran after him and caught him with difficulty, slipping behind the legs.

"Thanks for the compliment!" Shouted while Michael watched him disappear up the stairs. He rubbed his face with the palms, uncertain what to do. But the thought of Bowman called to tell him that, yet again, Alec did not want to be in the pool, gave him the courage not to give in as usual to his whims.

threw the cup in the sink with a gesture, and the unmistakable sound of broken crockery confirmed to be the least nervous as Alejandro.

joined him in his room and entered without knocking decided.

"Come on, it's time to leave!"

The catch for the hood of his sweatshirt just a moment before he could hide under the bed and forced him to follow in car. And nothing won moans Herman trying to soften his master.

For the first half an hour neither of them spoke.

Alec, in the passenger seat, staring at the road without bothering to look, with the ' Ipod in my ears to avoid being forced to speak to him.

Resentment of Michael and the urge to scold him went out almost immediately. A smile appeared on her lips touched him, thinking that only a year and a half before he had been sitting on that seat, sulking in his coach with the earbuds in your ears. Remembered come fosse ieri il giorno in cui Bowman si era presentato dai Lochte in Florida per riportarlo a casa dopo la sua fuga in Svizzera.

Non riusciva a credere a quanto la sua vita fosse cambiata da allora. Quando era partito per Ginevra non avrebbe mai potuto prevedere la miriade di complicazioni che quella cameriera dagli occhi nocciola avrebbe portato nella sua esistenza.

Non era più il ragazzino immaturo in cerca di avventure, pronto a trovare ogni scusa possibile pur di non affrontare i propri sentimenti. Aveva passato l’adolescenza ad avercela con suo padre per come era sparito dalla sua vita, lasciandolo da solo, senza trovare il coraggio di affrontarlo and to admit what he missed.

But all that now there was no trace of resentment. If he was carried off Rebecca, with her innocent smile and his warm caresses.

Now he had to attend to a child and could not afford to make mistakes like his father. A child who saw her and she loved more than anything else. All that's left of her.

"Oh, Becky ..." he whispered, his head surrounded by pale past. "How much I would like here ...."

Suddenly, she felt the tiny hand of Alec rely on one thigh, as if he understood the pain that had gone cold as a wave to break on the environment.

"I'm sorry, Mike," she admitted dejected without making excuses.

"Me too, I should not raise his voice."

Alec swallowed.

"I do not I want to swim, because .... " He remained, uncertain whether or not to confide in and insisted that Michael did not convince him, leaving him free to decide for himself.

"Behold, I ...", still hesitated about to blow off steam, "I promised that I would never leave and that I would find my courage in the stands every time I fell in water. But it will not do ... It was all lies, all! "

He collapsed on his knees and while Michael swimmers continued to keep their eyes firmly on the road clutching the steering wheel with one hand, the other stroked his head.

"Listen, baby. Today looks at me. If you're afraid, or you'll be like running away when you're on the blocks, look for me with his eyes. I promise that I'll be there. There will always, every time you enter the race. "



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