Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Fake Pin That Works On Poptropica

fanfiction - Step Back - (Chapter 59) Michael Phelps

Chapter 59

Denver (Colorado)

April 30, 2011


"Ana, please not today. I can not face the same speech again. " The man opened the fridge and arranged the Beck's on the middle shelf, hoping to avoid another debate. He grabbed the packet of cigarettes on the shelf and lit one. "Do you smoke?" He asked politely, offering a marlboro the girl.

She just refused to move her head and with a little 'hard work, sat down on the table, gaining space between shopping bags.

"Logan, if you do not even realize I'm pregnant," said hold your nose, waving his open hand before his face to fade away the cloud of smoke. "You know that thing that takes about nine months?"


He glanced at his belly and turned against his cigarette in the ashtray. "And I thought it was the fault of the hazelnut gelato that continues to devour four months now," said enjoyed making fun of her.

rummaged in the drawer under the stove and pulled off a spoon. Then, after poking around in shopping bags, showed her a jar of cream. "It may seem strange, but I know how babies are made" continued softening the voice, try the ice cream.

"Next, taste," he said with a wink, taking as he had five years.

"Becky! My name is Becky! "Raising the tone and pointed out wiping his mouth smeared with hazelnut. "And do not think you really know what it means to have a baby." Slide down from table and walked into the living room, annoyed by his way of doing extremely safe.

As she always had to provoke him, she did not like to discuss with the man easily because we won and to have the last word.

"Come, Ana! Do not take it, you will not want to keep me sulk all evening, right? "

The house in which they lived was a small detached house, built in a beautiful residential neighborhood of Denver. The white wooden porch with ivy twisted the railing of the stairs and the basket for basketball mounted above the garage door gave the impression of a typical happy American family.

The garden with automatic irrigation system, the mail box of red lacquered and a nice group of friendly and curious neighbors to complete that part of fiction.

But despite appearances, Rebecca sensed immediately that the cozy nest that Logan had prepared for her would be her prison.

He caught the other room and, lifting his legs, sat on the sofa next to her.

"Becky, listen to me." He took the remote and turned off the TV.

"I know it's not easy for you, but this is the only way to guarantee your safety."

She lifted soon. Laid his back against the armrest of the sofa and looked at him for a long time looking for the right words to convince him. The man, known only recently, entered the force of his life and that he would or not, was obliged to accept it.

Since they had moved in Denver, it rarely happens that Rebecca set foot outside those four walls, and certainly not because they so wished. Logan had to take care of everything, paid bills and did the shopping in the supermarket near the police station where he worked. All the time he had left was spent with her, without losing sight of.

"I can not do more to stay closed in here," sighed bowing his head as he rubbed the swollen ankles. "When I accepted, you promised me it would be only for a short time, but have already been four months! I want to go home, I want to review Alec! "

" This is beyond dispute. "

He stood up, took off from behind the blue velvet jacket and pulled out the gun from the holster. And after checking that the lock was inserted, placed the gun in the drawer, making sure to lock it.

Rebecca was accustomed to being told no, but this did not prevent her every time to try again.

And as he followed his movements, his eyes narrowed, watching groped to break away body armor, joined him to a stop a few steps from his shoulders.

"You do not seem to go overboard with this stuff?"

He looked at her quizzically.

"Come on, you know what I mean. For someone who works in the office and fill out reports it seems unnecessary to turn the gun and everything else. "

Logan looked at her more and more perplexed.

Rebecca snorted again, moving side of a curl of hair. "Leave it to me," he said softly, helping him to get rid of that thing which by now had become a familiar object, an integral part of their life together.

"Thanks, love."

teasing was the most enjoyable part of their relationship. "Why do you take it so much?" Asked whistling when he saw a face appear on its face, "I do not think there's anything strange about the call" love "my wife," continued giggling.

She frowned. "Stop it, Logan! Today, not in the mood to joke, "clarified without delay.

"Really, you're not ever."

Becky sighed and forced him to turn around with your hands to smooth the wrinkled shirt.

"But what do you expect? And then I do not think you are very different from me. "

Although the situation does not allow her to admit it, was nice to spend time with him. Especially when you let go and, forgetting his duties, just as she played with that afternoon. He tried to temper his frustration and enjoy the unusual mood of Logan.

Rebecca knew almost nothing about his life, even age. But judging from the skin smooth, despite the fine lines under the eyes, were not supposed to have more than forty years.

hid the deep scar on the side of the mouth behind a thick beard that, when they lived together, had shortened a couple of times.

The sky-blue eyes, that was visible only between the tufts blonde wearing no discipline, gave him a tender expression, even if its so hard to do well showed a markedly different.

"Please, let me call Michael," she pleaded softly, leaning his forehead against his back. "Believe me, we can trust. I do not want to have her baby without his knowledge. "

That request caught him by surprise.

He turned his face to the side just to look at and for a moment, the expression stern and adamant that he used to show when the topic dealt Phelps seemed to vanish. And that filled the heart of Becky's expectations.

But do not take him long to realize that the hope of convincing him to make an exception was only an illusion.

Logan stiffened.

"No, I do not want to talk about it. About your child, you know how I feel. "

"Oh, Logan." Pushed him away. "I could not get rid of it! And you know, "said forward decisively towards the window.

joined her. With eyes on the road in front of the house, just wanted to find a way to escape.

"If I had been in place for Phelps, I would have asked to do so," murmured seriously dissolving his shoelaces, "I would not have ever run such a risk."

"But you're not him. And no one can force me to hurt my baby, "says still looking out the window.

"No, but you're my responsibility. Do you understand? And if you really want to get to the end of your pregnancy, you take my advice and do not commit some idiot that can put them in danger. You are Ana, Rebecca Harvey no longer exists and I'm just a policeman holed up in office. "

nodded. The cost to admit it, but the man was right. And what suffered to stay away from Michael and Alec had little other choice.

Four months before

Road to San Fernando (Mexico)

Service Station

December 28, 2010


"You can see because it takes so long? "

" Do not ask me, man. "

Ryan, sitting comfortably in the back seat of an old '63 Mustang , played with the PSP with their feet out the window, waiting for Rebecca to come out of the toilet.

"You want to quit?". The voice of Milorad sounded threatening.

The other lifted his chin, frowning. It was clear that he had not understood what alludes to the partner.

'E' since we stopped throwing punches that do not do that against the roof of the car! Can not stand it! If you still make me mad! "

" Ugh, it's not my fault that this country has been invaded by flies. And then you should try to relax, man. You know that stress affects sports performance? "He said jokingly," And not just on those "pointed out giggling and resuming play.

Milorad paw, blowing air from his nostrils, watching and covering the clock. Were still missing three hours appointment, but according to the plan they had set the previous night in the Motel, were already half an hour late on the roadmap.

The thought of sneaking in the warehouse of the factory bean to frame the Lersik waved. He began to fear that she has underestimated the implications of their journey and, with the passage of time, his plan did not seem so brilliant as before.

Until then there had been no catch spinning and everything was smooth, but for Cavic was not a good omen. The tip-off on the exchange of money between Jusopov and Garcia had reached a favorable only a few days after their arrival in San Fernando. A stroke of luck, Ryan had said, but not the Serbian swimmer had the same opinion.

Something was wrong, but still failed to focus on what it was.

"Okay, enough. I'll see what happened. You do not move from here. "

"Under the orders again".

got out, walked to the toilet and, after having ensured that there was no other, he decided to knock.

"Becky, are you okay?"

She went staggering. "Yes," mumbled, blinking his eyes and wiping his forehead drenched in sweat. He shuffled to the sink to drink some water.

"You look terrible," said without a lot of compliments, noting the color and light green tinged with red eyes.

She gave him weight, reflecting wryly on the fact that he and Catherine would form a very well-matched pair, a perfect fit for sensitivity and tact.

upside down on the palm a couple of pills and swallowed, then stuck his head under the tap.

"Becky, but ..."

Although he did not understand what was going to put one hand on the side to make her feel that she was there and that she could trust. He knew well and had learned to recognize between the lines of his bizarre behavior when something was wrong.

since they left Baltimore had uttered words yes and no four in a row and unwillingly. Furthermore, the continuous invented excuses to close the bathroom no longer holds.

"What do you have? Are you concerned about the Lersik? "

reached out to close the tap and looked around for something to dry.

"Shit! In a bathroom this shit is not even toilet paper! "Railed kicking the empty container, while the wet hair dripping on your shirt, making her shiver. "I hate this country!"

"Look, Becky," he said, grasping her shoulders.

lowered her face, blushing a bit 'for the hot and humid climate of Mexico in the winter and a bit' out of fear that his friend could sense the truth.

"I asked you to look at me" he insisted in a firm voice, determined to understand the causes of his malaise. "And now you tell me what's going on. Why are you so bad? "

" It 's just a common flu. Nothing serious. "

"A flu scare you much?"

"You're wrong, I'm not scared."

"No, you're right. You're scared! "

She did not said anything, just lifting his eyes half-open.

"Hey, you're shaking."

embraced her wrapping it completely, as did a long, long time. Becky and do not hinder them, finding in that narrow the warmth of the past they had shared together. And with all that had happened in the last week he needed to feel secure.

involuntarily, compelled by love Milorad she felt around her completely insane and hormones in her body, she burst into tears no longer hold.

"It's okay, Becky. Whatever it is I'm here. "

And while he vented, he caressed her back to her courage and make her feel less alone. "I'm here, always have been."

grabbed his hand and dragged her under his shirt, on his belly.

"I'm pregnant!" said in one breath, driven by the need to confide in someone.

That revelation froze the blood in the veins of the boy. The half-open mouth and staring at the mirror behind them were only outward signs of panic that erupted in the heart.

She looked to see if he was okay.

The swimmer, after a moment of loss, increased the close of her embrace.

swallowed before saying something, because his throat was dry and could not speak clearly.

"He knows? You've already said to Phelps, "he asked seriously.

That question warmed the heart of Rebecca more than any pep talk, wiping away all her tears and to some extent her fears.

"Thank you, Milo. Thank you for being who you are, "said clinging to his shirt as if she wanted me inside him.

"Hey, what's the matter? Why that smile? "

"Why do not you asked me who is this child, assuming that the father is Michael. And I love you for it. "

After a couple of minutes passed in silence, supported by its close, Milorad began to tickle her sides.

"I do not want to do more serious one. I love you, but I do not. " At that moment it seemed the only sensible thing to do, although it was unusual for his character.

Rebecca laughed and joked with him returning complicity. He was not lying when only a few moments before, had confessed that she loves him, although both were aware that the feeling that united them was only a reflection of what they knew to be love.

A ray of sunshine, warm, with enough energy to heat it up a lifetime and maybe even make her happy, but never able to make them burn the soul as Michael had done the first night they met.

If it had not left for Geneva and had not met Michael, his relationship with Milorad would never interrupted.

But he had given up unreservedly to the constant affection and serenity that he could guarantee to follow the man who had taught her to love.

His smile eased reflecting on these things and felt stupid for not being honest with Michael and what he felt for him from the beginning.

had repented of many choices made in the past, but fall in love with Phelps was not one of them. He was not yet clear ideas about how to tell her, but she was determined, once he returned to Baltimore, to talk to the child. And, regardless of his reaction, he would everything possible to regain the trust and love.

Even if it served a lifetime to convince him.

"We have to go or Doggie think that we have abandoned. And I confess that part of me is tempted to do so. "

"Yes," you hold. "I only have one favor to ask."

"Come on, talk."

"Nobody has to know that aspect of a child. Especially Ryan! It is only to tell me Michael. "

The man nodded that he understood and made them promise to be careful and not expose themselves to the dangers of that journey, my friend reached into the car and departed to San Fernando.

Denver (Colorado)

April 30, 2011



"Ana? Ana, but are you there? "Said snapping his fingers in front of the nose.

"Yes," he said repeatedly banging the lids to the call of that sound, "I was just thinking back to Mexico."

Logan did not proceed further with the questions, hoping to divert his thoughts elsewhere. Despite being very hard on rules to follow in their relationship, and that still would not have permission to transgress Rebecca knew that was the limit.

He looked down at his belly. It was not the first time he saw someone like her to suffer the prolonged isolation, but perhaps he had underestimated the needs of a woman in her condition.

It was always delusional to satisfy his desires in food was sufficient to satisfy, and to make their stay more bearable in Denver, but obviously wrong.

"Come on, clothes."

She sat back on the sofa folding his legs, grabbed the latest issue of Sports Illustrated and began to leaf through it.

"Why? To eat one of your club sandwich and watch a game of Denver Broncos I question the need for suits and ties, "he said without even looking up.

The magazine slipped from his hands and sat down on his knees, bowing his head to one side and securing it with a curious smile.

"Tonight I'll take you out."

Four months before

San Fernando (Mexico)

's Uncle Bens - Storage warehouses

December 28 2010

at 22.00

"Let me go! Let me go! "

" Stop yelling and tries to behave as they should, otherwise the head will not hold you with an eye on. "

The man, a Hispanic man in his fifties who smelled of tequila and rum mixed, rocked on the chair placed in front of the only door of the room, working with great care, the tobacco in his hands.

Rebecca, handcuffed to pipes in that hangar, kicking like a mad trying to free even though he knew it was useless. Not far from Milorad she lay sprawled out.

"Milo, wake up. Please tell me something. "

was for about ten minutes that the boy did not move anymore. He felt his breath, even if weak, and this relieved. Garcia's men, after having captured, had reserved a nice treatment. Although he was certain that he had defended well, giving back some punches, nothing had been against them.

The door swung open and the guard helped his fellow man just arrived to drag a body for the arms on the floor.

"Ryan" said Becky with gasp.

"I'm fine," murmured a little 'stunned, before the Hispanic strike him with a kick to the kidneys, just for the sake of hurting him.

They had been interrogated for hours because Yusupov wanted to be sure you know what they had discovered on their trades.

Once left alone, Ryan became strong and, though her hands were tied, he sat, taking advantage with his back against the wall.

"Hey, Cavic ... wake up!". She gave him some little football on the ankles to encourage it. But since there was no point, he decided to hit him with vehemence. Rebecca looked at him skeptically, but as soon as he saw Milorad open your eyes and lift breathed a sigh of relief.

"While masquerading as a Serb born in California. Breed resistant. With him are the hard way! "Ryan said, smiling as the blood running down his nose from the dirty face.

"Becky are you okay?" Said shaken, just regained consciousness.

"Yes, I'm fine. Thanks for asking, buddy. "

Milorad eyes turned toward the voice.

"After all of that in, that shit he just kicked the fuck!" Ryan continued, trying not to take deep breaths not to feel too much pain in the chest.

"Now what do we do?" Asked Rebecca shifting gaze from one to another, hoping to be comforted.

Seeing that he could scarcely keep from crying, and not knowing what it was spontaneous, Ryan was concerned. He read the fear and anger inside her stinging nestles in the stomach because he did not know how to protect it. The truth was that they were driven out in big trouble and had no idea how to get out.

"Come on, do not cry," he whispered looking calm her, "You'll see that we will find a solution. Get out of it. "

But Becky does not calm down. She was terrified.

Ryan Although it was dark, at stake was no longer only his life but also that of her child.

The creaking of the door increased the beating of the heart.

"Come on, baby. It 's your turn "said the Hispanic man, grasping his hair and breath in my face. "Still, for you will be much more pleasant," he continued blocking force of the jaw and inserting the tongue into her mouth. "You taste good, you know?"

you do not reacted, leaving him to do. He understood that before the others could not escape. Opposing them would have pushed to become even more violent and harm her.

Ryan lost control of his hands when he saw that pig caress her neck, and no longer feel the pangs started to kick in the chest and threaten to make him pay. Milorad however, stood in silence without saying anything because, as Rebecca, he realized that he would respond only made matters worse. But inside he wanted to kill him.

"Stop" interrupted the other man's guard, giving a pat on the shoulder of the companion to draw attention. "I know you can not touch it. The orders are different. "

Those words made it possible for Rebecca to resume breathing.

"Come on, get up."

The Hispanic grabbed her by the arm and his feet, then forced her to follow them.

"Where would you take? No! I will not! "

But his protests, together with those of Ryan who swore at them, are of little use. That was the last time the two swimmers saw their friend.

Soon ...

"Come here and wait."

The Hispanic freed her wrists from the rope and tugged, fall to the ground. In the complete darkness of that room could not see anything. Received the accelerated beat of his heart pounding in my temples.

He started just felt the brunt of the door slamming behind her.

Suppose to be left alone and that gave her courage, but still did not see anything. With her hands she felt for the floor, smooth and cool beneath her, to guide you.

All of a sudden someone turned on the light. He covered his eyes to guard against the sudden glare, and as they struggled to regain their sight to focus on the figure standing before her.

"You whispered with her eyes !..." wide open, full of resentment.



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