Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Steve Prefontaine Sweat Shirts

fanfiction - Step Back - (Chapter 62 )

Chapter 62

Denver (CL)

Kainton's School - Spring Meeting

May 15 2011

at 14.00

"Miss, wait! Is the wrong road, the entrance the public is on this side. "

Rebecca thanked the security guard and unobtrusively mingled with the crowd that he was entering the pool.

He sat near the top, outer corner of the bleachers, next to a concrete pillar. He collected the hair in a baseball cap and, unnoticed, had raised the hood of his sweatshirt over his eyes.

He started nibbling his nails, curled with hunched shoulders, praying that nobody would recognize. Probably sneak out of the house as soon as Logan had left for work was not very sensible initiative, and his hands were shaking idea of what would be angry if he found out.

But when that morning, reading the newspaper, she learned that the junior team of the NBAC was present at a meeting in his own city, a fixed idea had been stuck in the brain, leaving no possibility of choice. Nobody could have stopped going there.

Bowman saw the line drive of his baby swimmers. A sudden urge to cut and run the assailed seeing Alejandro sit on the bench alongside fellow.

"Alec ..." she whispered, covering her mouth with his hand.

had grown a lot since the last time she saw him. The hair had stretched a long and tangled bangs that covered his eyes needed to be cut. He noticed hanging dall'accappatoio the left pocket, remained attached only for a corner. These and other small details made her understand that no woman's hand was dealing with Alejandro.

While it saddened the other hand she was relieved. It seemed absurd and perhaps a bit 'unfair to expect it, but the thought that Michael had not totally forgotten gave her the courage to move forward.

Suddenly he realized that nobody would ever return those five months spent away from him and Alec, and this regardless of how things had turned out.

He clenched his fists thinking of those who had done it.

hatred vanished at the sound of the speaker announcing the formation on the blocks.

Alec was there with his hands stretched forward in the process of diving. Becky's heart was pounding, proud of her child. Suddenly she saw him flinch and look someone in the public eye.

did not understand it now.

But enough follow the direction of his gaze to find out who was looking for.


The reason was to be expected, but not his spirit. Only a few steps separating them. From where she sat she could not make out his face, but the profile of his broad shoulders for her were unmistakable.

He appealed to all his common sense to find the strength not to scream his name and do not run from him. He would have given anything to take hold, to tell him his son and ask forgiveness for everything. Again.

was impulsive, but not selfish to the point of endangering the lives of all of them, knowing that that mistake could be fatal.

So, he spent the whole day on those steps, still, trying to capture and preserve the heart of every single gesture, half-smile or caress the man she loved gave to Alejandro, filling the veins happiness.

five o'clock, by which time the races were about to close, and Bowman already gathered the kids to go to the showers, decided it was time to leave. If he wanted that Logan did not realize of his flight, he had to get home before he comes home from work. He ordered him to his legs to his feet, and walked toward the exit.

"What is it, Mike? All right? You have a face ... "

Bowman's voice sounded confused between the chatter of the audience.

"What? I have nothing, just a strange feeling. "

The swimmer, jumped up and turned to the bleachers. Looked right and left across the pit without any apparent reason. Some kids, sitting behind him, hands him a pen and paper to be issued with an autograph. He agreed reluctantly.

He felt uneasy.

And while scribbling his name on the papers, looked up one last time. He saw a girl with one eye on the threshold of the door that let fall his long curly red hair, taking off his hat. That image lightning evaporated in an instant, erased from the fire door that closes quickly.

shook his head.

returned the pen and took leave of those kids.

"Alec, you're done? Hurry up and take a shower, I want to return to Baltimore. "


Rebecca hopped happy, playing with the tip of the umbrella to play the railing of the neighborhood. The sun had set long ago, and although he knew that Logan was certainly already returned, he could not feel sad or worried.

was damn proud to have listened to his heart and being run by his two friends. And was ready to subirsi the reproaches of Logan and any consequences had resulted.

A few steps from the driveway leading to the garage, saw the Agent Bailey car parked in its usual place. The smile that brought branded on the lips is just intimidated, thinking that soon he would have heard screaming. He looked at the house and, oddly, he noticed that all the lights were out.

Her smile disappeared altogether to make room for an expression of awe. Maybe Logan was more angry than she had imagined.

climbed three stone steps leading to the entrance door. He picked up the newspaper thrown from the postman at the door, the porch brick.

"Strange ...", thinking to himself, "If you have forgotten to be really angry this time!"

He noticed that the flags the mailbox was still up, because nobody had remembered to pick up the mail. This is the sad, making them afraid of having to give up any free output for the next few weeks.

Logan was usually handles these things: collect mail and opened the irrigation system every night, but not until they have been drinking his favorite beer and reading the newspaper.

snorted, playing with the shards of a broken vase, scattered on the floor outside the entrance. "Sooner or later the will" not making the case said absently.

He put the key in the lock and had to insist a lot, forcing the left and right, before we open.

"I must say Logan to fix it, "he muttered aloud entering the residence.

"Logan, where are you?"

He called a couple of times. "Come on, answer. I know you have it with me, but I can explain, "he said pulling off the tee, it being only a slight thin cotton dress. He settled a spaghetti strap slipped down.

switched on the light and went upstairs to find him.

"Do not be a child. Sooner or later you'll need to speak to me, I know I ran a big risk, but it was fine. Logan? But where are you? Logan? "

slight echo reverberating through the walls: the house seemed deserted.

He went back to the ground floor. He walked into the kitchen, according to a metallic voice announcing the weather forecast for the weekend.

"Logan, you're in the kitchen? Why do not you answer? "


While Alec finished eating a sandwich with his teammates, Michael was waiting in the parking lot next to the bus Nbac.

The strange feeling of uneasiness that attacked him just hours before he continued to torment him, making him feel uneasy.

"Ah, just think about these things!"

He stretched arms and breathed in deeply to relax.

His phone started ringing.


"Agent Campbell, how are you? There were problems with the check? "

" No, not really, Mr. Phelps. Do not call for it. "

Michael frowned. He felt that man from his trip to Mexico and a part of him was glad of that. Becky and her obsession with the absurd idea of finding those who had committed suicide had threatened to make him lose the light of reason, but a little at a time you were downsized.

The affection he felt for Alec him back on track, reaching the conclusion that the best way to make Rebecca happy wherever she was, had care of her child.

"So, want to tell me what it is?"

"Remember the photograph that I gave to San Fernando?"

"Go ahead."

" 1488 South Pearl Street , Denver."

"I do not understand. What is he trying to tell me? "

" Logan Bailey, the man who murdered Harvey, lives there. "


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Michael Phelps fanfiction - Step Back - (Chapter 61) Michael Phelps

Chapter 61

"Logan! Where are you? Logan! "

Rebecca's screams alerted the staff that Bailey ran into the girl's room with his gun outstretched in his hands and eyes wide open.

"What happens? Why are you crying? "

With a shrug he opened the bathroom door to check that there was none, then cautiously approached the window and scours the driveway in front of the house.

"I do not understand. Ana, why did you call me? I think it's all right here. "

Rebecca sat up, leaning with his arms behind his back.

"Excuse me, I had a bad dream, "admitted lowering and lifting the chest quickly, wiping the sweat from his forehead an elbow.

At that point, including Logan. "Give me space." Put safety weapon, placed it on the table and lay down on the blanket beside her.

"You wanted to see again what happened in Mexico?"

Becky nodded his head and turned on her side, her back to him.

"I want to forget, but sometimes the memory of that night comes over me she can not stop it. I feel insane, Logan! "

Bailey put his hand on the side and, overcoming her resistance, pulled her towards him, embracing her from behind and snap the face in the crook of her neck.

For a while, 'said nothing, merely playing with your fingers with one of her curls.

"Of course your belly has grown incredibly," he began at once, "If you continue at this rate will not be able to slip in the shower," he said ironically, thinking naively that joke on that was the right way to make her feel better.

But of course this only served to worsen the situation.

And sobs retained only half thanks to the pride of the girl made him understand that you have the wrong tactics. But when he enlisted the FBI, no one had explained how to treat a woman, let alone a pregnant woman.

"Come on, Becky ... stop crying."

She walked with difficulty on the side affixed to his eyes.

be called by its true name, for the first time in the past four months, warmed his heart. Her face brightened with a sweet smile that thrilled a man in one piece as the agent Logan Bailey.

"Please, I want you to tell ... yet."

"What? Want to see your name Rebecca Harvey? Or maybe Mrs. Phelps? "

Becky dropped her eyes.

"What? Why this sad face? "

" I will never marry him. "

"And why not? It 's the father of your child and do not think we will pull back. Sooner or then we will seek out the bastard and when you testified against him, sending to jail all those involved, you can go home by Michael Alec and your little friend. "

From the expression melancholy knew that Rebecca was not so convinced.

"The situation is more complicated than you think."

"What's complicated? You love that man? "

" It is not so simple, "she blushed. "When I agreed to enter into the protection program had not yet said to be pregnant. I was hoping to return home within a few days but four months have passed. L ' FBI did not give me choice! In addition, he ... "he shook embarrassed by what he meant," he does not know we were together that night on the ship. "

Logan frowned his forehead. "What do you mean? I do not understand. "

"Ryan found me the job ... and I wore a mask and Michael ... was ...." Becky babbling nonsense words with the breath more and more accelerated.

"Okay, now calm down! Whatever happened between you that night, Phelps knows exactly who he had sex. You know it was you, believe me. "

Rebecca looked up.

"How can you say? No, no, you do not understand! He hated me, and maybe still hates me. E ' complicated, it is always with me all damn complicated! "

Logan said no, preferring to let her vent. Those rambling sentences, suspended in mid-left, gave her an air of helpless. But it was certain that the woman he had met in recent months was strong enough to overcome that moment of uncertainty.

"It 's not your fault," he shouted suddenly hitting him in the chest with a clenched fist. "You do not even want to call him! I hate you! And I hate the damn people you work for! "

Logan did not seem to take it. After all that had passed had the right to lose control and pull out a bit 'of that anger that smoldered inside.

"We did it just to protect your life and that of your loved ones" in a calm voice reassured her for covering it well why not take cold. "Nobody has to know that you're still alive. The narcotics intervened when he did not know that the FBI was investigating for a year. We can not trust anyone. "

He stood up, leaving her alone and went to the bathroom. Becky not lost sight of, terrified she would go away. Depended on him in everything and who admit it or not, he felt lost when he had next. It was the only man capable of making her feel safe. He had saved his life and knew the truth about what had happened in Mexico.

I saw rummaging in the medicine.

After a couple of minutes she returned with a glass of water in his hands.

He sat on the edge of the bed.

"Drink this, will help you to sleep and chase the ghosts."

aid holding him back.

"Know the truth, and you can understand that the characters are too involved in having to take any unnecessary risks. You have seen them in the face and you hear them make arrangements. "

Becky nodded. He was too tired to defend himself or clogs in another discussion.

"Now put yourself down, you need to rest. I swear that bastard will pay for all the evil that you did! But until we find out where you have to remain hidden, because it will do everything to eliminate you. I do not want anything to happen to you. "

He gave her a kiss in her hair that smelled of shampoo.

"And Michael is a real idiot if you do not want to marry you," he added softly lifting a corner of the mouth. This helped him to lie down in bed, placing the pillow and tucking the sheets.

Becky's eyes filled with tears and Logan did not take long to sense and reason, without leaving them the opportunity to bemoan, hugged her hard.

"It's not your fault. What you did was not related to you, "whispered in his ear while continuing to hold her tight," And Phelps does not love you less for it. " His voice rang clear and without hypocrisy.

"I would like to have a father like you."

Those words surprised Logan and at the same time filled him with pride. "Hey, girl! How old do you think? "

Rebecca laughed.

"Stay here with me tonight?"

"Yes, do not be afraid. Close your eyes, I'll keep at bay the shadows. "

Baltimore (MD)

Apartment Michael Phelps

May 15, 2011

Hours 4:00 am

"Muot, you end up eating your cereal."

"I'm not hungry."

"No stories, you know the rules. Milk, cereal, two bananas and a boiled egg before each race are the secret to winning. "

Alec snorted without giving him a straight. He continued to slowly turn the spoon with the puffed rice which now had become a shapeless glue stuck on the edge of the cup. And while the boy pretended to have breakfast, Michael made him the bag with the need to swim.

"Today you have a big race, the Kainton's School has an excellent swim team. It will be fun to compare yourself with those children, Bob also told me that you intend to try the mixed. You know, when I was your age ... "

" Still this old story? You already told me a thousand times! And then I do not want to go to Texas. "

Michael mumbled something, a bit 'offended by that remark.

"Point one, whether you like it or not, take part in that meeting. I've been too lenient with you in recent months. For what it costs me to admit, Bowman and my mother are right, I can not continue to give them to you all won! Second point ... "he cleared his throat to be more authoritarian," Denver is in Colorado! I wonder what I'm sending you to school to do, you're more ass than it was me! "

" Well then I'm not going to go to Colorado. In fact, I want to stop wasting time with the training! I hate swimming! It 'a stupid sport for stupid people! "

jumped up bumping unintentionally the cup of breakfast and walking quickly slipped upstairs to go and lock in your room. How did all the time arguing.

A bulldog is a bit 'heavy ran after him and caught him with difficulty, slipping behind the legs.

"Thanks for the compliment!" Shouted while Michael watched him disappear up the stairs. He rubbed his face with the palms, uncertain what to do. But the thought of Bowman called to tell him that, yet again, Alec did not want to be in the pool, gave him the courage not to give in as usual to his whims.

threw the cup in the sink with a gesture, and the unmistakable sound of broken crockery confirmed to be the least nervous as Alejandro.

joined him in his room and entered without knocking decided.

"Come on, it's time to leave!"

The catch for the hood of his sweatshirt just a moment before he could hide under the bed and forced him to follow in car. And nothing won moans Herman trying to soften his master.

For the first half an hour neither of them spoke.

Alec, in the passenger seat, staring at the road without bothering to look, with the ' Ipod in my ears to avoid being forced to speak to him.

Resentment of Michael and the urge to scold him went out almost immediately. A smile appeared on her lips touched him, thinking that only a year and a half before he had been sitting on that seat, sulking in his coach with the earbuds in your ears. Remembered come fosse ieri il giorno in cui Bowman si era presentato dai Lochte in Florida per riportarlo a casa dopo la sua fuga in Svizzera.

Non riusciva a credere a quanto la sua vita fosse cambiata da allora. Quando era partito per Ginevra non avrebbe mai potuto prevedere la miriade di complicazioni che quella cameriera dagli occhi nocciola avrebbe portato nella sua esistenza.

Non era più il ragazzino immaturo in cerca di avventure, pronto a trovare ogni scusa possibile pur di non affrontare i propri sentimenti. Aveva passato l’adolescenza ad avercela con suo padre per come era sparito dalla sua vita, lasciandolo da solo, senza trovare il coraggio di affrontarlo and to admit what he missed.

But all that now there was no trace of resentment. If he was carried off Rebecca, with her innocent smile and his warm caresses.

Now he had to attend to a child and could not afford to make mistakes like his father. A child who saw her and she loved more than anything else. All that's left of her.

"Oh, Becky ..." he whispered, his head surrounded by pale past. "How much I would like here ...."

Suddenly, she felt the tiny hand of Alec rely on one thigh, as if he understood the pain that had gone cold as a wave to break on the environment.

"I'm sorry, Mike," she admitted dejected without making excuses.

"Me too, I should not raise his voice."

Alec swallowed.

"I do not I want to swim, because .... " He remained, uncertain whether or not to confide in and insisted that Michael did not convince him, leaving him free to decide for himself.

"Behold, I ...", still hesitated about to blow off steam, "I promised that I would never leave and that I would find my courage in the stands every time I fell in water. But it will not do ... It was all lies, all! "

He collapsed on his knees and while Michael swimmers continued to keep their eyes firmly on the road clutching the steering wheel with one hand, the other stroked his head.

"Listen, baby. Today looks at me. If you're afraid, or you'll be like running away when you're on the blocks, look for me with his eyes. I promise that I'll be there. There will always, every time you enter the race. "


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fanfiction - Step Back - (Chapter 60) Michael Phelps


Author: Myrtle S.

Category: Celebrities (RPF) Swimming

Rating: + 16

Characters: Michael Phelps, Celebrities ; Original.

Status: In process of publication
Some considerations: three more chapters ... Maybe someday I'll learn to take the steps and write a chapter at a time.
I had to make a difficult choice, but it inspired me so and then, more than anything, I needed to justify something that will happen in the end. Happy reading!

Chapter 60

Denver (Colorado)

April 30, 2011

2:37 pm

"Logan, are you sleeping?"

The girl knocked up, leaning just beyond the threshold to search for mate.

"No, I'm still awake. Something wrong? "Asked to alert, instinctively bringing his hand under the pillow.

Becky wrinkled her nose, puzzled.

"I wanted to ask if I could stay here with you tonight, but now I do not know if I want to share the bed with your gun."

Logan pulled his hand from under the pillow.

"Ana, stop joking. You can find out what you want? "

The term of reproach that he tried to keep his face faded quickly swept away by a sudden yawn that forced him to twist his mouth into a funny face, giving him an air of comical than threatening. Pulling himself together

glanced at the clock on the nightstand. "It's almost three and it's time you go to bed, I do not think is good for the child stay up late. Next, row to sleep! "

Rebecca smiled.

"Thanks for the nice evening out made me feel like a normal person and can not imagine what I needed to feel this way. Thank you and this time I'm serious. "

shut the door, her eyes still smiled, and retired in his room. Despite the forced cohabitation, could not recognize the qualities of the man and be grateful for what he was doing to her.

Logan treated her harshly, she raised her voice and had a rather narrow concept of freedom that did not exceed the boundary of the garden of their home. But it was an honest man, willing to risk their lives to protect it without thinking twice.

And that she knew it.

He took off from the sun tiered, white to yellow flowers, which man had given her a few days earlier. One of the many clothes he had bought for her since she had moved to Colorado.

that did not have much taste in fashion, Becky had guessed right away. The look was enough to clothes that he was thrown on him every morning, casually choosing something clean from the drawer. But he had given so much to do to make you feel at ease that had not seemed the case of protest.

as he closed the buttons of his pajamas brooded to himself, watching his reflection in the mirror of the cabinet. Standing, moving slowly from side to side his head, trying to make sense of what he was watching.

"Logan, you're a mess!" He muttered finally, hands on hips, staring wide-eyed the funny chicken with the golden crest painted on the front of the sweatshirt, not capacitance of how he came in mind to give her a similar pair of pajamas. Even still had twelve years.

A thick stiffened the expression of the abdomen. "Ah," groaned, clenching teeth, count to five for not thinking too much.

"Do not put us too!"

He took two deep, long breaths and rubbed his belly with slight movements, waiting for some 'time to quell the pain.

"God is great ..." he said with serious eyes fixed in the mirror. "Huge," he repeated in a faint voice muffled by the squall that shut the throat.

nervously chewed her lower lip as his eyes traveled Profile of its forms, changed radically in the last six months.

was on the verge of tears, a spontaneous reaction dictated by hormones that made her think clearly.

dying to review Michael. She wanted him, she heard her voice comforted her and told her she was beautiful despite the swollen ankles and the waist like sausages from a balloon.

most advanced in the pregnancy and her mood became more unstable. He felt inadequate to do the mother and terribly insecure. There were so many things that terrified of the future that she would not would take a lifetime to list them all.

slipped under the sheets which, upon contact with skin, felt cold around him. The Mago is fastened around the vocal cords more and more, so much so that she seemed to choke.

- Now you have to stop, Becky! Try to stay calm -. He rebuked reflecting to himself, trying to send to that country as part of her that wanted to stop being strong. He hid his face under the blanket, shutting out the rest of the world.

A deep sadness pervaded in the midst of all that cold.

"Mike ..." she whispered in a shaky sigh.

closed his eyes, thinking how she would feel happy if he had been in that bed to heat it up in his arms. "Where are you, monsieur?"

He spent the first six months of pregnancy alone, in a city that was hostile, distant from the people he loved and that, despite the misunderstanding, loved .

On a suddenly a shadow of the past through our thoughts, banishing the memory of the reassuring face of Michael. He threw aside the blanket and stood up.

One, two, three steps forward and then back the same number. He continued, his hands close to his chest for at least a couple of minutes.

knew he should not do so because of the child, but that memory, which became clearer every second, was the sending out of your mind.

had to push it as soon as possible in the infernal abyss from which he escaped, where she had buried so far. The taste of beer drank in one go directly from the bottle would not have done more harm in the sense of guilt that tormented her.

Alcohol painted the bright red cheeks and her eyes became glossy as glass marbles.

"It's not my fault, Mike's not my fault ..." he muttered dejectedly, covering her face with her hands.

He crouched back between the sheets, praying to fall asleep quickly to expel any Phantom of the mind.

San Fernando (Mexico)

's Uncle Bens - Storage warehouses

December 28 2010


"But the girl?"

A man, wearing an elegant white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows and a gray jacket on her shoulder, turned around just to give it a quick glance.

"Soon it will no longer be a problem. I'm done with you. "

"But it could recognize us! I'm not going to get in trouble to satisfy his desires "he said angrily, crossing the gaze of his partner to see if he thought like him. "We could not meet alone as we always do, sir ...?"

The man silenced him with a brusque gesture, pointing to his two guests did not like being called by name. "When you arrived was unconscious. And even if he had heard our agreements, will not live that long to be able to tell. As I've said this woman is not a problem. Now go, a private helicopter is waiting for you back in the United States. "

The two individuals exchanged glances, both agreed in wanting to leave Mexico as soon as possible. They would not get their hands dirty and they were eager not to know any details of the turns of the shady people with whom they had made in business. So after making sure that the money amounted to the agreed amount, carefully closed the briefcase and headed for the exit.

Someone knocked at the door.


Yusupov and Dr. Garcia appeared in the doorway, followed by a couple of bodyguards.

"So? Have you finished? "Garcia said nervously rubbing his hands and showing hoarse voice from a layer of excitement to the ongoing talks.

"Sure. The lords were right to go. "

They left all but the man with the gray jacket and Yusupov.

"And the other two guys?"

Yusupov raised an eyebrow before answering. "They wanted to play at being heroes. Too bad for them! "

The other handed him a glass of Daniel's twice with ice.

"It's not that simple," he added finishing well settle for the shirt inside his pants. He ran a hand through his hair, admiring her reflection in a glass, pleased with himself and what he had finally managed to take.

"These are two well-known athletes and we should draw the attention of the media" continued to smooth away wrinkles sleeves. "After all, no evidence, we have destroyed their records and do not know who is really involved in this story. "

Yusupov nodded his head motioning to share the same thought. "Yeah, those two idiots who believe it is a simple trade of drugs between me and Garcia notes, stroking his beard and giggling satisfied. "Mexico was as attractive to convince a child to accept candy," he continued more and more fun, "I thought they had collected more information about us, but now that we have verified that they know nothing, we can also let them go . So not believe no one if they try to accuse me and end with the head broken like the Phelps attorneys last year. "

"Actually, if I remember correctly, the Harvey was there to save your ass" said the other raising his glass, embarrassing with his insinuation.

"Yeah, well ... anyway we will not have problems."

The unpleasant sound of his voice startled Rebecca, causing it to emit a stifled groan.

Yusupov, which until then had not spared her, she whirled attracted to that breath and walked in his direction.

The girl, lying on the couch with my cheek stuck to the sweat leather cushion, looked stunned by the tears that continued uninterrupted down. As he earned the space to her, the bruise that covered his cheek became more evident.

The man narrowed his mouth in surprise. He reached for his face, not daring to touch her.

He took off his jacket and got a unexpected sense of loyalty covered her naked back.

Becky mumbled something, but he could not understand it.

"You want to get a ride even before you do it over?" Asked the man behind him, smiling contemptuously, while collecting the clothes from the floor of Rebecca smelling the scent, "It is not bad, although I expected to be warmer. "

In the eyes of the man was hiding under an indecipherable, a light cruel madness that scary, even to a type, without hair on his stomach as the director of Lersik.

Jusopov had no desire to laugh. He backed slowly away from Rebecca.

"There is no need to kill her, if you had not brought her here. Now he knows who is involved and we have no choice. Why did you do? I do not capsicum. You can have all the women you want, why you? "

The man paid no attention to his complaints and sent a message with the Blackberry.

"I was going to make me. That's it. "

reached her, crouched down to his height and stroked her hair, as were those of a doll. "And then I am convinced that it is not sorry" he whispered, blowing on his lips, holding the neck to kiss her again.

Then contact Rebecca stiffened muscles throughout the body and by appealing to his pride he found the courage to react. As soon as he broke away from his mouth, spat between the eyes without thinking of consequences. "I'll kill you, I swear I'll make you pay ..." she whispered trying to keep a steady voice, despite the fear and the disgust she felt for herself.

But the man did not allow her to go forward, hitting her in the face with his open hand before he could finish the sentence. This was going to hit a second time when one of the guards Garcia came into the room.

"Too late, baby. I do not think they'll get the chance. "

He wiped his face with a handkerchief.

"Take her away and Notify me when you're finished."

Man Garcia grabbed her by the shoulders, forcing her to get seated. He had the strength to stand alone. The woman, her eyes staring into space and appealed to him to help her even if her lips were not moving.

He covered his chest before tying the sleeves of the jacket he had on his shoulders, without any feeling of compassion shine through.

"Come on, come on!"

Rebecca obeyed, humiliation stunned by the violence that had been forced to endure and the fear of death.

walked through the long corridor that had crossed the first time, when they had separated from her friends. Step by step, bare feet in contact with the cold floor feeling lost and everything around her became hazy.

stops suddenly in the middle of the corridor, held by the instinct of survival still breathing inside her. He felt the muzzle press in the middle of the shoulder blades.

"I do not want to die! Please, I will do what you want! "


" Becky? Did you feel it too? "

" Yes, it is his voice, "cried Cavic starting to call it out loud. "Becky! Can you hear me, Becky? "


The echo of the voices of Ryan and Milorad who called one of the rooms overlooking the hall sparked a ray of hope in his heart. He ran away, following the direction of the shouting. Impulsively scratched the wooden door that separated them from pulling punches and kicks, in a last desperate attempt to avoid his fate.

Ryan heard her cry. "Becky! What's happening? Becky, answer me! "

The man dragged her back to Garcia grabbing a wrist, but she did not want to move away from that door. To resist fell to the ground dead weight, begging him not to hurt her. He was beside himself.

him, deaf to those cries, dragged on the floor behind him, he opened a room and pushed her down the wall.

shut the door.

The noise startled the violence of that clash.

"Please, do not! I'm pregnant and ... "

A glow intense and the hissing of a gunshot to the heart beat stopped, along with the words.

fell to his knees with his hands open in front of the face.

"Hey, are you okay?"

A rough but gentle hand touched her shoulder gently, caressing her to comfort her.

The bullet was stuck inside one of the many bags of beans stacked on each other to the ceiling in that warehouse.

Becky was speechless. The fast and labored breathing.

"Answer me, I asked you if you're good."

Man of the Garcia swung his hand a few times in front of the nose to see if it was still present. The jerked his arm to shake them and regain control over the mind as quickly as possible.

Rebecca was in shock. A thin line of saliva dripping from the corner of the mouth, half open. Petrified eyes stared at the stranger who had just saved your life, while the pungent odor of dust from the fire went up through the nostrils, giving her nausea.

The voices of some people who passed through the corridor the man Garcia put on alert.

"Come on, Rebecca! Wake up! We do not have much time. "

The brusque yanked still gripping her chin.

She reacted instinctively and slapped him in the face to defend himself. Then he turned to the side and gave a stomach on the floor.

"Shit," cursed him out of patience, "I do not have time for this shit!" She insisted, raising his voice.

Becky began to tremble.

The man paused to observe it better. It was semi-naked, with her hair down and dirty with blood, and judging from the yellow bruises on his face and between the thighs, the bastard was in a lot of fun to hurt her.

He put the gun behind his jeans and pulled her sweater. He grabbed the sleeve of his shirt and, with slow and controlled movements to not frighten her, wiped the mouth. "I swear I'll take you out of here, but you have to trust me" she whispered weakly.

slips on his sweater that fell almost to his knees and tenderly licking the hair tied in a long ponytail.

"That's better, right?"

Those simple gestures to gave courage.

"Who are you?" He asked trying to talk, "Why are you helping?"

"My name is Logan and Bailey is an agent of ' FBI ".

The piercing roar of a volley of shots of gunfire interrupted their conversation, making her fall back in terror and sent back to short-circuit the nervous system.

"What's happening?" Cried frightened eyes wide open, their ears with their hands.

The threw her arms around and embrace the unknown as he was the only man in the world who had entrusted his life. An irrational instinct suggested that she blindly trust without question.

"Damn!" Cursed angrily, with one hand while stroking the back of Rebecca. "Those assholes narcotics in Dallas have spoken before of what we had anticipated. We gotta go, you feel like following me? "