Saturday, October 16, 2010

Dirt Bike Themed Cakes

fanfiction - Step Back - (Chapter 44)


Author: Myrtle S.

Category: Celebrities (RPF) Swimming

Rating: + 16

Characters: Milorad Cavic, Ryan Lochte, original characters.

Disclaimer: All the situations described in this fan fiction is a figment of my imagination.
Status: In process of publication
Some considerations: This chapter is the result of a delusion of personal pain or perhaps I am taking these days for a nagging toothache! I always wondered how the heck would I write the scenes I had imagined, in the end this is the result. I admit I really enjoy writing it ... then that is the main reason that made me embark on this venture. I conclude by saying that the wise Ryan is retired;) Warning: some scenes' "colorful". Happy reading and good weekend!

Chapter 44

New Orleans (LA)

Merlotte Club

515 Toulouse St .

September 18, 2010


was not the first time Ryan walked the streets of New Orleans. A fascinating city for the colors of the Caribbean homes, the sensual and bohemian atmosphere typical of the South often had happened to attend the night clubs of the French Quarter, known worldwide for music, the carnival atmosphere and beautiful women, but had no never set foot in Merlotte club.

Intrigued by the proposal mysterious Cavic, quickened his pace. He reached the room with difficulty, because although he had repeatedly called for information to passers-by, few seemed to know him.

After you see a document to a kind-looking little assured that controlled the entrance, crossed the threshold.

The Merlotte was a small music club, full of noisy people drinking and listening to blues music played live. Ryan unbuttoned his shirt and rolled up their sleeves because of the stifling heat and smoke that filled the entire space.

"Finally you arrived. Follow me, Milorad has already ordered for you. "

"Catherine Miller? What are you doing in New Orleans? "He asked amazed to see her," Hey, wait! "

The woman, who was among the security space with people, dressed casually in a black dress very tight and very short, with a soft front neckline that highlighted her breasts.

"I found that the entrance looked around" reported bored, sitting at the table where Milorad had already settled for a while '. Crossed his legs and ran her lipstick with ease.

Ryan sat down with each other without being able to detach eyes from the legs of Catherine, made even more sensual by a pair of leather boots that reached above the knees. For a moment he thought that Michael had been stupid to miss a woman so charming and intelligent.

shook his head. He did not understand what was happening. He, Milorad Cavic and Catherine Miller sitting together in a room in New Orleans as they were old friends. That situation seemed surreal.

"So? Why did you want to see me and what are you doing here? "

Milorad supported a fork and poured him a drink.

"Tell him and get it over with" the woman urged him while he examined carefully against the edge of his glass, fearing it was not entirely clean. "I do not know why I always get to follow you in this God-forsaken place! With all the trendy restaurants that are in the city just had to choose this? "Considered annoyed by setting out the tortillas on the table as if they were flying saucers. She had no idea how to eat.

Milorad rose his eyes to heaven. "Cathy, quiet do not bite." He grabbed one with his hands and covered with guacamole sauce, then rolled up and walked to his mouth. "Next, taste" urged her gently.

She parted her lips and took a bite.

"Not bad," he admitted, smiling amicably.

"Ok, enough! Since you are so in confidence? You can find out what you're doing? "Ryan asked confused and surprised by their attitudes.

"This is ..."

"Rebecca Harvey" Catherine ended, stealing the words out of his mouth to his companion. "We have not told the whole truth."

"Hmm? Are you referring to the history of doping? Would you say that Michael did not drugged? "

" No, this no. But he did not act alone. "

"And this was at Manchester," said Milorad put her hands behind her head, "I'm sure."

"How long have you been playing agents Mulder and Scully?" Curious asked Ryan, crossing his arms and glared at him.

"For about seven months," Catherine admits, "Anyway, I have more taste in dress Scully."

"Guys, no joking matter. Let me understand, you and Cavic ... "

" Call me Milo, I prefer it. "

"Okay, whatever. You two have been together for investigating all this time? "

" Exactly, "replied the boy.

"Two questions: Why? And what have you discovered? "

" Maybe you were right, talks too much, "said the Serbian swimmer exchanging glances with Catherine.

"I told you I is not reliable. I do not think is suitable and then not be able to keep my mouth shut, "said the woman staring smugly.

"Hey! You want to stop talking as if he were here! Shit, I want to know everything, "said beating his fist on the table, a little 'affected by the criticism of two buddies.

"Okay," said Milorad seriously, "After I was doping scandal Lersik to uncover the truth about them. I believe that Yusupov had ordered Rebecca to dope and then Phelps has stuck to dump all the blame on her. "

"But she did. You can not deny it. "

"Yes, but I'm not going to pay for the mistakes made by others. Scoundrel can not get away with this! "

Ryan scratched his chin thoughtfully. Even as a little 'version had serious suspicions about the provided by Rebecca, especially after learning from Michael what he had said and they certainly did not correspond to what she felt for him.

"I'm listening. Go ahead. "

"Milorad could not find anything until now, but maybe we have one more card to play," said Catherine putting on the table while the photos depicting paid Dr. Rebecca Garcia. "It 's out of jail a month ago and now lives in Mexico, where it seems has already reorganized its illegal activities."

"The plan is simple. Cross the border and pretend to buy that shit, hoping to say something about us and the Yusupov Lersik "said Milorad, stuffing another tortilla with hot sauce.

"Wait a minute. You can not do it! Eri's boyfriend Becky and you end up in the papers with them, Garcia and immediately recognize you suspect something! "

" In fact I will not be the swimmer who pretend to buy the PFC, "said the biting tortilla.

Ryan was silent, his mouth slightly open.

"When we leave," he asked with a sly expression on his face drawn as soon as he realized his role in the complicated affair.

Twelve hours later ...

Reynosa: US-Mexico Border Line

"Yeeeaaahhh!" Ryan yelled his head out the window a moment after crossing the border between the U.S. and Mexico. "I feel like the protagonist of a spy story! It 'Electrifying! Best of the surf, "she said excitedly taking pictures of police dogs that delved into the cars waiting at the border in search of drugs.

"I told you it was not a good idea to take it!" Complained Catherine was sitting next to Cavic, intent on driving. "It acts as a kid! And it is terribly Noise '

"Hey! Who did you say boy? "Protested Ryan, the magnificence back seat, while Carter was licking the head of Catherine making her go crazy.

"God, how disgusting!" Exclaimed in horror in the throes of a crisis of anxiety, just heard the burr of the dog colarle inside his shirt, "There was also the need to bring their dumb beast? "

" Seriously? This is not just a dog, but the agent Carter, doberman specializes in finding material disappeared. "

"Excuse me?"

"dirty socks, the remains of pizza under the bed, things like that anyway ..."

"But then you are truly a idiot, "cried Catherine impatiently, trying to maximize the speed of the ventilation system. "In this country dies from the heat. We could at least hire a half with air conditioning, instead of this old rusty jalopy? "

" I see that does not dedicate much time to television. Very bad Miss Miller. We must not give the eye when you go on a mission, the first rule of special agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs.

Catherine turned a withering gaze and Carter began to growl to defend his master. "What did I say now? NCIS is one of my favorite programs, you should try to look at him. "

"Enough!" Cavic exasperated cried, stopping the machine. "I swear, that if one of you still emits a single breath will discharge into the desert! We understand each other? ".

Finally silence.

"You should come to St. Mary to give some lessons. I think going to make you obey, "Ryan said, biting her lip," Okay, okay ... now I'm quiet, "he apologized as soon as he noticed the menacing look in the rearview mirror of Milorad.

San Fernando


Motel Las Casitas


Catherine sitting on the bed, weeping with his head hidden between his knees, trying not to make noise. He did not want Milorad, returning, they noticed what was proven by the experience so unusual for her.

respirable dust during the journey he had blackened her face and her skin itched as she fell into a field of nettles. The hair had completely ruffled and it was hard to believe that bush had passed between the formless hands of a skilled hairdresser cry just twenty-four hours earlier. The feet hurt and Philippe Matignon ultra veiled $ 30, worn only that morning, seemed to be passed into a meat grinder.

was tired and wanted to get rid of all the dirt that he felt stuck on the skin. He sold his entire wardrobe she had brought on the road, in exchange for a shower. Too bad the Motel on the outskirts of San Fernando, Milorad had chosen to spend the night, did not even know what was hot water.

The rooms were small bungalow with a view of parking available to customers and there was only one bathroom. But rather to set foot, Catherine would have preferred to die.

"Good news. She called Ryan, it appears Garcia will meet in a couple of hours, "said happy entering the room, with a paper bag tight in her arms. "Look, I found something to put under your teeth while we wait."

"Great," the woman said, wiping his eyes and quickly getting to his feet.

"Cathy, are you alright?" He asked puzzled, noting the bright eyes of the woman, "But you're crying?"

"No, no, no ... you're wrong," insisted proud accompanying the item at a sign with his hand. "Oh, Milo ... I ... s ... s ... Ooooo!" Admitted sobbing, two seconds after that weak attempt to deny the obvious. "Look how small they are! Are pathetic, just pathetic! I am in another state, in a dirty place to risk some kind of disease. And all for what? To search for evidence to exonerate the woman who took me the man I loved? Stupid and pathetic! Tell me what I am ... because I'm doing! "

" Why are you a good person. Maybe a little 'snob, but a good person, "he whispered in my ear, surrounding the back with a hug.

The accompanied to the bed and made her lie down. "You must rest. Tomorrow, when we get home, everything will seem different, "reassured her slip off your shoes and massaging the feet to give her relief.

From the first day that he had known, Milorad Catherine had always thought that was a very forthright and resolute man, qualities that she admired, but from the ways a bit 'rude. Recently she had to think again.

"Gra ... thank you" he stammered, pushing back tears.

Milorad touched the tip of the nose gently, but after a moment he could not help laughing.

"What? They are so ridiculous, "he asked again about to burst into a hysterical level.

"No, no. Sorry Cathy, but you could think of crossing the Mexico with a heel twelve! "He said glancing at the woman's shoes thrown on the floor.

Even Catherine was smiling this time with him.

"Now sleep," suggested she combed her hair with his fingers as best he could.

He leaned over her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "I'm awake again Ryan."

That kind gesture struck her, because from time showed no spontaneous affection toward her. Especially Michael, in the period in which they had attended, had always been reluctant to give moments of this kind.

While he was about to leave, Catherine held his face with his hands. "I do not want to sleep."

They exchanged an intense gaze, and Milorad understood immediately what she wanted.

"I do not think it's a good idea," mumbled the man licked her lips, "Tomorrow you may regret and I'm not going to be shown the door once again to Phelps."

Catherine raised her head and grabbing her shoulders she leaned toward him, brushing his mouth with his. "I do not know As you're wrong. " Too many times Michael had refused, making her feel inadequate. And even when he had loved her had merely give her fleeting moments without passion. But she wanted more. A man who wanted to make her feel attractive and sexy as she knew of being able to cope with it in bed.

Milorad could not resist those lips moist and kissed her accepting his invitation.

The long legs of Catherine's surrounded the hips, as he shook hands with life. It rolled between the sheets, avidly.

"No, wait!" Panted over her holding on with his elbows, while she was finishing her blouse open.

"Why?" He asked looking into his eyes with a bewildered, "Think about Becky, do you? God, how stupid, "he shouted, pushing him aside and standing up. 'It's always the same story, "went even further ruffling his hair back and forth and walking barefoot around the room.

"But, really ..."

"Please be quiet! Spare me the part where you tell me how much you love and you can not do without her. I never want to listen to this nonsense! "He insisted, while her eyes were reddened visibly. "May I ask what did this woman so special? Enough, enough! "

" Just tell me! "He interrupted gravely, standing up. Grabbed her face and touched her lips with a gentle kiss. "Before you lose your head, I just wanted to ask if that was what you wanted. That's it. "

Catherine leaned her forehead on the chest of Milorad and let him tighten again. "Sorry, I must seem crazy. It 's just that I will no longer be the replacement for someone else. "

"If you think that it is not attracted to you, you're wrong. I desire you, Cathy, "he whispered in the ear floor, pressing his hand on the zipper of his jeans because he felt what he wanted.

Catherine stammered something, no sound.

"I'm not Phelps ..." he added proudly, lifting the hips and backs on the table near the window.

"Prove it," she whispered while Milorad parades socks with their eyes glued to her. Catherine did not seem real that he had finally found someone willing to drive the game. And he knew it very well.

At that moment time stopped beating. In that room there were only a man and a woman who wanted to do sex instinctively, leaving aside any regrets. Rebecca and Michael were just wrappers of memories without consistency. Among their wet bodies there was no room for anything other than themselves. No ghost from the past would be able, at that moment, to ask them to stop.

He put a hand on his throat and forced her to turn her face, then slowly kissed her neck. The smell of his skin made him forget his manners and the vehemence with whisked her panties.

"Milorad ..." he called hoarsely sinking his hands between his hair and arching his back to encourage him not to quit.

"Remember, Cathy ... I'm not him," he said in broken his breath as he pushed inside her, making her moan.

Meanwhile ...

San Fernando

"No I can do it" he said, crossing his eyes , trying not to stagger the head. "This is the sixth row of tequila that make me drink .... Give me a hand, friend, "thought Ryan, hiding her glass under the table because the Carter drank.

After you spread the word to be in search of illegal drugs in the most infamous of the city, and have dropped a bit under the table 'money to some corrupt cops, he had managed to get an appointment with Dr. Garcia.

According to the instructions he had received, the meeting would take place at the inn of Corazon, a small pub on the outskirts of the city.

A pretty waitress with dark eyes and full lips approached the table by sitting on his lap. "Again? No, please senorita ... if I drink another tequila I could leave the feathers, "begged Ryan let out a sob.

The girl laughed. Then he whispered in his ear something in English that stimulates the imagination, even if Ryan had not understood a word.

"Fuera de aquĆ­! "he ordered curtly in a rather thin man with the beard. The girl disappeared quickly without protest. "They told me they were looking for me, stranger. What can I do for you? "

This was the time to enter the scene. As he drove from the Motel to the town of San Fernando, had rehearsed what he would have said hundreds of times and yet, perhaps because of too much tequila, every word had slipped out of the brain.

panicked, realizing that perhaps he was carried away by euphoria della situazione cacciandosi nei guai.

- Ma chi diavolo pensavo di essere, Jason Bourne? Qui rischio di lasciarci la pelle!- rifletté dandosi dell’idiota per essersi fatto coinvolgere in quel folle piano. Con questi traffici di sostanze illecite c’era poco da scherzare, quella era gente senza scrupoli e di certo non avrebbero avuto problemi a eliminare uno sbarbatello americano come lui. - Cristo, Ryan, pensa! Niente panico -.

Prese un profondo respiro   e iniziò a recitare la sua parte.

“Ho sentito dire che have what I need, "he said leaning back, simulating security, although in reality if it was below.

"It depends, man ... you're looking for exactly? Women? Cocaine? Or both?

"If I wanted to make me a whore I could remedy Miami. And the same goes for a pull of cocaine. "

Dr. Garcia watched with interest. From designer clothes he wore, he sensed that his client had a degree of disposable income and the thing he liked a lot.

"We feel, so ... what do you want exactly?"

"PFC" he said in one breath, hoping not to kick the bucket in that seedy bar.

"You're an athlete," he asked suspiciously. "I do not usually deal directly with the athletes, but only with some of the big clubs who know how to make them win. It 's safer. "

Ryan stiffened.

Then an idea flashed in his head and jumped at.

"If I came here is because my sponsor me put a spoke in the wheels and does not want to risk his career by taking that stuff," he confessed safe, while his heart was squirted in the chest . "Anyway, for Phelps have made an exception, since you sold that shit directly to his girlfriend."

"You're wrong, I do not ever take to the rule. She has just given the money, even if I doubt he knew what he was doing. Go home, boy. And if you want the PFC convince your sponsor to contact me. We will agree. "

Garcia left the room followed closely by armed men who were keeping an eye on, and that Ryan had not even noticed. Probably his bodyguards.

A Ryan legs were shaking and his shirt was soaked with sweat, but it had served its purpose.

"Hey, beautiful," she said, her eyes dilated with fear, stroking Carter, "I'm done with the police, from now on only Sex and the City, okay? ".

The next morning ...

"That's the border, a few hours we will be at home," warned Milorad just read the sign on the road dusty.

Catherine was silent, and with the brim bent toward the window watching the sun rise in the distance. They got what they wanted. Now they knew that Rebecca had not bought the PFC and Garcia had been involuntarily to confirm this. Yusupov was involved, but there remained the problem of being able to prove it.

"Because Rebecca would lie?" Ryan said looking back at the whole thing "For me it makes no sense," he said, shaking his head.

"I do not know, but anyway we do not have nothing to nail the bastard," said Milorad thoughtfully, "Maybe it was a fruitless journey."

"No! You're wrong, " Catherine finally corrected him by deciding to open his mouth, "What happened was not in vain!"

Milorad looked at the corner of my eye, keeping your hands on the wheel.

Ryan, sitting in the back seat, his eyes went from one to another several times, perplexed. Among his two traveling companions breathed a strange atmosphere.

finally realized when he saw the hand of Catherine Milorad caress to stop the gearbox.

And a sincere smile lit up her face.



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