Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Kates Playground Topless Pict

Phelps fanfiction - Step Back - (Chapter 45) Michael Phelps


Author: Myrtle S.

Category: Celebrities (RPF) Swimming

Rating: + 16

Characters: Milorad Cavic, Michael Phelps, Ryan Lochte, Elizabeth Pelton, Nick Thoman, Bob Bowman, Original Character.

Disclaimer: All the situations described are only fictional. Nothing really happened.
Status: In process of publication
Some considerations: also Halloween night anything can happen ... and in the words of a song, "What time is the end of the world?"

Chapter 45


North Baltimore Aquatic Club

October 2, 2010

"Run Alec or we'll be late!"

"Becca, slow down!" begged her quickly engulfing the buttered toast that he had prepared before leaving home.

quickly went down the stairs and underground by a whisker managed to get on the train of 4.38. At that time the car was almost deserted, except for some workers who came home after the night shift.

She invited Alec to follow her and sat down next to the exit. The walks from behind a backpack that had filled with everything that could be used during the day: the costume, a pair of Spiderman slippers that Ryan had given him, a terry cloth robe, two vanilla cupcakes and, of course, school books.

"I Explain why we must always take the train so early? "Alec asked with sleepy eyes, resting her head on his shoulder," I want to sleep. "

"You know Bob wants you to be punctual," she reminded him gently, pulling out a paper bag with a glass of warm milk he had bought at Starbucks station.

"Yes, but I'm the only child who arrives first at the center of coaches, athletes and often even the Guardian!" complained about slipping on the shank of the head to sleep a little longer '.

"Come on, wake up! Finish your breakfast, "she said quickly without explanation.

could not tell him that first of all get to the NBAC was the only way to prevent Michael and keep the promise made to Bowman. Alec had the opportunity to become a professional swimmer and she was determined to do his best to help.

had moved to Baltimore a couple of weeks and for the moment things seem to work. They were placed in a small apartment in South Side, a neighborhood without too many demands on the outskirts of the city. The rent was very expensive and this was a determining factor in the selection, because Rebecca, with the modest salary he earned, he could not afford more.

The girl had found a job as a waitress at Harborpalace Hotel, one of the most luxurious hotels in Baltimore. Ironically, the experience at Geneva had helped.

every day through the city to go with Alec in the pool and passed it back to about six o'clock, after work. The Dunkal Elementary School, where she had joined a few minutes away from the NBAC and Alec was smart enough to go alone and return to the center for the afternoon session of training.

life was radically changed both with respect to Florida, but Rebecca was not willing to give up, it believes that Alec could do it. Christmas was coming soon and then he would officially join the team.

"I recommend a small, remember ..."

"Obey Bob, dry my hair well after a shower, eat vegetables and do not talk to strangers as I go to school. Becca, I think I understand now, two weeks that I repeat it, "said puffing out his cheeks and looking at the sky still dark.

"You're right Ryan, you're a sapientone!" He said bending down to his height and forging strong to say goodbye.

"I love you, Becca" so whispered a hint of a slight smile, a moment before running toward the entrance of the center.

Each time, you squeeze the heart to leave him alone, but had no choice.

6.30 am

"Hello, Nathan. It pretty cold this morning, right? "Considered by lowering the window of the Escalade in front of the bar the entry of the NBAC.

"Hello Michael, how is it already here at this hour?" Said the guard, surprised by the unusual advance with which the swimmer is was presented for training.

"I wanted to make me swim."

"Alec will be happy to have company," said the man, raising the bar to make it fit.

He started the engine and went his way, wondering who this Alec. For a moment, did not give much importance to it, figuring it was one of the boys selected by Bob during his stay in New Orleans.

When he entered the building the lights were still off. Except for the cleaning ladies who clean the locker room before the arrival of athletes, there was no one else. Crossed the threshold of the pool with slow steps, still a little 'sleepy. He took off the sweatshirt and placed it close to the bag. Only then he realized that someone was swimming in the Olympic pool reserved for professionals and it annoyed him.

The only reason that drove him to wake up early that day was the desire to dissolve a bit 'moody brooding in the undisturbed swimming.

"Hey you, you can not stay here. This pool is reserved for the boys team, "he said curtly.

He stopped, pushing back his voice, when he realized that that shadow that slipped between the fast lane was just a baby.

"Excuse me, but usually there is nobody at this hour!" Alec is justified in approaching the pool.

Michael was staring at him from above, with hands on hips.

"You mean that often come so soon," he asked in amazement, running a hand on her stomach.

The boy nodded his head.

"You are Alec, right?"

" Alejandro Reyes," he said proudly patted his chest.

Michael gave him a sincere smile. Then he jumped next to him.

"And tell me, your parents let you stay here alone when the center is still closed? Are not you afraid? "He asked once emerged on the surface.

"I do not have parents," she explained quietly.

At that moment, Michael remembered what Bob had mentioned about a child by promising talents, who had taken a test until Christmas and that came from a center for children that do not remember the name .

"Come here, a champion," he said placing the items properly and adjusting glasses the headset, "Want to swim with me? Think you can Starmie behind? "

" No, you follow me, "said starting to swim without fear.

Michael opened his eyes pleasantly surprised to find so much courage in a young child. Maybe Bob was right to think he had the qualities to become an athlete.

Baltimore (MD)

North Baltimore Aquatic Club

October 20, 2010


a month had passed since Alec had started training at NBAC. Despite trying to do his best to impress Bowman, the man seemed determined not to make a decision before the appointed time.

Alec never complained to the effort, but the instructors could make him difficult to enforce discipline. If he was ordered to do ten baths, he he was nine, or eleven or no, depending on what turned my head. Often fights with classmates and often he happened to bathrobe with them for trivial reasons, like the cabinet to be filled or lined up to use the shower.

Even at school things were not going very well, because he could not integrate in an environment that is considered hostile, grumpy because of his character that led him to distrust of all.

Rebecca did what he could to help him, but at night when he tried to talk reason with him, often collapsing on the couch watching TV, both exhausted.

"What do you think Alec?" He asked, turning to Michael Bowman. "Beginning to be a bit 'worried. His times are good, but temperamentally I am highly doubtful. E 'aggressive and does not have the slightest respect for authority. "

Michael watched him do gymnastics dumb confused the other children.

"Look, look! Exactly what I meant, "said Bob upset, when she saw him push to land a mate. "Alec!" called him from a distance.

"I'll take," said Michael Bowman holding his arm, about to intervene.

He went to his room and without giving justifications grabbed him by the ear, pulling it back. Then they surrounded the life and held it up in the air.

"Hey! Let me go! I have to give a lesson to that child! "Screamed combative, kicking like a wild cat.

"Today, you do lesson me, "he said with a look rigid in throwing water," I do not want to hear your voice. "

He sat on the edge and prepared to achieve it.

"Follow me!" Ordered him starting to swim in the lane.

Alec looked at him with his mouth slightly ajar, undecided whether to heed or obey pride. After all, it was Michael Phelps, not a swimmer and any occasions of that kind do not happen often. At least not to a child like him. He took a deep breath and followed him holding his desire to make a controversy.

After about thirty tanks without interruption, Michael stopped to give him a chance to catch my breath. Alec grabbed the floating lane almost no energy, with his mouth wide open while trying to inhale as much air as possible. His cheeks looked like an eggplant purple and his eyes were burning because of the chlorine penetrated through the goggles.

While trying to recover, the jubilant voices of his companions who were preparing to return home the distracted. Every day the same scene: sets of parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles who came to take their children to the end of training. Since he lost his mother, he was accustomed to being alone, but even if he did not want to admit it, part of that aggression vented on others stemmed from jealousy he felt towards those who had a family.

Michael immediately noticed her look sad and do not take him long to guess the reason. He too had suffered during childhood for the separation of his parents and could understand it better than anyone else.

"So you want to explain why you attacked your partner? "

" He deserved it, "he muttered quietly putting himself on the defensive.

"Why did you do?" Asked a second time with a gentler tone.

"Becca has offended."

Michael looked at him curiously. "Who?"

"He said he is never here because you see ashamed of the work he does and I am not worthy to join this group. "

"Becca is the person who takes care of you, right?" Broadly understood remembering what Bob had mentioned.

"Yes, she lives with me."

"And I ask you what do you do?"

"The waitress in a downtown hotel."

"I understand. See Alec, if you'll stay with us you will get used to having to do with certain people. You have talent, but many try to make you think you are worth enough to attack you and hurt you. Do not listen to them, never! Go ahead and trust the people you love. Only them. You love to Becca? "

" Yes, she is everything to me, "answered not ashamed to admit what he felt.

Michael smiled, happy to be finally able to communicate. Stubborn little boy he liked, and spending time with him made him feel good, detaching it from its concerns.

"Come on, we resume training."


Rebecca walked back and forth nervously watching the clock. Like every night, waiting for Alec in front of the large library of Upper Street, a place not crowded enough to be noticed and just one block from the NBAC.

Surprisingly that night the baby was late and she did not know what to think.

Concerned, he decided to meet him, walking toward the center. He grabbed it with both hands, stretching up the neck of his sweater sticking out of a sleeveless down jacket. He picked up his hair under a cap, hoping to go unnoticed. She knew it was dangerous to approach the NBAC, why take the risk of being recognized, or worse, to meet Michael. But it was more than an hour waiting and began to fear something terrible had happened.

He stopped near the rear exit. In the parking lot just noticed few cars, a sign that most of the athletes had already returned home. Yet there was no sign of Alec.

assailed by anxiety, she began to dial the phone number Bowman for news.

"Rebecca? Really you? "Came a familiar voice behind him, is breathtaking.

"Liz!" Stammered paralyzed by surprise when he recognized her.

"What do you do in Baltimore?"

panicked and my heart started pounding in my chest. "I do not ... here ..."

Suddenly, he saw Alec quickly rush down the stairs. "Becca, I'm here!" Called allegro, followed closely by Nick at him to bring a backpack that he had forgotten in the locker room.

jumped in the arm by covering it with kisses. "Sorry I'm late, but I can not imagine who he coached today! Michael ... Michael Phelps! " shouted excited and proud to have done the lesson with his idol.

"Alec, you forgot the ..." Nick was silent just knew Becky, "backpack ..." he murmured visibly surprised to see it.

"They're teaming up with Mike, you know Becca? They are good, although not as the Kid "he said happily. "Hey, you take? Why did you all stop talking? ".

Rebecca turned pale, seeing the corner of Michael set off across the parking lot toward his car. She saw him look up to her and felt her breath freeze. Instinctively he turned in the opposite direction, with Alec in her arms, because he would not see her face.

"Move, climb on my car!" Nick ordered by taking control of the situation after the astonishment of the first few minutes.

Rebecca hesitated, undecided what to do.

"He's right him. By Becky, let's go! "Liz urged her to push with his hand on his back in Thoman's car, parked a few steps.

Baltimore (MD)

Mc Donald's


While Alec and Nick played the PS3 made available to customers, Becky and Liz sitting at a table talking.

were many questions that Liz wanted to ask you, starting with Michael because he doped, betraying the trust of all. The last time they were seen was in Manchester and since then had spent almost a year.

"Are not you hungry?" Liz asked, noting that Becky had not given him a bite of his sandwich.

She rubbed his stomach, "Not much" he admitted, shaking his head. "Now that you know that I live in Baltimore and I deal with Alec, what are you going to do? I say to Michael? "

Liz looked at her thoughtfully, taking a swig of his coke. "No," said a moment later, putting the glass on the table, "If Bowman is fine, I have nothing against it."

Rebecca At these words he felt more relieved because, as they had put things, he thought he not be able to keep the covenant with Bob.

"Thanks, thanks, Liz! You do not know how important it is for us, "said the girl, taking her hands and squeezing them tight in hers.

best seen, felt that Liz had grown a lot since the last time he had encountered. She had risen a few inches and wore his long hair tied back in a ponytail. In addition, a trace of makeup made her look like an adult.

"You grew up, Lizzy," said instinctively, finally starting to eat.

"Many things have changed in the last year," confided blushing, glancing at his friend who played with Alec in the bottom of the small room.

"No! You mean ... you and Nick? "

" They will be eight months next week. "

"You look happy."

"Indeed they are, even if we decided to take things slowly. I know that I am too young to throw myself wholeheartedly in a relationship. I just know that next to him I feel good and do not want to miss it. There one thing I would ask you, "he said in an unsteady voice. "Why did you hurt Michael? I always thought you loved him, even though we have never spoken. "

Rebecca swallowed the last bite and wiped with a napkin.

"If you do not mind I would not talk any more about this story. I made a mistake, a big stupid mistake, but I paid for my mistake. I built a new life and I'm done with the past. Liz Believe me, if they are in Baltimore is only for Alec "said with extreme security. "I'm not asking you to forgive me or trust me, but only to allow me to help that child. Michael he will never in my life. "

The friend stared at her for a long time trying to figure out if it was sincere. Finally, although she could not find a single plausible reason to believe her, touched her hand gently. "Okay, Becky, discussion closed."

As Elizabeth was young, he was not naive, but if Bob Bowman Rebecca had decided to offer a second chance must have had his reasons and, although he knew them, trusted him blindly.

She poured her a cup of coffee from the pitcher that the maid had left on the table. Becky drank in small sips, careful not to burn. It was pleasant to sit in that space in a hot drink with a friend. Rebecca began to miss those little gestures that each girl of her age shared daily with the people he loved.

"And what about you? I mean ... maybe not my business, but after Michael? "Liz said pointing to a smile.

"What do you mean?"

"Come on, Becky! It 's been almost a year and there would be no harm if you had met another man. "

Becky's cheeks were painted as cherries.

"No, no ... you're wrong," he stammered shyly hiding her face behind the coffee cup. "Michael was the last man to be ... 'Do you understand what I mean. " Even if Liz had always felt at ease, she could not naturally externalize some confidence.

Like a shooting star, a thought flashed in the head causing it to speak. "Michael instead?" He asked in one breath, spitting out words like a river in flood.

- I can not believe I said seriously! - He thought to himself, sorry and embarrassed by this question risky.

"Let us say that went on with his life," said Liz without going into details. He had heard about the parties 'private' organized in his apartment, but thought that it was not the case for Rebecca to confess the whole truth. After all, what Michael was out of the pool were just his business.

"I thought," he said with a tone seemingly tranquil, assuming that the boy had started a new relationship. "Come on Alec, let's go!" He called, standing up and thanking her for the help. "It's getting late, we have to go home."



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