Monday, September 25, 2006

Bestfriend Forgivness Poem

NOTICE: NEW LiveJournal

warning [info] _serez_ , [info] alles_aus_liebe , [info] babyara , [info] chainer_morgana , [info] enedhil , [info] ewyn , [info] kinuzza , [info] lagolindari , [info] lasamy , [info] lomea , [info] maharetishtar , [info] miriel_ithilien , [info] nanakomatsu , [info] paddi , [info] river__ , [info] shatzy_shell , [info] stellina74 , [info] stregababablu , [info] taurie_2020 , [info] just_chiara and all my friend_list! ...
I decided to close this lj to switch to another account ... I started thinking about it a few months ago but only now I decided to do a bit
'I'm sorry to leave everything I have written here, but sometimes change is no good? ^ ^;
btw, here is this new lj
always friends only [maybe this time will be more serious than a for this one-_-] but if you do not mind it all again I would like to add to f.list ^_______^

Women Average Size By Country

gilraenveneanar @ 2006-09-25T13: 07:00

Six AM The clock is ringing
I need to spend an hour snoozing
'Cuz I do not think I'm gonna make it I punch in

I'm still sleeping Watch the clock, But it's not moving

'Cuz Every day is never ending
I need to work I'm always spending

And I feel like
I'm living the worst day
Over and over again
And I feel like the summer is leaving again
I feel like I'm living the worst day
I feel like you're gone
And every day is the worst day ever

Yesterday was the worst day ever
And tomorrow won't be better
It's history repeating(on and on)
Summer plans are gone forever
I traded them in for dishpan water
And every day is never ending
I need to work I'm always spending

And I feel like
I'm living the worst day
Over and over again
I feel like the summer is leaving again
I feel like I'm living the worst day
I feel like you're gone
And every day is the worst day ever

Whoa - oh
Every day is the worst day ever

It's so long
I can't go on
It's so long
I can't go on

And I feel like
I'm living the worst day
Over and over again
I feel like the summer is leaving again
I feel like I'm living the worst day
I feel like you're gone
And every day is the worst day ever

Whoa - oh
Every day is the worst day ever

Whoa wo-oh whoa wo-oh whoa
Wo-oh whoa wo-oh whoa whoa wo-oh
The worst day ever
Whoa wo-oh

Friday, September 22, 2006

How To Remove Dead Skin From Face

see you ^ _ ^

un posticino veloce-veloce , visto I have to do a lot of things ... first of all prepare the mp3 and find something decent to read [in the absence of manga XD], I thought to take down the PC with the scanlations but I do not think it is a XD good idea and then I have to detox a bit 'from PC
my leave tomorrow to spend the weekend at the Cinque Terre, I would not have wanted to go because I break up with the camper, but I'm not going to stay home alone, and then I want to do some 'photos: P

today I finished watching Goong ** when I get back I swear that I write an entire post *______*
mo escape, CIA-CIA

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Pokemon Soulsilver Shiny

Pool: Orlando's posters ... LEGGEREqui

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Pubic Hair Depilatory

Lady in the Water

out next week in the Italian cinemas ...
the binomial-Howard Shyamalan strikes again, I do not know if the film will live up to The Village, but I know for certain that Bryce Dallas Howard is chilling with the very first promotional images from the film set {I strictly as your desktop wallpaper XD} * __ *
said that, I want to see it ... also because I can not miss the new movie Master *________*

ah! and of course I also see Pulse sisi ... sooner or later I see him, and even the original can not miss Eastern ... * _ *

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Difference Between 870 And Super Mag Reciever

gilraenveneanar @ 2006-09-19T20: 38:00

[ 01] - List your top 10 Celebrity Crushes!
[ 02] - Put all of Them IN ORDER of your lust for Them.
[ 03] - Say Which movie / show It Was That you hooked.
[ 04] - Supply photos for Said stars! [Even the names are enough XD]
[ 05] - Tag five people!

10. Jeong-hun Kim


9. Tetsuji Tamayama

{Nana - The Movie}

8. Ji-hun Ju


7. Heath Ledger

{before the show Roar, A Knight's Tale then

**} 6. Ewan McGregor

Moulin Rouge} {

5. Will Smith

{Independence Day} **

4. Jake Gyllenhaal

{} The day after tomorrow

3. Colin Farrell

{Daredevil, then American Outlaws, SWAT and so on until Alexander **}

2. Orlando Bloom

{The Fellowship of the Ring / The Two Towers}

1. Jared Leto

{Panic Room, though there I had * just * noticed, while I started to love Alexander **}

advantages ... anyone who wishes to do so; P

Flea Bites On Dogs Stomach

memes ... Chuck Norris &

by LJ [info] just_chiara

Leave a comment e. ..

1. I'll tell you something about yourself.
2. Will challenge you to do something.
3. Will choose a color that I associate with you.
4. I'll tell you something I like about you.
5. I'll tell you what my first / clearest memory of you.
6. I'll tell you what animal I can remember.
7. I'll ask you something I always wanted to ask you.
8. If I do it for you, you must post it on your journal.

Icons meme
see my icons and ...

1. Which icon to associate with me?
2. What is your favorite?
3. What do you like least?
4. What would you like me to use more often?
5. There is an icon that you do not understand?
6. You can talk about two of my icons?
7. When comments, use your favorite and tell me why you like it.

PS. Have you noticed the new style of live journal? not very pirate? XD when I saw the image of the user-info with the bandana on the eye I started ridereXD

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Homemade Pelletboiler

yes, a few days ago I was wandering through FMAplanet when I noticed with pleasure a new exemption: Chuck and FMA! XD
carry a few sentences from the site because they are too good XD

:. The humunculus looked bad Chuck Norris once. A.
:. Envy can not seem to turn into Chuck Norris.
:. The auto-mail Ed were made with steel un'utturazione al dente Chuck Norris!
:. If only Chuck Norris would could transmute the world in a rotating football to give to the universe!
:. Edward Elric is actually the secret son of Chuck Norris ... Why? He inherited from his father's iron fist and his deadly kick rotating steel!
:. Chuck Norris's blood crystallized becomes a philosopher's stone! And 'why are so rare! Have you ever seen Chuck Norris losing blood?
:. Chuck Norris does not use the "alchemical circle" but "football rotating alchemical"!
:. Chuck Norris can transmute living things with just a threat: either do this themselves or rotating force of kicks!
:. The Philosopher's Stone is really a nose boogers Chuck Norris.
:. If Chuck Norris possessed alchemy ... no not want to think about! XD
:. Alphonse has retreated into the frame for fear of Chuck Norris. (Porino ç_ç)
:. Edward lost an arm and a leg playing strip poker in accordance with the rules of Chuck Norris.
:. When Hughes met Chuck Norris threw the photo of her daughter and replaced it with his own.
:. Chuck Norris does not need to alchemical circles, just fixed what it wants to transmute alchemy with glare because it is active alone.
:. Chuck Norris drinks the water red.
:. Chuck Norris has the muscles to Armstrong has carved them .... kicked rotors.
:. When Chuck Norris has worked to perfection a human transmutation. The resurrected embraced him and asked him how he managed to revive a person through the alchemy without letting it become a homunculus. Chuck Norris killed him with a rotating football because you do not have to ask questions to Chuck Norris.
:. When Roy tried to kill Chuck Norris. The explosions have hit the target instead of the colonel why they prefer to break the laws of alchemy that challenging Chuck Norris.
:. Chuck Norris does not transmute clapping, but slamming your face against his rotating football.

and now back on classico XDDDD

- L'ultima volta che Chuck Norris ha gonfiato il materassino lo ha mandato all'ospedale.
-Se partrecipi ad una gara di 100 metri piani arbitrata da Chuck Norris, ti conviene arrivare primo o terzo. Il cronometro di Chuck Norris spacca il secondo.
-Un giorno Chuck Norris ha erroneamente tentato di aprire la porta di casa con le chiavi del pick up. Si è avviato il palazzo.
-Chuck Norris ha frainteso una nota pubblicità della carta igienica. Adesso, dopo essere andato al bagno, si pulisce con dei piccoli cuccioli di labrador.
-Chuck Norris ha un nano a forma di iPod.
-Da bambino Chuck Norris ha montato una sopresa dell'ovetto Kinder ed è nata l'IKEA.
-Lo specchietto retrovisore the pickup of Chuck Norris than to reflect, he also draws conclusions.

ps. sorry if lately are not very present, a period that I have a little '* *... no cmq step every day for your lj and read everything there is {even if you see me, p}, sooner or Then come back to comment and even write a decent post, but for now I prefer to take a little 'break ^ ^;

Friday, September 1, 2006

Trainiimg Of O Stream

FMA XD [30STM] mtv2 + icons

first thing I would like to congratulate tirtini with the prize at the MTV video awards ... YAAAATTAAA! *_____________*
then ... I saw some pictures of the night {I then calmly watch anke all the vids that are out there **}... admit not to follow the band as it should fustigatemi {!} çH and maybe that's why I had not seen * him * and his hair O_O ... diiiviiniii * CCCC *
the love ... and I ... how do I do? * Ç *
aaaaaw and then ... that hat! +___+
um ... ok, now I stop fangirl and seeking to return to serious ... sese, as no ...°_°
btw, between a delirium and other things I could do some iconcina of boyz ^ _ ^

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