Thursday, February 3, 2011

Swollen Holddown Games

En plein!

GOOD! That is ... EVIL! Today I did the open-I was successful in all schools and levels, I missed only in kindergarten, but today has happened there too. Now I can say that I feel right and an accomplished man, you! Uu (FANCULO!!). What happened?!? Well I have " kindly asked to leave class during an activity because the child was confusion." Thanks for understanding and humanity! I was successful even with a principal of middle school, but I missed his kindergarten ... indeed to be honest I thought that the nursery was immune to certain cretinaggini and instead, look ... one always thinks too well. Uu

Today lesson theater with the little children of four years , that little children doing an activity unusual for the first time and having to do with a new person was slightly more agitated than normal, but nothing unmanageable . At one point happens the following thing:
teacher of theater: "... and then I today I brought a book ", shows the book.
A (my daughter) says: " is a book of Topo Tip? "
Me:" is not a storybook "
A:" fairy tales? (implied: what is this? not know the term) "
Me:" stories, stories with animals .
intervened at this point the class Mestre (woman with years of teaching experience behind him and he also had in class several different types of disability) that "since he had spoken with the mother of A and the mother was not interested to give her the experience of the theater, plus A was not interested (when you'd notice that the exchange of words we had was in theme and consistent) and distract the other children, plus it was too late " has kindly invited us to go to the toilet because then we'd go to bed (I note that A does not go to the bathroom before going to bed because she still has not achieved self-sufficiency in these things and still carries the diaper), then go to the bathroom = totally useless thing, we go to bed before we go to the bathroom to make a Giratina or at least to wash our hands just to finalize it.
So I got up and support the teacher we go outside in the hallway.
I can also understand that the teacher's class would be contrary to 'what is the theater (but since you're the big head = referent of the cabin complex, you have approved the project, if your class did not want to tell them you could not do enroll ... ?!?), not you turn the boxes because they were today instead of putting children to bed at 13.15 due to have them put to 13.35 ... but hell! Cause if you rebuilt with my little girl (who knows the "problems" that he and chatting with a vengeance) and the teacher of the theater (which moreover was called by her) because he disrespected by preventing it from doing "lesson" plus he has dealt with the fish's face when she arrived, as if there was an idiot that there should be. I can also understand now that the boxes could run particularly for his reasons or maybe because they had ruined the routine (which you? An autistic child ???)... but damn! Then do not do it, or if you know that my mother did not give voluntary contribution and you cut it off, cut off from the beginning of the lesson and not nearly at the end!

obvious that he has not understood that was thrown out of class (because it was able to understand it, I swear that big head or not shoved me under the feet), but this thing seemed to me to the theater very useful to have it interact with other children, maybe you will not get to "play Molière" but some times, waiting for his turn to be quiet when you need it could also gradually learn .... Uu
And people are talking about integration and discrimination ......

Besides the fact that the teacher of the class seemed very annoyed by the whole 'is theatrical history, I repeat if you do not like why did you do to your class? Or hope that the turn came when she c 'was (very likely) ...

Ah just to understand what is' my baby, is the only one who noticed that I cut my hair (cut your hair means a type stuff on my 5 cm length, note only if measured with a yardstick). \u0026lt;- Because it is one that "understands nothing of the drama ".... Uu

This must be the week when they opened the gates of the teachers Obtuse! Uu

['m going to try to color drawings of Sailormoon that I promised to bring him one tomorrow and she's sure if the Recalls !!!!!]


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