Monday, February 7, 2011

Pregnant Masterbatation

fanfiction - Step Back - (Chapter 64) Michael Phelps


Author: Myrtle S.

Category: Celebrities (RPF) Swimming

Rating: + 16

Characters: Michael Phelps, original characters.

Status: In process of publication
Some considerations: here it is! For the next patient! If I had time I would have included a photo of Jack Nicholson in The Shining :)... You know "Wendy ?...":)

Chapter 64

Rebecca stared blankly the barrel of the gun. He could not understand what had happened.

He blinked and licked her lips to recover from this nightmare.

"Ah! Hot. "

He touched his fingers with the tip of the gun and let it fall to the ground.


The forehead drenched in sweat.

He looked down.

"Forgive me, my love," Magone said, holding her, stroking her belly. The vortex of madness that had sucked was broken by a slight movement of her child. Feel it moving inside of him had brought back. He was not born yet and already owed him his life.

stood up and grabbed the phone.

Without taking his eyes from the body of Logan, dialed the number that had to memorize when it entered the security program. Agent Bailey thought to protect her, taking every precaution possible, and it was very clear about what he should have done if something had happened.

"Logan ..."

hands continued to tremble. "Come on, answer! Damn it! "

A voice on the other side. "Bailey?"

"I'm Rebecca, he is ... But what happens? Pronto! Pronto! "

someone had disconnected the power before he could finish talking.

He stood, petrified.

near as I felt that day in Mexico.

eyes became shiny again, but this time could not make noise. He bent slowly to the ground and grabbed the gun from Logan. She went stealthily to the kitchen and stepped back to the center of the stay. Her heart bumped in the chest, as if to shoot out any moment.

A deep sigh and a mad dash for the door.


When at last he came to the 1488 South Pearl, a small group of people had already gathered in the courtyard. Since the diminished breath caused by the race, before asking for an explanation from someone.

"You're an idiot!"

"Sorry, sheriff, I shot the party by mistake."

"accidentally?" he asked incredulously with the veins of the neck throbbed with anger. "What the fuck you were taught during training?! Back in Central, tonight you are done to combine bullshit. "

"S ... yes, sir!"

Michael's attention was attracted by the screams of a police officer committed to rebuke his colleague. Judging by the expression of age and lost with which the little boy looked at his head, should not have more than twenty years.

hid her hands under the light short-sleeved shirt he was wearing. Although it was May, a cool breeze was blowing that night, and branches of poplar trees of the avenue were moving in the wind whistling confused words. He was rushed away so quickly, that he had not even had time to take the car to cover up something.

Two patrol cars, parked askew in the middle of the lawn, they prevented the curious to approach the door of the duplex. Michael rubbed his eyes, annoyed by the light of flashing intermittently.

curious observer agent roll out a tape yellow, imprinted with "Do not Cross the line " to delimit the area of access.

shook his head, bewildered.

had come there to face the man who had carried off Rebecca, but certainly did not expect to be confronted with an entire team of police. He felt suddenly projected on the scene of a crime. What was happening was not real.

An intense white light aimed right between the eyes put it in his agitation, increase the heart. A Channel Four crew was arranging the equipment for a direct link.

The swimmer, afraid that someone might recognize him, pulled apart, trying to blend in with the crowd of onlookers.

"Are you ready, Madison?"

"Yes, of course. Only a location that trick! "

" Three ... two ... one .... "

The cameraman, it wagged its tail like a dog behind a woman with long blonde hair styled in art and the plastic smile, waved her she could start talking about when he wanted.

"Good evening everyone, here is Madison Walters connected from Denver for a special edition of news of the night. As you can see behind me ... "he dodged to the side because the camera was able to frame the house where Logan and Rebecca had lived," ... the police are still working to establish exactly what is happened within of this house. "

Michael, with ears pricked, listening carefully. Part of him is cursed for not returning to Baltimore along with Alejandro. But another wanted to know more about all that matter.

"Early rumors are two victims found. Logan Bailey, whose real identity remain many uncertainties, lived in this house with his young wife, who apparently disappeared into thin air. The second body, however, by the name of Jeremy Tannon, athlete Lersik Corporation, overwhelmed the last December by the now infamous doping scandal, along with the director of this company. For several months the police were on his trail with no appreciable results. Nothing is known of the reasons for what, at first glance, seems to have been a settling of scores ".

Michael rolled his eyes.

"Jeremy!" He stammered, clenching his fists, linking that name to the death of Rebecca. With sweaty hands Cavic called on the phone. Compose your number without thinking, as if it were the only Milorad, at that time, able to understand what goes on in his head. With him I did not need explanation.

The phone rang empty four or five times before you decide to respond.

"You're watching TV?"


did not add anything else.

not even know what exactly had led to call him.

After a couple of minutes of silence, Cavic spoke again, "I'm going to the airport," then hung up without waiting for Phelps to comment on his decision.

Michael began to walk along the road, leaving behind all that hustle and bustle of people coming and going from the house. The dizzy and needed to drink some water.

He turned for a last look.

Now that the man who had shot Becky was dead, paid with his own money, not the left most no one to blame.

From that moment began the most difficult to forget.

was terribly confused and restless.


Half an hour before ...

went down with a single bound, the three stone steps on the porch and jumped into the road to seek help. This outreach to attract the attention of passersby. But it was useless.

horrified by noting that the neighborhood was deserted.

all happened in an instant. Two blinding lights focused on him, the sound of tires screeching on the tarmac and boarded a sharp pain in the kidneys.

He heard footsteps. He opened his eyes and saw a pair of shoes for men, are polished perfectly, still in front of his face. He tried to lift his head, but he had the strength to pull the cheek from the road.

"See you, Princess."


That voice, sharp and slimy stomach turn.

"Kendall ..." he whispered with a look of disgust on his face.

moved his hand to check the gun, probably next fall there, somewhere, when the car had struck. The joy I feel in between the toes, was suffocated by the thick of the pain I felt when Jeff stopped his hand, stamping with violence.

"You should not play with guns," he chuckled.

The talk of an engaged couple who were approaching they put him in alarm. Dragged her by the hair and forced her to climb on the back seat of his car.

"Let's get out of here."

Rebecca did not resist. Nothing, not even a breath.

did not know where the man was carrying, but she was sure would kill her. He had been chasing for months, and would not stop at nothing.

beg him to let her go and show mercy would not be served. Already knew him well, and knew that the only thing that could stop him was a hole in his forehead.

hated him.

breathed once, twice, three times before playing the last card, although he probably would have cost him his life. The car had traveled no more than two blocks when, in desperation, he found the courage to open the door and jump out.

Jeff nailed, to the end pressing on the brake pedal as soon as he realized what he had done. The car swerved from side to side before stopping about fifty meters later. He looked in the rearview mirror, his mouth ajar, the body of Rebecca still on the road. Almost certain she was dead.

The veins were boiling when he saw his feet and run away.

began to walk faster and faster, holding her belly with one hand to move more quickly. Hunted like an animal. He felt pain all over and had nowhere to go.

The lack of air and could no longer stand.

He went, without thinking, to the first building that he faced. He was not home, but he was not lucid enough to understand it now.

began knocking on the large glass door that opened onto the main facade.

"Help me! Open up! Open up! "

While shouting in vain, controlled the corner of Kendall's car, which had reversed back to reach it more quickly.

lingered a moment.

"It's not so easy, you bastard!"

He looked around for something to force the door. He saw a stone in the grass and threw it hard against the glass.

With your elbow hit the parts sticking to the iron structure and became space in the slot to enter. In the heat of the movement, was caught between a hem of the remains of the glass. He bit his lip when he felt torn thigh meat from those sharp splinters.

into the building by hiding in the shadows.

"Stupid bitch! Will not you just make up your mind to die, right? "Said disappointed, staring at the pool at the University of Denver in which Rebecca had slipped to escape.

checked the gun before starting to chase her, and hid something in his pocket. Is self-confident smile, and swore to himself that he would not allowed to see the light of morning. That story had lasted too long.

was not able to turn on the light because the janitor, as every evening after closing, he had cut the power switch. So advanced trial and error, however, safe to drive him out very soon.

The center was not very large and, in addition to the bathtub floor, would have to sift through a couple of changing rooms and the local coffee shop.

"Come baby, why do not you decide to come out. I could be forgiving, if you're nice to me. "

Kendall continues to call and simulate piety, and to review every single nook and cranny of the building.

After about half an hour of research not only remained but a hiding place: the pool area.

"Becky, honey. I know you're here. "

the humidity of the environment even more nervous.

He wiped his forehead with the sleeve of his jacket.

Rebecca, watching him hidden in the shadows, jumped at that little distraction. The came out behind him and hit him in the head with a weight that swimmers use to train.

The man staggered, stunned. The pistol slipped from his hands.

She wasted no time and jumped on the weapon to possess.

"Let go! Leave me or I swear I'll kill you, "shouted looking back and pointing the gun at him, while he, with one hand, he had managed to lock the ankle.

The muscles of the arms were shaking and he could not hit the face of Kendall in the viewfinder. The blurred vision for fatigue, pain and agitation. The man laughed, convinced that he would never find the courage to use it.

"Disgusting whore, I would have to cut your throat with my hands after we fucked!"

The situation was causing deliberate and amused him. She played with her push for an extreme action.

"And tell me, the bastard in you is mine or that idiot with no brain?"

Rebecca stiffened with anger.

pull the plug on his conscience and pulled the trigger with coldness. Jeff Kendall deserved to die, and would not have spent one minute of his life to regret having done so.

Time froze.

In the silence only the sound of his breathing.

"Stupid girl, I thought it was really that simple?"

"But ..."

pulled the trigger again and again and again. But the weapon was not loaded.

He made fun of her.

She threw it aside and ran with the lungs in the throat to the other side of the pool. He stopped, with the rapid breathing, with his hands against the wall.

dropped his arms at his sides as soon as he realized that there were no exits.

was trapped.

saw Jeff coming towards you while you insert the charger. He tilted his face to the side, and the look is lost on the smooth surface of the water, affected by the reflection of moonlight that penetrated through the glass.

The eyes grew moist thinking back to when, two years before, had slipped at night with Michael in a swimming pool Geneva.

"Monsieur, you never taught to swim," whispered a hint of a rueful smile, looking at his hands still stained with the blood of Logan.

There was no hope.


"I must have the wrong road, where the hell I parked the ' Escalade?"

Michael had Bailey left the house already half an hour and was kidnapped from his thoughts, he found himself on a path that did not know. Certainly not the one that had the outward journey.

He pulled the phone from his pocket and called his coach.

"Hey, it's me. Are you still traveling? "

" Yeah. Want to talk to Alec? If you want to wake him up. "

"No. Forget it, Bob. I just needed to hear a friendly voice. "


"Mike, go home. Your family is waiting for you. "

closed the call.

Bob was right. He had gone too far.

Rebecca had died and had to decide to accept it. His life and that of Alec had to go forward.

A group of university students who come home from a pub in the area, passed by side, touching. Whispering and joking cheerfully last game of the Lakers aloud. A girl with a gentle smile gesturing with his hands to make themselves heard from friends and seemed to enjoy the most.

's heart sank.

Even his Becky deserved that life. And he would do anything as a gift.

"Hey guys, you have to smoke?"

The party went on without badargli. They probably had lifted a bit 'too much to drink to be able to hear. Advanced in their direction. All except the girl who had struck the attention of Michael. He rummaged in her bag and offered him a cigarette.

"You are Michael Phelps, right? What I swim like a tuna, "he asked with curious eyes and his head cocked to one side.

Michael smiled.

"You mean shark?"

"Allison, come on!"

ran away, called the voices of his friends.

Again silence.

raised his face toward the sky and gave a shot that cigarette with a great desire to cry.

"did you smoke more when they get mad at me ..."

The cast, stamping with his foot.

had to say goodbye. Forever.


Pieces of glass on the asphalt. The fabric of a dress stained with blood, caught on a glass door shattered.

shook the eyes to focus on the building across the street.



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