Saturday, November 20, 2010

How Many Panadols Does It Take To Die?

fanfiction - Step Back - (Chapter 49)

Author: S. Myrtle
Category: Celebrities - (RPF) Swimming
Rating: +16
Characters: Michael Phelps / Milorad Cavic / Original Character /
Disclaimer: Every event narrated is the result of pure invention.
Status: forthcoming.
Some considerations: Only one chapter this week ... retrieve the next. I love sunflowers perhaps more of red roses, though I think white roses are the flowers most suitable for declaring a great love. I wonder if Michael ever will give to someone white roses ... Happy weekend and happy reading!

Chapter 49

Baltimore (MY)

Walters Art Museum

November 4, 2010


scanned the picture on the wall for five minutes, with curious eyes. As if any minute a magic power were to manifest, making some amazing miracle.

Yet nothing. As you concentrate and try to find a way, Milorad Cavic, on the canvas, he saw nothing but upside-down buckets of color at random some eccentric artist. It mattered little that the recorded voice in the earpiece defining the painting a masterpiece of contemporary art.

When Rebecca came to the wardrobe in the hall of the Museum gave her burgundy wool coat, scarf and hat. And with light steps ascended the stairs to find him.

hours in front of the cabinet had been undecided about what to wear. To say nothing of hairdressing, makeup and shoes to match the dress.

came on top of looking around, accompanied by a feeling joy. Maybe it was not reasonable, but she was burning, the joy embrace him once more that the fear of being embarrassed in doing so. To date this had much to do in preparation: he hoped that he would find her beautiful as ever.

And when she saw him standing in front of that big picture which occupied the entire wall, he could not restrain himself, he stopped thinking and ran like a child from school.

"Milo!" He said, his voice filled with jumping on his back and throwing her arms around his neck. "I missed you!"

The boy soften the blow with its reflections, lifting his arms under the knees.

"You too, Becky," he murmured a bit 'awkward. A part of him, the most rational and balanced, told him to keep their distance and show frowning. After the woman was deceived and betrayed him with another man. But the most genuine and sincere side of his consciousness was mortally tired of defending her and only wanted to bury every aspiration, once and for all.

"This is not a playground! "rebuked them the caretaker of the hall, asking them not to raise their voices and stop getting so worked up.

"Excuse us," said Milorad Becky and slide off her back, under the stern eyes of the man. Rebecca smiled, amused by the sense of embarrassment that the swimmer was trying to hide gesturing with his hands.

"Milo Come, let your doorstep. You doin '? "Church walk under his arm.

walked for a bit ', between the salt of the Gallery, as a well-matched pair of lovers, not to mention anything. As if their last meeting had not spent almost a year and about two tons of problems.

"We drink something?" Milorad suggested.

She nodded, clinging to his arm and his cheek resting on his shoulder. The smell of his leather jacket and the sound of gentle and reassuring voice recalled his time in London. Even for a short time, was happy in that house that smelled of vanilla.

"If you asked me to meet means that Ryan has not kept his mouth shut," he said seriously pressing the button to call the elevator and go down in the basement. "So much better that way, sooner or later you had to know."

Rebecca said nothing and followed him in a secluded corner of the Coffee Museum, where you sit on a bench, side by side.

"So? Would you tell me what you think? "Insisted Milorad teased by stubborn silence of women. Becky stared at the table, deep in thought, worried about the consequences that that afternoon he had on his life.

Milorad reached out to her and began to play with a lock of her hair. "I have grown back," murmured the voice of melancholy.

She spun around.

"Why did you want to stick their nose into this?" Said grim, stirring sugar into his coffee cup. "What do you hope to achieve? Explain, why not get there. "

Milorad let go of her hair. He grabbed the martini he had ordered and took a sip, trying to rinse away that moment of nostalgia that swept him only a moment before.

"I do not like that Yusupov if the cables so easily, that's all. Anyway, it's too late to turn back. "

Rebecca began to shake her legs, grabbing your knees with your hands. He recognized that light in his eyes and did not promise anything good. "Yeah, I heard about your trip to Mexico," he said sarcastically, raising the corners of the mouth.

"Since you insist on supporting the innocence of that bastard I had to do it my way."

"You have to stop with this story," claims loudly and staring serious.

"You know that I will not," replied calmly, "But I can not succeed alone."

The girl stopped her eye on him, with parted lips. He rubbed his forehead, to regret meeting him. Every ounce of common sense suggested to raise the heels and go home, no more questions. But he must know what Milorad had made up his mind.

"What do you mean?" He asked trying to bring out the voice.

The boy thought about this for a moment, then shrugged. Sooner or later they would have to let them know of his plan and he might as well do it right away.

"I need your help, Becky. "

He turned his face to the side, looking uneasy. A shudder ran through the back making them the creeps. She leaned against the couch and shook my belly to try to keep warm. too many things had happened last week and damn fast. First, the night of love and time spent with Michael Milorad air that threatened to throw all his certainty. "Continue" she whispered fearfully.

"I want them back together."

She opened her eyes, astonished. He could not say a word. He just stared at, as pale as fresh snow.

Milorad managed to stay only for a few moments, then burst out laughing, rubbing his eyes with one hand. "Oh Becky, I'm not so masochistic. I do not make the same mistake twice. Quiet, we just pretend. "

"Pretend? Why, "asked surprised by his proposal.

He suddenly turned serious. "Because only then can we scare him."

"You crazy! I do not know what you're talking, "cried the agitated pushing hair from her face. "You can not ask this, it took me a year to get out and now you ..." his voice muffled by a swallowed sob.

"Sorry, but you gave me the choice" apologized to disappointed and hurt by guilt for having been forced to involve her.

Grabbed her hand and warmed with his own, gently massaging it. "You lied and you shoulder the blame for everything. It took me a while 'to understand, but in the end it was all clear, "he said moving a lock behind his ear. "You wanted to end this story as quickly as possible and make sure that Michael will come out clean.

Rebecca's breathing was heavy and fast.

"And if it is? I'm fine and he did not runs no more danger, "muttered about to cry.

"Oh Becky, can not you see? Yusupov not surrender and eventually find a way to get what he wants. And even if Michael were to get away, what will prevent him from doing the same trick with another swimmer? That 's what you want? If I help, we could put an end to this affair. "

"No!" He concluded, decided to give up on his. "What should I do? I can not leave Baltimore! And then, what will happen to Alec? No, no ... it's all so absurd. "

"Calm down" he whispered hugging her. "You're not alone, Ryan and Catherine will give us a hand."

Becky looked up and a faint smile on her lips gave way. "Sure, we know that Doggie help is really comforting."

Milorad raised an eyebrow, mention making them understand your concern.

"Listen to me, pretend to approach and try something new to each other and when the Yusupov has been able, I am sure that he will commit some foolish, frightened by the idea that you can tell me the truth. And we'll be ready to catch him. "

"Christ, you talk like Ryan, now! You are an athlete, not a police officer, "exclaimed jumping up and hugging her elbows. "No, my answer is no. It 'my fault, I should not call you. Forgive and forget this meeting Yusupov. "

hurried away without looking back even once.

North Baltimore Aquatic Club

5700 Cottonworth Ave

Baltimore, MD

November 5, 2010

"$ 250 for a bottle of wine and stinky fish eggs? But are you stoned? "Ryan yelled the other side of the phone completely out of his mind. Michael went off the handset from the ear to muffle the cries, as he motioned to Bob to love him speak. "Yes, yes, of course Doggie, you're right. Excuse me, but now I must go. We'll talk about next time. " And the conversation ended abruptly.

"Everything okay?" Bowman asked by his suspicious manner, fearing that the weekend Michael and Ryan were driven into trouble. A swimmer had more than enough to look after, so much did not like the increasingly frequent visits to his friend Lochte did.

"Everything okay, you know that Doggie, goes to parties, drinks like a sponge and then complains about the account," he said smiling and putting in balance on its hind legs of the chair.

The man nodded, preferring not investigate further.

"Bob, you and I must talk," said the boy trying to return seriously.

"What, exactly," he asked absent-minded, bureaucratic paperwork filled out and accumulated over time.

"You're not listening to me, right?" Church observes deal with the calculator. He jumped off his chair and sat down on the desk of his coach. He wrote something in a hurry on a piece of paper, folded it in half and placed it in his hands.

"What's that?" Bob asked in amazement, raising his brow.

"My goals for London 2012."

"It 's a joke?" Asked the other, eyes wide.

Michael smiled. "Never been so serious. Only one race: the hundred-fashioned.

That statement captured the full attention of Bowman, who now stared dumb, trying to figure out if by chance he was drunk or something.

'Well? You have no comment to make? "Said a bit 'surprised by the silence.

Bob put his glasses on the table and rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Are you telling me you want to play around in a specialty where most probably could not even reach the final? Do you realize that your risk of closing the last Olympics with zero medals? "

" Perfectly. "

Her tone of voice is not concealed the least uncertainty. Not since the Beijing Bowman could see that fire burning in his eyes. In recent months, Michael had trained with little conviction and not more than once presented himself at the pool, causing fear of losing it as an athlete. Review this expression and show the will to fight was exciting.

"Why are you doing?"

Michael puffed out his cheeks, embarrassed, and walked her back to him toward the door. "We say that a person asked me not to throw my life and I intend to listen. "

"This means that you have closed the party, your girlfriends and all the rest?"

"More or less," said forward with his hands in his pockets.

"Tomorrow at 5.15. On time. "

Michael nodded. Finally it was decided to get serious and Bowman, though it was crazy that project, was willing to help him hit his target, happy to have found his shark.

Baltimore (MD)

Apartment Rebecca Harvey

November 7, 2010


two days had passed since he had Milorad made aware of his plan and had not yet made a decision. He kept turning over in bed, unable to unravel the tangle of his thoughts. Although he refused, he did nothing but think about the possible consequences of that choice. The swimmer Yusupov had reason to think that sooner or later he would find a way to strike again. And with you Michael.

The cotton undershirt clung to the back because of sweat. The front of the blaze, and her heart was pounding, this time because of a nice cold. In recent days had neglected leaving his concerns had the best health.

"Becca, I'm going" Alec felt his head coming out through the door of the room.

The girl was dragged Seated on the bed, her eyes were shiny and a little 'puffy. "Wait, now I get up. I do not dare to let you go alone. "

mention just lift the covers that seemed interwoven with threads of cement, so he felt weak.

"Come on, Becca. Trust me! "Blew a kiss on her fingers and ran out of the house before I could stop.

"Call me when you arrive and ..." a cough kept her from continuing, "do you ... attention, "concluded when it was already far away.

He had just fallen asleep when the phone ring made her jump, projecting them gasp.

"Alec, are you?" He asked dazed picking up the receiver.

"No, but I can not wait to get to know your little friend," answered a female voice, paralyzing.


North Baltimore Aquatic Club

Baltimore, MD


"And for today we finished, "said aloud Escalade throwing the bag on the seat for training. He started and went home, exhausted but fully satisfied with the work done.

He had just turned the corner on I-43, directed to the Inner Harbor, when he saw Alec with his nose and hands glued to the window of a candy store. He pulled to the curb and called attention to two beeps.

"Alec! What are you doing here alone? "

" Look, Becca is ill and was unable to come get me, "he admitted without shame not to have anyone else who could look after him.

Michael brooded thoughtfully.

"Next, jump up. I'll walk you home. You're too small to pass through Baltimore on its own. "

He obeyed. And then had never climbed into a car like that fabulous. While Michael was driving in traffic, Alec looked inside the car with your eyes wide open, asking a thousand questions about power consumption and operation of the braking system.

Michael loved to talk about these things, speech that only men could appreciate, as always Ryan reminded him. And this did not want to blame him.

Suddenly the words of Alec she was sad. He put his hands in the pockets of his jeans looking for some change, hoping that something had been moved from the small amount that Rebecca had given him for the day. But, much to his disappointment, he realized that, yes and no, his savings amounted to four dollars. Far too little for what he had in mind.

'Well ... what happened? "Said Michael noticed the corner of the enraged expression.

"Today Becca's birthday is "mumbled playing with your thumbs," and think of her a present. "

"It seems a good idea, and then I think that ..." she gave a quick look to change the child's legs, "... four bucks you can buy a greeting card bad & rdquo ;.

Alec lifted her nose looking at him in amazement. "A ticket?"

"Yes" said turning off the main road and stop your car in front of a flower shop. "A ticket to a bouquet of sunflowers."

The child still did not understand.

"Let's do this, the flowers will be my birthday present for your Becca while you choose the best greeting card throughout Baltimore. All right? "

After about twenty minutes they reached the building where he lived Alec. Michael turned off the engine and put a hand on his shoulder. "You'll see, liked. The girls go crazy for sunflowers, "he said with a wink.

He smiled.

"Come on Mike, come inside. I want to present. And 'nice ... almost always mean "reflecting muttered aloud,' Well, maybe not so much when he screams for me to do homework or get angry because I lower the toilet seat" continued serious folding his arms.

"I guess," said Michael trying not to smile, "You know, women have set up this thing, but you try to be patient."

"So are you from? Come on, Mike! Maybe you find it too cute. To me it seems pretty short, I think. You do not have a girlfriend, right? "He asked with honest eyes.

"What did you say?" Stammered the swimmer by surprise.

not believed to be reduced so bad to be combined on a blind date by a boy of eight years. And then they put some situations more uncomfortable, making him do a lot of stupid things. Type pull up the nose, the wine spill on the tablecloth clean and regularly say the wrong thing at the wrong time. When stirred, as far as not wanted, the clumsy teenager who carried out a re-awakening within him to embarrass him.

"I do not think the case is" beating around the bush, taking time and looking for a plausible excuse.

But Alec was a true force of nature and if you put something in the head persisted till you drop, just like all children his age. He ran out of the car and opened the door by pulling on one arm, "Come on, Mike! Come on! ", While his other hand trying not to spoil the bunch of flowers that his friend had bought.

"Becca will be happy to have you for dinner! The always talk about you. He says you're not so bad, even if Ryan Lochte is stronger than you now. "

"Ah ... It says so ..." said Michael stung and yet intrigued by that comment.

him to the door, holding the bag lifted from his shoulders to help bear them. "Now I have to go small." He took a pen and a concentrated expression, he wrote something on the greeting card. "From a kiss from me. I am sure that sooner or later we shall know. "

"But ... No, Mike ..."

The tousled hair with his fingers to salute him, making him curl the nose, and walked to the car. Alec was a little 'disappointed, but at the same time happy to celebrate the twenty-fifth birthday Rebecca.

opened the door and broke free from his bag, throwing it on the ground. Then like a bolt of lightning strokes in his arms calling loudly. "Becca, Becca! I'm home. " He jumped on the bed without letting it speak. "Congratulations Becca!" Cried brimming with joy.

"Oh, Alec," he whispered, pulling up and taking a swig of hot tea. "How did you remember? "surprise asked, blowing her nose.

"Wait, do not say anything. Close your eyes. "

She contented with his hands covering.

"So? Can I open them? Ma? Ooohhh ... I'm beautiful. " Gasped touching the petals of some beautiful flowers that had put the baby in her lap. "Where did you get the money to buy them?"

"Actually, someone helped me. But I bought the ticket. Do you like? "

He said nothing.

"Becca, are you okay? Do not you like them? "

put them on the bed and hugged him tightly in his arms, brightening.

"I love you. You know that, right? "

" I Becca, but not too tight, suffocating. "

"OK" muttered letting go, trying to hold back the tears, "Go get changed. Pizza on the couch tonight. "

And while he hopped away, she opened the note and read it carefully. He said only "Happy Birthday", signed: Alejandro Reyes.

smiled, touched. Alec did not have a particular fantasy, but with those two simple words had been able to express his love for her. And that Rebecca knew it.

He put the ticket on the sheets for the event and saw something written on the back. It was the handwriting of an adult if a little 'messy.

a drip with all my heart, the best mother that Alec could meet Michael Phelps.

At that moment the child went into the room.

mumbled something from it while putting on his pajama shirt, "Ah! I forgot ... Sunflowers are a gift from Michael. "



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