Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Dates For Griha Pravesh 2010

Michael Phelps fanfiction - Step Back - (Chapter 48-A) Michael Phelps


Author: Myrtle S.

Rating: + 18
Characters: Michael Phelps, Ryan Lochte, original characters.
Some considerations: Men often do not pretend to understand ... or maybe you just do not understand. All invented, then this chapter, in any way. I had to post the end of this chapter in another post because it was too long. This is only one page. Of course, consider it part of 48! Good reading.

Chapter 48

Chesapeake Bay (MY)

Northern Star - Cabin 27

3:00 pm

"come on Alec, it's time to get up," he muttered half asleep, shaking the baby because you decide to wake up.

"Why have you removed the pajamas? You earn my beautiful raffreddore” bisbigliò con la voce impastata e gli occhi incollati, accarezzando con la mano la sua spalla.

“Chi diavolo è Alec?” bofonchiò Michael con la faccia sprofondata nell’incavo del suo collo.

Rebecca sussultò, si girò di fianco e si sostenne su un gomito per guardare meglio l’uomo che dormiva accanto a lei. “Tu non sei reale, vero?” domandò stordita dal sonno, scrutandolo attentamente.

“Ssshhhhhh!!! I hear the siren of a cursed ship shout at me in the head. There are still too drunk for conversation, "groaned the man covering his face with a pillow to muffle the voice of Rebecca.

"Ship?" She murmured, starting to remember something. "Oh, no! It is not possible. This is just a dream! It 's all a figment of my imagination. "

So, without thinking about it, cat out of bed in search of the light switch. He lit and died soon after. Then it flared up again. And he went out again. He repeated the gesture a couple of times.

"You think you go for much longer?"

imagined that he heard a hoarse voice belonging to a dark shape, almost two meters long, lying on the sheets. To be a dream, everything seemed pretty damn real.

He crouched on his knees on the bed with a finger and tried to touch his chest. How do you do with a cake to check for doneness. He did not move.

"Oh my God, there are two cases. Or in my bed there is a fireman who looks like a drop of water or are completely crazy, "he concluded, drumming his fingers on his cheek.

pinched his bare skin just above the waistband of his pants, squeezing first right, then left, with Energy.

"Ouch! But are you crazy? "Shouted Michael bouncing and throwing him down on the pillow.

"Mich Mich ... ... Michael! "Stammered frightened, retreating at the foot of the bed. Instinctively put her hands to her face and breathed a sigh of relief when he realized that he still wearing his mask and wig blacks. "Where are we?" He asked, looking around in confusion.

"In the cabin of Ryan, a friend said, letting fall on the bed again. "Get to sleep," begged her pressing the pillow over his face.

Rebecca stared at him with eyes embalmed. A sudden blast of heat began to back her dripping with sweat. He opened the buttons of the huge jacket he was wearing and pulled to the ground while throwing.

Slowly beginning to remember what had happened. The proposed work of Ryan, and that the meeting with Michael Kendall filthy worm that tried to lay hands on him. On the tape there was only a shadow of memory that he could not focus on: what he did after Michael had taken her away from this hell?

A terrible suspicion began to make its way inside her. Yet, if she had sex with him would have remembered something. Also still wore her dress and stockings were perfectly intact. Not to mention that the pants were in place for Michael.

lightly slid out of bed and went out walking backwards on tiptoe, in the darkness, toward the cabin door. Whatever had combined, maybe it was better not to ask questions and get up to go back quickly, before Michael recognize her. She seemed risky to continue playing with destiny.

"Where the hell are you going?" Asked the boy not pull your head out from under the pillow. "If I were you I would not. The guys like Jeff do not give up easily and I'm too sick to help you again. "

Rebecca stiffened, pale. The idea of having to do with that person made her give up. Moreover, the prospect of being shut up alone with Phelps in the morning not less aroused fear. In both cases there was little to be happy.

"Back to read "the invited from the sheets with an open hand. "If you're afraid to touch you, no danger. Even if not do it! Perhaps you have already disposed of the shit that made you drink, but I'm still not very polished. "

Rebecca walked slowly, not convinced. Ryan had said that Northern Star would come into port at sunrise. It was just wait for a few hours and then he could embrace and Alec put a lid on that unfortunate night.

He sat on the edge of the bed and took off his shoes, one after the other, slipping under the blanket.

The first five minutes he forced himself not to open mouth, trying to sleep. But even if he had swallowed a whole pack of sleeping pills, he could never close eye on him next. The heart started pounding. Strong enough to hurt her in the chest.

"You want to stop!" Grumbled Michael and cavernous voice muffled by the pillow resting on the mouth.

"As of ... what?" Stammered Rebecca because saliva cleared.

Michael turned on its side in his direction, he took the pillow between your hands and after having been folded in half, I laid his cheek. "As my legs shake," he added with a grin on his lips. "I know why you're so nervous," asked deciding to lift the eyelids and staring eyes.

Rebecca swallowed hard, trying to disguise the anxiety, with hands clasped close to each other to the deck.

"I understand, "he said slowly, pretending absolute seriousness. "First time, right?"

"In that sense, I'm sorry?"

"I mean with an Olympic champion."

Rebecca stopped breathing. With great concern that it permanently.



"You women do not never understand when a joke "Michael said, crossing his eyes. He walked up to his ear making them go to short-circuit all the sensors of the body. If it had been equipped with a sprinkler system at that moment every alarm would start to cry "abandon ship. Fire on board. "

- What you gonna do? - Thought terrified and tried at the same time. Now he understood what he had tried Eve when the serpent had proposed to try the apple and in all honesty, did not want to blame her for having given.

Michael pointed a slight smile.

"Want to ..." blew up along the neck to provoke it, fun to play with her as the cat and mouse.

"Di ..." asked the girl on the verge of losing consciousness.

"Eat something," he concluded seriously crawling out of bed. "I was hoping for a different kind of proposal?" She said putting the shirt, always more fun in teasing. Although he did not know this woman, he realized immediately tease as it is adorable.

Rebecca buried his head in shame under the blanket. "You are mistaken," he mumbled, her cheeks on fire, at the mercy of hormonal storm. "And even then I like you."

The man opened the curtains of the window of the cab and the images of the objects around him immediately became sharper, illuminated by the reflection of the moon.

He looked around, rubbing his eyes to wake up at all. He could not believe Ryan was able to produce so much mess in the room despite having spent less than an hour. Miniature liquor bottles everywhere in France and crumpled bags of salty snacks.

He lifted the telephone receiver.

"Who are you calling?" Asked Rebecca curl your knees to your chest.

He waved a finger to wait.

"Good evening, are Mr. Lochte, booth 27. I want to order something to eat, if possible.

Oh, perfect. Yes, everything on my hand, thank you. "

At these words the look of Rebecca came to life. "Wait! Add a bottle of Chateau Lafite and a few black caviar canapé. Almas, I recommend "pointed out with a satisfied air," Just pay your friend, right? ".

3.30 am

"I am sated" said collapsing on the floor and rubbing his stomach, "and still drunk," she added, sobbing after giving the bottom of the expensive bottle that Rebecca had ordered.

"I told you not to overdo it," he mumbled with his mouth full, grappling with a strange pie that smelled of burnt cheese. "Ah! This stuff burns me, "said blowing on your fingers burned by the filling runny.

Michael turned to her, curious. He wondered who it was that weird girl with her back against the wall, which gorge on food with the same voracity of an anteater. A little 'because of the mind clouded by alcohol, a bit' for the mask he wore, he could not imagine the features of his face. But the warm tone of his voice was familiar. He had a precise memory, but only a feeling of contentment, and tingling along the sides.

"You have beautiful eyes," he said absently, "and two good legs," pointed out by slipping his gaze to the ankles.

Becky blushed, adjusting his mask. He felt flattered by the praise of Michael, even if she was sure that the language would be devoured if he had known his identity.

"Why have you brought into the cabin of your friend? Ryan, right? "He asked, pretending not to know his name.

"Why imagine that Jeff would come to look into mine."

A shudder went down his spine thinking about what would have happened if Michael had not been invited Kendall on the flight.

"Thank you for helping me," she said quietly supporting the plate next to her.

"The guys like Jeff give me sick."

"Yeah. I do not speak. When I took this job I did not imagine having to take even the room service ... be ', you know what I mean, "he said folding his arms. "I ask you a question?"

"I do not know why, but instinct tells me to tell you not, "Michael said, raising an eyebrow.

"From Phelps, I'm serious. Why throw your life away facendotela with those women? "He asked with genuine melancholy voice.

"You do not want me to preach? And then I do not think you're dressed santarellina "he said abruptly, raising the defenses.

"I'm not the kind of woman, if that's what you mean," retorted angrily from his allusions very nice. He stood up and sat on the bed. "I just believe that you deserve better," murmured sag in the middle and hugging my pillow.

With a flash even Michael jumped up. A bitter taste of the rose in my throat, making him regret having drunk the last glass. He walked slowly towards Rebecca, using the maximum concentration to put one foot before the other without losing balance. Fortunately, the distance that separated him was not much, just because he managed to hit the mattress stumbling in his own footsteps.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I exaggerated, "he said placing his hand on the side" I've never been good with words. "

Rebecca turned to him and without having the strength to hold stroked his cheek, gently. Michael looked at her strangely. It had been a long time since he had allowed anyone to touch him that way. An uneasy feeling came upon him making him want to be elsewhere. He was restless and the way he tortured his lip, biting, it showed.

"Stop," whispered backing for a brief moment on his lips.

Michael froze.

"Do it again" he asked surprised at his own request.

She nodded. He had the courage to satisfy him because he knew that if he would not have gone further had the strength to stop. And the last thing I wanted was to shatter the sanity that was rebuilt last year for a night of love. Get him back into his life, he admitted that he wanted to, was beyond question.

"I asked you to kiss me again," insisted a damn sexy voice, the face of uncertainty Becky.

- Crazy, you might not recognize me? - He wondered to himself while his firm was beginning to show signs of slowing down.

"I do not think it's a good idea," said Rebecca, hoping he would not realize how much you want to feel his sweaty skin sliding on their own. "Stop looking at me that way," said resting his forehead on his chest and letting his arms wrap dall'incastro.

Michael took advantage of it, kissing her on the shoulder.

still that feeling of dizziness. This time more intense, like an electric shock that stimulates the brain and produced small flash that he could not explain. That girl haired blacks and face was concealed by a mask like the others, neither more nor less attractive of the many who had taken company in recent months. Still dying to stop and kiss her, wishing to extend these intimate gestures that normally bothered.

- BUT, what it takes? - Unusual thought for those troubled by thoughts. - Enough! -. He picked up the situation and triggering the fourth grabbed her hands covering her with his body. He took a quick arm behind his back and pulled his shirt without effort.

"Would you like to do?" He asked as his fingers were already cold tucked under her skirt in search of her round buttocks.

"No, no, no. Absolutely and categorically no, "Rebecca said in one breath with my eyes closed, arching her back as soon as she heard him release the pants and lower them enough. Okay, perhaps he had not said so but I hope very convincing enough to stop it.

"Michael ..." she murmured with a sigh, slipping his hand inside his pants to stroke.

He stopped, surprised. "You have a strange way to say no," he said with a smile, happy that he changed his mind. "Last chance. Want to stop me? "Asked staring into his.

She shook her head beckoning not.

Write to kiss her in a moment and dropped the suspenders. Rebecca was surprised of the ease with which he did, figuring he had done a lot of practice last year.

everything was happening too fast. The actions of Michael were quick and mechanical. She wanted make love, while the swimmer had more than that to the head, but when he realized it was too late to stop him.

"Wait, Mike" asked him trying to communicate his fears. "Plan ..." she said again, hoping to get him to slow down. But Michael seemed a TGV launched at full speed toward the destination station, determined not to stop before he got what he wanted.

"One thing I must tell you before you ..." a moan the voice trailed off as soon as she heard him excited, leaning on her.

He put his fingers through his hair, nervous, and he clung to his back. "It 's been a long time since I've been with a man," he mumbled with his mouth slightly open and moist, "Please, please plan. Aaahhh ... I, "cried when she heard him enter with one mighty push, without much finesse.

"You're hurting me, slow down" whispered, his face sweaty, "No! Not so, Mike ... "

But the boy did not even hear his voice. He was having sex with a stranger and like all the other times he did not care anything about what he felt his girlfriend. He just wanted to enjoy and quickly, to avoid the risk of be joined by past and think of that distant memory that could still hurt him.

"Enough! Stop it! "Insisted decided bothered by its vehemence. "I told you to stop!" he shouted again, grabbing her hips and pushing him out, letting it roll off the bed. She covered herself with the sheets, shaken.

"Shit!" He grumbled, rubbing his temples with his head under the table "I thought you wanted too."

"I want to make love, not fuck me like an idiot who wants to set a new WR in speed," pointed out to him in no uncertain terms, pressed by the situation that seemed wrong.

There was a moment of silence. Michael rose from the ground sitting up.

leaned his back against the edge of the bed and dropped her head back, closing her eyes. "The idiot I'm sorry," murmured sad, sorry about how things were made. "But forget about making love. I can not do it. "

"Why?" Asked Rebecca excited by his sad voice.

"I can not" admitted his gaze fixed ahead of him.

The woman got out of bed. He opened the zipper and got rid of her dress. Then walking slowly grabbed her wrists and asked him to get up.

Michael was hypnotized by the forms of her body and not because they were particularly attractive, but because he felt that somehow already knew. She laced his fingers with his and slid his hands behind his back because he unhook her bra.

"Undress me ..." he whispered in his mouth to mouth. "Slowly this time."

obeyed, guided by her.

"Now close your eyes."

"What do you do?" Asked to alert, after all there was to be trusted too much of a chick wearing a mask and that he had never seen before that night. Not to mention that his blood alcohol level exceeded the maximum allowed in the State of Maryland.

"Phelps, will you shut up and trust me?" He said, raising his eyes to heaven.

He agreed, though he did not like losing control.

Rebecca placed her hands on her chest and slowly slid down the sides. He grabbed the waistband of his trousers and dragged them to his feet, guiding it with care because it is fully unlocked.

On your knees before him, admired him ecstatic. Man carved from the body was his. Just for one night only for a few hours. He wanted to love him, pretending that he hated her and that he had never beaten in the parking lot that day. Those poisonous accusations, shouting furiously, the lies, the tears were only crumbs of a time that never existed.

He shook his hips and began to kiss along her thigh.

"Am I wrong or I asked you to close your eyes?" He asked pulling her lips.

"But I'm doing."


She heard him snorting like a child who was trembling by the desire to look at his gift.

I drove up to the bed and made him sit on the board. Michael dizzy surprises, forcing him to shore up his arms on the mattress for support and not fall behind. Whoever it was that girl knew exactly what he liked and how to play with him.

"What ?..." raved some syllable, his voice choking, as he felt his tongue gently tracing the profile the Olympic rings tattooed on the groin, projecting his testosterone levels skyrocketing. Rebecca focuses on every inch of her skin, biting his belly to go down again in between her legs, taut with excitement. He wanted to make them understand that they could enjoy each other without needing to travel at high speed.

Michael dropped back with his arms over his head. He stared at the ceiling with tears in his eyes, savoring the sensations that he was convinced he could no longer prove to anyone. This that was doing the unknown had nothing to do with the service they had received in the cab of Kendall. Time slows down, a sigh after another, bringing in " that place that is not" .

He clenched his eyes when his mouth and wrapped him causing him to lose contact with reality. She lifted her head, only to watch her for a moment. Then let it fall again, enjoying the pleasure felt slow increase from the lower abdomen.

The cabin door suddenly opened and a bright light that came from the brightly lit corridor, penetrated into the environment. Neither is aware of nothing, I took on each other.

A moment later the door closed quickly.

Ryan stood still in front of his cabin, with his jaw wide open, disturbed by the spectacle he had enjoyed even if only for a few moments. Then he went off whistling with their eyes met, although he could not understand why Michael and Rebecca had chosen his cab.

"Patience!" happy said, going in search of a couch to spend the rest of the night. Everything was going exactly as he had imagined. Or so he thought.

"A ... wait!" Michael sighed, clutching the sheets between your fingers. "No, stop!" He ordered, raising his voice, lifting it upon himself and not allowing it to continue.

"Why?" Becky asked with bewildered and rapid breathing.

“Perché voglio fare l’amore con te e se ti avessi lasciata andare avanti non avrei potuto farlo”.

Si abbracciarono, intrecciando le gambe. Non c’era nessuna gara da vincere, nessuna medaglia da conquistare e nessun fantasma di cui avere paura.

Un bacio dopo l’altro, lentamente. Brividi sulla pelle da assaporare senza fretta. Michael si mise seduto, con le gambe distese sul letto.

La sollevò per i fianchi e la fece adagiare su di sé. Rebecca si avvinghiò alle sue spalle, e attorcigliò the legs of her life, finally allowing him to lead the game. She hid her face flushed in the crook of his neck while he was driving into her.

There was no need to talk. I remembered how to love their bodies. Two perfect joints of blood and sweat. A feeling of complete and absolute ecstasy.

They lost track of time, forgetting everything that existed outside of that bed.

The pleasure of both increase with each thrust. As long as Rebecca, helped by hot fingers of Michael stopped breathing stiffening legs.

He felt it tighten around him. Stifled a groan. Poured it on the bed and after one, two, three thrusts caught up in another dimension, on the lips whispering the name of Rebecca.

Her back rose and fell on her covering it completely. Through those deep, slow breaths trying to slow the beating of his heart.

He raised himself on his elbows to watch. She had her face turned sideways and shaking.

that Becky felt the heat flow in the stomach and filled with happiness at the same time of terror.

"I'm sorry if I called you that. I did not want. Rebecca is a woman who belongs to my past. "

"Remove the Mask" she said seriously, catching him by surprise. "I want to look me in the face, I want you to see who they are!" Asked him grabbing her face in her hands.

Michael stood to reflect nodded not want to do, letting fall the side next to her.

"Now sleep," he said, kissing her hair and heating it in her arms. "Sleep, my love" she whispered in a low voice that she could not hear him.


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